Ever Touched a Knee Puck Down?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
So as you can see in this photo of moi (in the middle), I'm wearing zip-together leathers 'cause it was the weekend and we just ran Redwood Rd. to Skyline to Grizzly Peak to the Wall.


I also had on my back protector and, if you look carefully, knee pucks. Now, I like to practice hanging off on roads like that, and I scrape the pegs all the time. But for me, to date, the pucks are really strictly to cover up the big round patch of velcro stuff on the pants. Because I can't ever get 'em too close to the ground, let alone scraping. Maybe I'm not leaning off enough.

So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?

Here's the view in the other direction (that's San Francisco in the misty distance):



I'd be scrapin' sliders, luggage pods and bar ends way before I ever got my knee close to the ground. I guess I just don't have the kind of hip rotation required to get it out there far enough.

I think other parts usually scrape before your knees do, since the FJR is not totally sport and built for the track like an R1.

Here's proof that
you can get a knee down on almost any bike. It's just a question of necessity.

I'd be scrapin' sliders, luggage pods and bar ends way before I ever got my knee close to the ground. I guess I just don't have the kind of hip rotation required to get it out there far enough.
That's kinda the point I was drving at--Does lean-over clearance on the FJR mean the tires'll come off the gound before your knee would get close to the ground?

Knee pucks?
YGTBFKM! They're gay.
Ha ha! I'll tell that to Nicky! :lol:

Here's proof that you can get a knee down on almost any bike. It's just a question of necessity.
That's not an FJR, so your comment's not on point I'm afraid.

Have you tried slamming on the rear brake in mid corner, that would work ?!?!
Yep. Can't argue with that logic. :p

Um, leathers are understandable on an FJR. Pucks? On the street? On a 700 lb. gorilla? Suggestion: Move outta the Gay Area, it's corrupted your sensibilities. ;)

Um, leathers are understandable on an FJR. Pucks? On the street? On a 700 lb. gorilla? Suggestion: Move outta the Gay Area, it's corrupted your sensibilities. ;)
Exactly why I keep my Vanson Velocity suit in the "closet"! :eek: Some day I just might have to bring it out! :yahoo:

Only for track days though! B) :lol:

Whew! scared myself for a second! :blink:


I have a clean FJR. I have children. I have two motorcyles one is an FJR and the other is one that FJR owners would like to have. I don't care what you think of me, you ain't getting any. I'm Monogamous. ha.

Oh yes, need I mention that I am also innebriated? Or should that just have one n? I don't care...see.

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So here's the question for this thread--Anyone able to scrape a knee puck on the FJR?
I'd put this in the NEPRT area where it probably belongs, but I have to admit I can't remember anybody ever bringing it up before. Right up there with somebody starting a thread asking how to lower the headlights further because they keep getting flashed by oncoming traffic when they do power wheelies. I guess it just never, ever occured to me to even ponder if it was possible....let alone why.

Congrats jburleigh. You're the undisputed FJR knee dragging king and you cock is bigger than everybody's combined.

J boy, if you want to drag a puck, knock yourself out. Not too many puck draggers here on this forum. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express this weekend though....PM. <>< :p
