EOM '06 Make your Reservations Now!

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In W. VA, radar detectors are legal.  :)
Uh huh, and there are some of us that know, you in particular, will need it. ;)
HerFJR rides so they can't see her and even if they did they don't have a chance of catching up. Of course they could call in the helicopter on her :lol:
From NY and through W. VA we do make the trip in 2 days. We stop near Elkins, W.VA it seems to be the mid point from where we are coming from.

BTW...I like to call it riding at a "brisk pace". I don't feel like I'm speeding, really. ;)

Are the rides for this just going to be standard "scenic" rides??

Any thought of introducing some sort of mini rally in the event 8 or 12 hour?

I've never been in a rally so I wouldn't know where to start planning one, but thought maybe someone else may have some experience and be willing to get some organization going for it B)

I've never done any IBA or endurance stuff, so I don't have a clue where to begin. I can think of a few good loop routes that would stay within an hour of boone, but still make for a good several hundred mile ride.

What's involved other than the road? I assume checkpoints or witnesses or some such...

I've never done any IBA or endurance stuff, so I don't have a clue where to begin.  I can think of a few good loop routes that would stay within an hour of boone, but still make for a good several hundred mile ride.
What's involved other than the road?  I assume checkpoints or witnesses or some such...
Tell you what Slap I just did a little over 1000 miles on the slab. It took from 6am to 10pm East of Monroe NC to Rockwall TX. It was really tough! If you are going for miles do it on a slab or similar route. Don't think there is much in the way of routes around Boone where we could get that kind of a ride in.

Maybe to and from for some of us but not there.

Travis ,,

I am doing a rally on April 15th ,, yes Tax Day ,,

with Twin Valley Riders,, a local riders group ,, it is a time limit and milage limit rally ,, I will go to the site and pick up a link ,, I would gladly help with this if it ends up being a viable event ,, also if someone would contact Warchild or Ignacio ,, I am sure they would have some insight ,,


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That rally sounds fun, wish it wasn't such a long drive for just a short rally...

For the eom rally, I would think something like..

meet in the am.

Get clue sheets.

Drive around collect bonusses

be back before x time (dinner)

score up points

awards ceremony after dinner

bonii shoudl be stuff like

Get a brochure from __ famous location

Answer a question to prove you made it to XX location

XX points for gas receipts from XX state

Get a poker chip from XX casino ( assuming there are casino's in the area)

Vist state parks

Collect something to give to some charitable orginization ( toy, clothing) ( I do volunteer work for Smokey Mtn Childrenns Home smch.org, and they can always use normal stuff like socks/underwear etc for the kids)

Basically, seems to me we just needthe following...

1. someone who knows the area ( 200 mile radius or so, and can make some bonii for us ). Print the sheets up and hand them out either the night before , or the morning of. ( some like the capefear rally even email out the info a few days ahead ( saves $$ on printing I guess) www.capefear.com)

2. Someone to get some prizes

3. Someone to verify the bonii

4. Someone to score the bonii ( probably same people as 1 and 3)

5. Someone to ride and collect boni =)

Since we are just a friendly ride, then its no biggie to make up all sorts of rules, as I imagine that everyone would be cool and fair and not cheat.

just some thoughts


I booked a room, checking in Thursday (4pm); checking out Monday (12noon).

Of course this is subject to change, hope I do not have to change or canel, I sure do hope to have as much fun this year as last.

Really enjoyed meeting, riding with and talking to as many people as I did last year. It was really great to see everyones farkeled Bikes.

Once again I will be riding in from Louisville, Ky. so would love to join up with anyone going that way.

Your FJR friend MIke

I didn't have anything in particular to do yesterday so I loaded "High Country Inn" from Mapsource into my new Garmin 2720 and, by golly, that's where I ended up. Heck! I had to ride 321 and part of the BRP on this little round trip. And, since I was in the neighborhood, I made my reservations.

Looking forward to meeting everyone in Sept.

I know there's been no news as of recently....

The EOM2006 site is in the works, and will hopefully be up within the next 2 weeks. I've gotten two days worth of routes tentativly finailized, both of which are class A rides! (The shadey valley ride, and a modified Mr. Bill's Mt. Mitchell run)

Other than that, I guess no news is good news

I called and made my reservations today. I'm look forward to meeting a bunch of FJRers. I'm from the Cleveland, OH area so if anyone else is going from Ohio, Western PA or Michigan let me know maybe we can ride down together.

Hey OhFJR,

I know of at least one guy besides me leaving from the Cleveland area. I'm 20 mi. west of Medina. He's up by Richfield. So that's a start.


I'm just outside of Youngstown & plan on making the trip. I will be riding down on Thursday the 7th, & riding home Sunday the 10th, need to be back at work on Monday so unfortunatly won't make the Sunday dinner event.

Hey OhFJR,I know of at least one guy besides me leaving from the Cleveland area. I'm 20 mi. west of Medina. He's up by Richfield. So that's a start.

Sounds good, we also have tstaff from the Youngstown area heading down. Sounds like we have ourselves a "CONVOY"


Well, it looks like I am going to add my name to the list.

Made my reservation a few days ago.

Look forward to seeing and riding with you guys and gals.

