December BBQ in the Central Coast

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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On the back of a bike?

I'm bringing Eve in the cage. We have to leave chilly (and maybe foggy) Fresno at 0700 to make the wreath laying at Gustine National Cemetery with the PGR first, so I don't want her to suffer hypothermia on her first long ride back. She'll be excited to hear Pattie's gonna be there.

Next year she gets heated gear for Christmas and more flattering pants from Cycleport.

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My bet is that Mr and Mrs Twn arrive in a cagemobile.

I can't believe all you wimps are taking automobiles to a motorcycle event..

What's next?

Trailering your Harleys FJR's to NAFO?

I mean, like JEESH dudes. :rolleyes:

Of course, I'd rather have you cage it than not show up at all. :rolleyes: :clapping:

...and I'll be in the tiltin' Hilton... (but I ride a Harley, I'm allowed to be a wimp!)

I can't believe all you wimps are taking automobiles to a motorcycle event..What's next?

Trailering your FJR's to NAFO?
It's a definite possibility.

I've been on the bike solo for the last year and a half, and it's been fun, mostly. Now, I'm willing to make some sacrifices for the right company. Eve's the right company.

Hang your d*cks out. Even Jill is riding the 500 miles round trip and camping!
What? No Cygnus? NOW WE HAVE AN ISSUE MISTER! :rolleyes:

..and Toe, I could not agree more. Good on ya bud, good on ya.
Cygnus and jean in the cage. I will ride the FJR.
Oh Thank Goodness - order is restored. Harley and Cygnus can poop all over Georges yard! :rolleyes: Wanna have a doggie poop-off contest? :rolleyes:

Hang your d*cks out. Even Jill is riding the 500 miles round trip and camping!
What's the deal with the ducks? Who's duck will be hanging out? Won't the ducks upset Harley and Cygnus? :unsure:

I'm really looking forward to this. Since the beginning of the summer, I've only had one decent ride on my bike. As for the camping, I have less than fond memories. The last time we camped was in England, with two tired, crabby two year olds in terry cloth diapers. It rained a lot and we had to cook our meals and entertain the kids in a four-man dome tent. We eventually put the kids rainsuits on them, and sent them out to play in the rain with cups, bowls and pans. Of course, things will be better this time with the warm, sunny CA weather and the jovial repartee of mature and sensible adults. :yahoo:


Hang your d*cks out. Even Jill is riding the 500 miles round trip and camping!
What's the deal with the ducks? Who's duck will be hanging out? Won't the ducks upset Harley and Cygnus? :unsure:

I'm really looking forward to this. Since the beginning of the summer, I've only had one decent ride on my bike. As for the camping, I have less than fond memories. The last time we camped was in England, with two tired, crabby two year olds in terry cloth diapers. It rained a lot and we had to cook our meals and entertain the kids in a four-man dome tent. We eventually put the kids rainsuits on them, and sent them out to play in the rain with cups, bowls and pans. Of course, things will be better this time with the warm, sunny CA weather and the jovial repartee of mature and sensible adults. :yahoo:

No, things will not be different. I will be in a terrycloth diaper. Because, (wait for it)

we are going to get pissed! (drunk for those of you that don't speak proper Queen's English)

No, things will not be different. I will be in a terrycloth diaper. Because, (wait for it) we are going to get pissed! (drunk for those of you that don't speak proper Queen's English)
:rolleyes: Don't look at me when you need to be changed.

I can't remember the time I went to an event where everyone had the opportunity to drink liberally. There are always those who have to drive, get up early for work, be on call for work etc.

Are cameras permitted? or is this like Vegas where what happens at KJ's stays at KJ's? Or, will JDog be shooting blackmail footage?


I've been on the fence with this one with the wife wanting to go now last minute.

Sure would like to get her on board the bike for the 223 miles. She wants to take

the camper van and be comfortable/warm (actually don't blame her) but I get x'ed out

on the ride up on the FJR.......grumble drat groan.

This sounds like a hoot so we may do the van thing.

Room enough to park the E-250 nearby the carnitas ??


Larry and Beth

No, things will not be different. I will be in a terrycloth diaper. Because, (wait for it)

we are going to get pissed! (drunk for those of you that don't speak proper Queen's English) used to take some powder to fix your it will take a whole case!

Are cameras permitted? or is this like Vegas where what happens at KJ's stays at KJ's? Or, will JDog be shooting blackmail footage?
What happens at KJ's stays at KJ's.......
Until its posted on the FJR Forum.

No, things will not be different. I will be in a terrycloth diaper. Because, (wait for it) we are going to get pissed! (drunk for those of you that don't speak proper Queen's English)
:rolleyes: Don't look at me when you need to be changed.

I can't remember the time I went to an event where everyone had the opportunity to drink liberally. There are always those who have to drive, get up early for work, be on call for work etc.

Are cameras permitted? or is this like Vegas where what happens at KJ's stays at KJ's? Or, will JDog be shooting blackmail footage?


Whooooo me


Beware of the Camera


No paypal but I will bring cash, booze, and a shitter! :rolleyes:
Shitter...ohhhh your bring the HD... :rofl:

Yep, that's right, I'm bringing Harley Dog, a great big black lab. And the first thing I'm going to have him do is pee all over your tent Jdog! :rolleyes:

Don, Im sorry to say when i pitch my tent,, You aint going to be anywhere near.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Big Dog :winksmiley02:


I've been on the fence with this one with the wife wanting to go now last minute. Sure would like to get her on board the bike for the 223 miles. She wants to take

the camper van and be comfortable/warm (actually don't blame her) but I get x'ed out

on the ride up on the FJR.......grumble drat groan.

This sounds like a hoot so we may do the van thing.

Room enough to park the E-250 nearby the carnitas ??


Larry and Beth
Yes Larry, you can park the E250 near the Carnitas! What's an E250?

"What happens at KJ's stays at KJ's"? Sheeze, I hope you're not referring to the Porta Potti?

Watch it, I have ducks (and geese)!

Larry, you can park right next to the tiltin' hilton! :rolleyes:

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