Well-known member
The only thing scarier than an idiot rider that's on a Harley is an FJR rider that lumps all Harley owners into a stereotype because of their actions. Somebody could read this forum and through your actions think all us FJR owners hate Harley owners.
I'm tired of the Harley bashing here. Anybody else?
:clapping: Count me in -- thats a BIG #1 from me. By the way - when I am riding my Harley or FJR for that matter - if I see another bike(s) coming up, regardless of manufacture, who want to motor faster than me, I pull to right side of the lane and give them plenty of room to pass safely. Am I missing something here? Squids come in all colors ---- I was recently motoring leasurely back from Hells Kitchen on Ortega with several cars and bikes in line with my kid on the back (I was on the FJR by the way). A 'squid' on what turned out to be an FZ1 was behind me a hundred feet or so in line like the rest of us. I was riding on the right side of my lane, when a blur passes me (I'm doing 55 or so he's got to be doing 80+) ON MY RIGHT as well as the friggin CAR in front of me (again on his right). Then he starts passing the rest of the line in a squidly like manner weaving in an out, but at least on their left. Ass holes some in many different colors and sizes and ride many different kinds of bikes.