EOM 2012

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Got yer tire plug kit stocked as well? Just sayin'

New tires ordered for EOM...WooHoo :yahoo:
That and the Slime compressor...under the seat since I got back from Murphy.

Not gonna let me forget that one, are ya?

Gary pointed out Charleys Creek Road to me and I ran it in May. Whoa. The problem with that entire area is that you want to keep doing U-Turns to confirm just how good that stretch was. Bungie (aka Capt U-Turn) should love it.

sneak on over to 215 on something twisty like Charleys Creek.
Whoa. The problem with that entire area is that you want to keep doing U-Turns to confirm just how good that stretch was. Bungie (aka Capt U-Turn) should love it.
Is there a bad road in North Carolina? If their is, I haven't seen it. They all seems to start at about 7 on the 1-10 scale. Can't wait. SE Ohio this weekend to get my turn on and warm up for NC in a month :yahoo:

Waterfalls. I heard a request for waterfalls. Maybe rolled into a two up or scenic paced 150-200 miler?
A couple of the routes traverse US-276 which has some nice waterfalls right at the side of the road. They're only just west of Hendersonville so anyone can head over there for a quick ride. Don't even need a route...If you stay straight on US-64 W from the motel it runs into 276 about 20 miles out.
Lee, the waterfalls... I think routing should include (but definitely not limited to) Bridal Veil, Looking Glass... & what's the others included right there along 64/28... Dry Falls? Actually, there are supposed to be a few falls right in that area. & what a good road!

I ordered tires yesterday. The first step to making this trip happen. WOOHOO! I've been poor for wayyyy too long.

Lee, the waterfalls... I think routing should include (but definitely not limited to) Bridal Veil, Looking Glass... & what's the others included right there along 64/28... Dry Falls? Actually, there are supposed to be a few falls right in that area. & what a good road!
NC Interactive Waterfall Map (Knock yourselves out!)

Whitewater Falls on NC-281 just south of Sapphire is a terrific one with a large parking lot and very short walk to the falls.

Lower Falls at Graveyard Fields on the BRP is another terrific one that's only about a 15min walk.

Glen Falls in Highlands, NC is another terrific one and is just a couple miles from downtown and would be an easy one to add from your Dry Falls, Bridal Veil Falls ride on 64. Just a short 1/2 mile on a easy gravel road to this one.

There's a million more but these 3 come to mind that ya'll could try.

COOL! someone that knows the area. I'm aware there are more falls than I know of. Aren't there several along Wayah Rd? I think that I remember someone speaking of them. Also, a requirement for falls (I think, anyway)... they should be at or very, very near the road. I'm talking within a couple hundred feet, if that.

COOL! someone that knows the area. I'm aware there are more falls than I know of. Aren't there several along Wayah Rd? I think that I remember someone speaking of them. Also, a requirement for falls (I think, anyway)... they should be at or very, very near the road. I'm talking within a couple hundred feet, if that.
All three that I mentioned would be good for large group rides & easy to get to. Only Lower Falls & Glen Falls have short walks 10-15min. If you only go to the ones that you don't have to get off your bike to see your missing out on some great views & falls. But I understand most folks don't want to "hike" an hour to get to them. :D But it's nice to get off the bike & stretch your legs for a few minutes and it gives the smokers a chance to light one up.

Whitewater Falls is must IMO.

Mingo Falls: I just thought of another one just north of Cherokee, NC a couple miles from the end of the BRP. It has a nice parking lot area. You do have to climb some stairs but its well worth it and it's just another quick 10min. walk to this one as well.

There are a couple on Wayah rd. There are no signs or official parking areas. You just have to watch for them and there are some pull offs on the side of the road. This is one of them I shot from last Fall.


Awesome link - thanks; I'll be sure to add a link to the EOM site tonight.
No Prob.

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Lee, the waterfalls... I think routing should include (but definitely not limited to) Bridal Veil, Looking Glass... & what's the others included right there along 64/28... Dry Falls? Actually, there are supposed to be a few falls right in that area. & what a good road!
NC Interactive Waterfall Map (Knock yourselves out!)

Whitewater Falls on NC-281 just south of Sapphire is a terrific one with a large parking lot and very short walk to the falls.

Lower Falls at Graveyard Fields on the BRP is another terrific one that's only about a 15min walk.

Glen Falls in Highlands, NC is another terrific one and is just a couple miles from downtown and would be an easy one to add from your Dry Falls, Bridal Veil Falls ride on 64. Just a short 1/2 mile on a easy gravel road to this one.

There's a million more but these 3 come to mind that ya'll could try.
We've only included a few waypoints on routes to interesting sites adjacent to the road or very accessible like Mt Mitchell State Park. If we try to specify things that include trails and various access roads the numbers increase exponentially to the extent of a tour guide which is beyond the scope of what we can do. The primary route focus is interesting roads for FJR's.

It's easy to spend an entire day at Biltmore Estate, Cherokee, Great Smoky Mts Park and many, many other places within dayride range. If a person has a particular interest - native crafts, waterfalls, history, forestry, wildlife... - I encourage them to get on the internet and do a little searching like GeorgiaRoller has done. Chances are you'll find plenty of what you're looking for.

We've only included a few waypoints on routes to interesting sites adjacent to the road or very accessible like Mt Mitchell State Park. If we try to specify things that include trails and various access roads the numbers increase exponentially to the extent of a tour guide which is beyond the scope of what we can do. The primary route focus is interesting roads for FJR's.

It's easy to spend an entire day at Biltmore Estate, Cherokee, Great Smoky Mts Park and many, many other places within dayride range. If a person has a particular interest - native crafts, waterfalls, history, forestry, wildlife... - I encourage them to get on the internet and do a little searching like GeorgiaRoller has done. Chances are you'll find plenty of what you're looking for.

