DFW area 1st Saturday/Sunday Schedule

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ok, ryan and i are gonna do breakfast at Chick•Fil•A by 8:30. Chick•Fil•A is at 4700 S Cooper St. This is just south of I20, at the corner of Cooper and Bardin, on your right.

anyone else coming along?? or is it just us 3 racing through the country side?

At 181 miles from breakfast to lunch, my stomach may have a strong influence on my throttle hand. ...Just sayin' ^_^

ok, ryan and i are gonna do breakfast at Chick•Fil•A by 8:30. Chick•Fil•A is at 4700 S Cooper St. This is just south of I20, at the corner of Cooper and Bardin, on your right.
anyone else coming along?? or is it just us 3 racing through the country side?

As much as I'd love to, dont' think I'd make it by 9, I'd have to leave home at 6AM!

When the weather gets warmer, then I will for sure... Although...

if you can guarantee 85F weather, then that would be great!

I really need to move, nowhere to keep a bike at these apts.. sucks...


is no one else coming with us??? really? cause i'd rather save this awesome (probably as good as it gets in NTX!) route for another day when more of you can make it.

I'll have to check with my better half. We talked about taking her V Star 1100 up to get dynoed (freshly installed air intake, carb jets, and pipe) this Saturday. If I'm not doing that I'd love to go.

Now, if its a great route, we can enjoy it now, and again another time as well right????

Yea... and where DID eveyone get to?? Anyone else planning on making it?

I'm gonna have to pass on this weekend. Hopefully I'll get to neet ya'll next month.

that sucks fuzzy! we'll catch ya next month. hope you can join us ed!

we're gonna go ahead and do this route. we do need to keep the overall pace up and an eyeball on the clock at lunch so Ryan and I can be home by 4:30 for a community meeting we have to attend. shouldn't really be a problem and a smaller group will help this out alot.

yummmmm bbq!!!!

I am 90% in for this one, only missing if my 16 year old has a last minute gotcha. ( Parents out there know EXACTLY what I mean!) Is 8:30 kickstands up or coffee and chicken biscuits time?

I won't be able to make the ride, but I'll be there for coffee. Heck, I might even be sporting my bumblebee suit.

I am out... going dirt riding at Red River with both of my sons and some others.... It is rare that both boys are free from work on the same Saturday, we are taking full advantage of that!

Sorry I didn't make it out there. Looks like this crud that's going around finally got me. Hope everyone has a great ride.

Sorry guys, its was a busy weekend. The ride was awesome! We had 2 new guys who aren't members but are lurkers here show up, Devin and James. So there was 6 of us total. We had a very close call with some gravel in a very bad spot that gave several of us a pretty bad scare but we all stayed upright! I think I have one or two photos but I'll have to do that from home.

Well, I guess I can't post pics at work either. Of course the only pictures I managed to get was the BBQ at lunch :cheffsmiley:

There was LOTS O MEAT!!


My Lunch


Thanks Ryan and Michelle for giving us a great scenic ride I hope you made it back in time and that everything went well. Now, I'm behind on all the work due this week at school, but man it was fun :yahoo:

I enjoyed both the SUPER Sport Touring as well as the brief Dual Sport <_< jaunt. I still have some bug guts to get off my helmet and my lock on one of my side bags fell out from the bumpy road. No worries though, I just went up to the hardware store and found replacement screws and some locktite and got that puppy back together. The only thing I have left to do is a little McGuires (sp) work on my windshield to get some of the stubborn bug marks off!

Thanks again for the great ride. Nice to meet Devon and James and good to see everyone again.

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