EOM 2013 - Maggie Valley, NC 20-22 September 2013

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I'm betting WTT will be very busy with FJR riders if it rains.

I'm taking Line on the Dragon/Cherohala on Friday unless it's pouring hard. Otherwise, it'll be WTT.

When I looked at the forecast for Friday in MV a few days ago, it said 60% chance of rain. Now it says 30%. That's a big step in the right direction! Saturday's forecast is 10%. Weeeeeee!!! :))

I am thinking that it would be a good place to visit if we have some bad weather. Otherwise maybe later in the afternoon after riding or maybe Sunday morning before heading out.
In other words, I'm planning to wing it.
I'm with Geezer on this one.

Back on track here - I'll do a more detailed attendee list out tonight; I'll include pillons in the next list.

Does anyone have an interest in visiting the Wheels Through Time Museum?
Me too.
And me too
I'm in. Isn't it only about three miles down the road from us?
If it fits the schedule I would like in on it.
Make it a part of your schedule. Make other pieces of your schedule fit around it.

Like the Barber museum in Alabama, WTT is, truly, a must-see place. Yah, there is a lot of vintage Harley stuff, including a Harley-powered airplane built by a 17-year-old, but is truly a must-see place. Plus, if you're a lefty, they'll give you a lefty pen when you sign the guest book.
WTT is on my list love to see all the bikes I'm open for any day...uh but Geek how is that as good as going to see a Barber museum, you must really be into hair products....

weather forecast is looking better all the time and the temps are about perfect for riding.

Is it time to leave for Maggie Valley yet?

Thu Sep 19


Isolated T-Storms
  • Chance of rain:
  • 30%
  • Wind:
  • SW at 5 mph

Fri Sep 20


Isolated T-Storms
  • Chance of rain:
  • 30%
  • Wind:
  • WSW at 5 mph

Sat Sep 21


AM Clouds / PM Sun
  • Chance of rain:
  • 10%
  • Wind:
  • NW at 4 mph

Sun Sep 22


Mostly Sunny
  • Chance of rain:
  • 10%
  • Wind:
  • ENE at 5 mph

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Friday for my group...
Friday might be a good day. It's supposed to be real wet that day. We'll see.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I will be on the road that day heading south. Saturday or anytime after that for me. I will be there the whole week so I can go another time.
I'm actually staying longer too. I'm in no rush to get back home. Why waist a perfect opportunity to ride more while I'm there! :)

Chivvalry, sorry to hear about the injury. Reminds me of last year when my back and shoulder made me turn back on Friday.

Went to the Orthopedic Doc today for cortisone and steroid shots in my back and neck. Xray didn't look good, going for an MRI.

No shots today, they need to go right into the spine. Not sure how the MRI helps them aim the shot? Wonderful!

She said, you probably need to stay off the bike next week. (It's only a flesh wound!)

Chivvalry, sorry to hear about the injury. Reminds me of last year when my back and shoulder made me turn back on Friday.
Went to the Orthopedic Doc today for cortisone and steroid shots in my back and neck. Xray didn't look good, going for an MRI.

No shots today, they need to go right into the spine. Not sure how the MRI helps them aim the shot? Wonderful!

She said, you probably need to stay off the bike next week. (It's only a flesh wound!)
So...yer still coming, right?

Chivvalry, sorry to hear about the injury. Reminds me of last year when my back and shoulder made me turn back on Friday.
Went to the Orthopedic Doc today for cortisone and steroid shots in my back and neck. Xray didn't look good, going for an MRI.

No shots today, they need to go right into the spine. Not sure how the MRI helps them aim the shot? Wonderful!

She said, you probably need to stay off the bike next week. (It's only a flesh wound!)
Damn dude... I'm hoping I'm not that serious. I can still ride but the doc said not to do the trip when I said it was four days and likely several hundred miles a day of twistys. Hurts some when I push for a right turn and he said it would aggravate it. MRI is Thursday night.

The Carbtune pro is in the side case. Remember, I am only bringing it for folks to borrow. It is up to the borrower to do the TBS.

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Ok Guys/Gals, if I can't figure out what I did to my bike, I think I'm OUT for this EOM. Bike won't start. Read my topic in the Technical/Mechanical Problems that I started. I can't believe this is happening NOW! :-(

Sounds like you need charge that battery,hold that puppy wide open and head to Maggie Valley. Hope it works out that easy for you.

Sounds like you need charge that battery,hold that puppy wide open and head to Maggie Valley. Hope it works out that easy for you.
It worked out just fine Beachy! They told me at the dealer that they charged the new battery all of last night so it will be ready and waiting for me this morning. I think they lied. It was weak at best. It's all good now. Im charging it up right now and every couple of hours I'm going out to the garage and firing it up to check. It's turning faster and faster every time. I'm giving the new battery a full overnight charge. I will be there with bells on! I am a humbled but, very happy camper right now. I'm taking off on Tuesday and it can't get here fast enough. :))
Today is Race Day and I'll be heading over to the cross country event in about an hour to work at the race. Tomorrow morning I'm doing an oil change on the FJR, pack the bags and then head across Toronto over to Ray's place. Tuesday morning will be breakfast at Timmy's and then head out for parts south.

Sounds like you need charge that battery,hold that puppy wide open and head to Maggie Valley. Hope it works out that easy for you.
It worked out just fine Beachy! They told me at the dealer that they charged the new battery all of last night so it will be ready and waiting for me this morning. I think they lied. It was weak at best. It's all good now. Im charging it up right now and every couple of hours I'm going out to the garage and firing it up to check. It's turning faster and faster every time. I'm giving the new battery a full overnight charge. I will be there with bells on! I am a humbled but, very happy camper right now. I'm taking off on Tuesday and it can't get here fast enough. :))
Patience Grasshopper. Stop playing with it and let that battery come to a full charge before you try it again. It will be fine.

Sounds like you need charge that battery,hold that puppy wide open and head to Maggie Valley. Hope it works out that easy for you.
It worked out just fine Beachy! They told me at the dealer that they charged the new battery all of last night so it will be ready and waiting for me this morning. I think they lied. It was weak at best. It's all good now. Im charging it up right now and every couple of hours I'm going out to the garage and firing it up to check. It's turning faster and faster every time. I'm giving the new battery a full overnight charge. I will be there with bells on! I am a humbled but, very happy camper right now. I'm taking off on Tuesday and it can't get here fast enough. :))
Patience Grasshopper. Stop playing with it and let that battery come to a full charge before you try it again. It will be fine.
You are right Sensai, the panic is over. I'm hearing a church choir in my head this morning. Like when Homer Simpson sees a stick of butter, wrapped in Bacon.

Be sure to bring that new battery to full charge before you start putting a load on it, not only will you have less problems with it in the long run but they tend to last longer before they need replacement! I was just up in Asheville at the BMWRA (although I rode the FJR INSTEAD of my R90S) rally and rode the Cherohala Skyway and the Dragon the day before the rally started. Then, the weather was perfect, hope it is as good this coming week. Looking forward to another ride up to the area for some REAL riding. Not much excitement riding around Florida. Looking forward to the EOM.