And your right Lee there is just so much to see in Western NC that you can't fit it all in on one ride or one bike trip. I'm kind of used to being a "Tour Guide" though so it's no big deal for me however. :lol: I like the off the beaten path stuff and not all the typical stuff everybody else is always riding to.

So do most guys sign up for a particular ride and someone leads the route? Or do many just show up, talk & meet other riders, then break off in their own little riding groups and do their own thing?

So Roller, are you & the misses gonna be able to make this shindig?
You know...I don't know. I haven't made any plans and if I do it will prob. be a last minute decision. I do turn 39 that weekend so maybe I'll just jump on the bike and ride up to celebrate my last year before I'm "over the hill". lol

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So do most guys sign up for a particular ride and someone leads the route? Or do many just show up, talk & meet other riders, then break off in their own little riding groups and do their own thing?
I have been to a few rallies where there were more formal rides planned where someone volunteered in advance to lead a particular ride. Over the years this has become more informal and what typically happens now is that you meet some folks in the evening and find out who rides a similar pace and has an interest in one of the routes you want to ride, and you meet them in the AM and ride. Groups are usually small, between 2 and maybe a maximum of 10, with most groups being 6 or so. This is a lot safer than riding in a parade when the roads get curvy.

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So Roller, are you & the misses gonna be able to make this shindig?
You know...I don't know. I haven't made any plans and if I do it will prob. be a last minute decision. I do turn 39 that weekend so maybe I'll just jump on the bike and ride up to celebrate my last year before I'm "over the hill". lol
Well if you decide to celebrate your birthday at EOM. We'll have to enjoy some cigars & toast yer "B" day. Who knows...you might even get yer chance to be a "tour guide"...nothing beats following a local around their own back yard.

Hope to see ya there.

...with most groups being 6 or so. This is a lot safer than riding in a parade when the roads get curvy.,

I much, much prefer smaller manageable groups about that size. It's much better for everyone.

Well if you decide to celebrate your birthday at EOM. We'll have to enjoy some cigars & toast yer "B" day. Who knows...you might even get yer chance to be a "tour guide"...nothing beats following a local around their own back yard.

Hope to see ya there.
Well you never know. I'll just have to play it by ear.

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Yup, Geezer hit it.

We have stayed away from organizing formal ride groups at EOM because it has the potential of growing into an unmanageable beast. It would add one more layer to the event that would require dedicated time most don’t have. It would also put a lead / sweep team in a position that I am not willing to ask them to accept. There are just too many variables.

This is one of the key benefits to hanging out in the parking lot – socializing and finding like-minded riders to share the next day with. Get out there and meet someone new, ride somewhere you’ve never been to before and have a great time.

Some suggestions for groups in this area would be to keep them small. 4 to 6 bikes are just right. Small enough to move through traffic if needed and very manageable for the lead to keep an eye out for the sweep at turns. IF a larger group wants to run the same route, then I’d suggest you break it down into smaller sub-groups and plan on meeting at gas / lunch / scenic stops.

I would highly recommend that everyone sticks to riding with at least one other bike. If either has an issue on the road, the wingman can go for help, gas, etc. Some of these roads will be well off the beaten path, and it could be along walk to the nearest gas station.

IF there is enough interest in a “Waterfall Ride”, then perhaps someone can step up to organize an itinerary – base it from one of the routes Jeff and Lee are working on, and pick which waterfalls you’d like to see. When Annette gets wind of this, well, you know how that’ll go…


IF there is enough interest in a “Waterfall Ride”, then perhaps someone can step up to organize an itinerary – base it from one of the routes Jeff and Lee are working on, and pick which waterfalls you’d like to see.

I'd definitely be more than happy to put a waterfall ride together. The only reason I didn't offer already is I don't know coordinates of the most scenic spots. I'd assume there is "absolutely" going to be interest in this type of ride since there are a lot of pillion-ites that are usually female & they like that kinda stuff. I know for damn sure I am interested... but not interested in a "smell the flowers" pace. I will also be looking to ride good roads on the way.

Edited to add: I have Mapsucks... no other mapping programs. I don't know the ins & outs of making routing accessible to alternate GPS software/hardware.

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Awesome - so once Jeff and Lee have routes for me to post, I'd base it off one of those. Let me know which day and I'll put it on the site.

IF there is enough interest in a “Waterfall Ride”, then perhaps someone can step up to organize an itinerary – base it from one of the routes Jeff and Lee are working on, and pick which waterfalls you’d like to see.

I'd definitely be more than happy to put a waterfall ride together. The only reason I didn't offer already is I don't know coordinates of the most scenic spots. I'd assume there is "absolutely" going to be interest in this type of ride since there are a lot of pillion-ites that are usually female & they like that kinda stuff. I know for damn sure I am interested... but not interested in a "smell the flowers" pace. I will also be looking to ride good roads on the way.
Awesome - so once Jeff and Lee have routes for me to post, I'd base it off one of those. Let me know which day and I'll put it on the site.

IF there is enough interest in a “Waterfall Ride”, then perhaps someone can step up to organize an itinerary – base it from one of the routes Jeff and Lee are working on, and pick which waterfalls you’d like to see.

I'd definitely be more than happy to put a waterfall ride together. The only reason I didn't offer already is I don't know coordinates of the most scenic spots. I'd assume there is "absolutely" going to be interest in this type of ride since there are a lot of pillion-ites that are usually female & they like that kinda stuff. I know for damn sure I am interested... but not interested in a "smell the flowers" pace. I will also be looking to ride good roads on the way.
Coordinates of the waterfalls would definitely help. Maybe Georgia Roller can help out here???? or maybe someone already has some??? & I'd assume folks are to make their own decision about the day. I do not plan to lead anyone.
