F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality

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The only thing scarier than an idiot rider that's on a Harley is an FJR rider that lumps all Harley owners into a stereotype because of their actions. Somebody could read this forum and through your actions think all us FJR owners hate Harley owners.
I'm tired of the Harley bashing here. Anybody else?

:clapping: Count me in -- thats a BIG #1 from me. By the way - when I am riding my Harley or FJR for that matter - if I see another bike(s) coming up, regardless of manufacture, who want to motor faster than me, I pull to right side of the lane and give them plenty of room to pass safely. Am I missing something here? Squids come in all colors ---- I was recently motoring leasurely back from Hells Kitchen on Ortega with several cars and bikes in line with my kid on the back (I was on the FJR by the way). A 'squid' on what turned out to be an FZ1 was behind me a hundred feet or so in line like the rest of us. I was riding on the right side of my lane, when a blur passes me (I'm doing 55 or so he's got to be doing 80+) ON MY RIGHT as well as the friggin CAR in front of me (again on his right). Then he starts passing the rest of the line in a squidly like manner weaving in an out, but at least on their left. Ass holes some in many different colors and sizes and ride many different kinds of bikes.

Basically, there are two types of people in the world:
Those that think there are two types of people, and those that don't.

...and I appreciate your vote in November...
... I am GalaxyBlue, And i support this message. :D

:p Oh

bash away, if it was HD riders that did that than I say bashem!

Now, you didn't state the speed at which they were traveling to over take you!

I think I would have just rolled on the throttle a little and watched parts flying off those bikes in my mirrors!

At least while I am missing out on some great riding weather, I can come here and be entertained!!!! :lol:

If the shoe fits than ???

Just today I was in my truck, merging lane and this #^!^!&*) in a SUV was over in the merging lane blocking the traffic from continuing to move forward while waiting for some ^&*^^&*( whip to let them in.

So it doesn't really matter who it is if it is not be doing it the *&*(&*()& with the rest of the road warriors out there!


#^!^!&*) in a SUV was over in the merging lane blocking the traffic from continuing to move forward while waiting for some ^&*^^&*( whip to let them in.

*&*(&*()& with the rest of the road warriors out there!
DOnt be shy, Tell us how you really feel and say those bad words! :p

...there is reenforcement and peer pressure toward problematic behavior.
Hmmm, gonna argue with you there. I observe mostly single riders out there doing 'squidy stuff' - no peers around. Groups tend to be more reserved when riding, IMO. Personally, I'm more apt to do stupid **** while on my own rather than when riding with others.

IF I were to show up at WFO with a beer in my FJR drink hoder wearing flip flops and shorts, then I would feel left out. I would be excluded.
Not true! We all welcomed odot quite warmly! :lol:

TWN, email your address so I can send you my HOG patch. You can be our cross-dressing emissary to the HOG's. As such you can explain how our group values differ from their group values. Also, given your experience and nature, you can listen intently as they explain their point of view. Sounds worth-wild, just like this thread?

Gee, I wonder what you would make of me. I have both an FJR and an Electra Glide (and a Honda trike). It's not the bike that is beiing ridden, it is the rider.

On the shake-down run Sunday, my SiL and I were out-and-about. We stopped for gas at one place and a guy came up and started chatting up SiL about his Triumph 600cc bike (did he like it, etc.). Once we got him going, SiL very non-commitally drew him out until we learned the following. Each item was drawn out after each previous comment. So without more discussion, each item would appear to be an isolated event to the people he usually tells these stories to.

1. He used to have an R6 but it was wrecked and he's not sure about getting another one.

(him: Do you like the performance of you Triumph?)

2. His best friend was kill when he wiped out on said R6 and it totalled the bike.

(him: Does your T have enough power on the top end?)

3. He goes WFO everywhere, wheelying along i35 in dallas in traffic.

(him: (In response to SiL talking about liking the handling): That's not something I worry about too much. The top end and power are what's important.)

4. The bike was pretty trashed out. It was already 2 years old, needed a new transmission and the motor was toasted because the only way to ride them is WFO.

My comment, as we left, was that maybe his next bike ought to come with a bucket and mop to clean the blood off the streets so it won't leave slick places for the rest of us. Strangely, we ran into about 3 or 4 of these non-riding "EXTREME!!!!" riders that day.

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Gee, I wonder what you would make of me. I have both an FJR and an Electra Glide (and a Honda trike). It's not the bike that is beiing ridden, it is the rider.
I would say you cannot ride all those motorcycles, so send one my way. In any event, these threads get a lot of arguments started because of this missuse of faulty logic. You cannot definely say anything about an individual based upon his inclusion in a group. However, you can say things about the group based upon the individuals. People that don't understand this rule of logic spend a lot of time agruing without result or throw up their hand and vow to say nothing.

TWN, email your address so I can send you my HOG patch. You can be our cross-dressing emissary to the HOG's. As such you can explain how our group values differ from their group values. Also, given your experience and nature, you can listen intently as they explain their point of view. Sounds worth-wild, just like this thread?
Thanks, but I already have my HOG patch(es). I'm glad to see you have one too, but sorry to observe that you don't attend any of their group rides or meets. Unfortunately, my HOG membership expires next February, but I will say that the vast majority of HOG members - prolly on par with this coterie - are fine, upstanding folk who have regard for other groups (of bikes and their riders) and don't lump them all into one as you are doing. It's obvious that you are quite single minded and dare I say, rather bigoted (yes, that can carry in this conversation) in your commentary. Quite unbecoming in this day and age. And what the **** is up with the cross dressing remark? That was completely outta of ******* line, pal. Completely.

Yeah, this thread is certainly worth-wild. :chortle:

**Admins, do us a favor and lock this puppy up. Iggy's right, Harley (or any other brand, for that matter) bashing is tantamount to political discourse, IMO. :glare:

Am I an ****** because I ride a Harley and an FJR? Do I have to buy a Doo-Rag? I Get confused so often.

Shoulda kept my FZ1. :dribble:

This comment is not meant as a HD bash at all, but why is that when I pass groups of HD riders, usually only the last 1 or 2 riders wave? This occurs almost all the time and I can't figure it out? :unsure:

I.....shall.....remain.....silent.... :ph34r:
The silence is deafening. :D

if you did not want to ride ahead of the HD group ,,, why not pull over and let em go by, or maybe you just need to relax a bit on your grip, see me commin and you gotta go faster itis !!

how many of you make double line passes by cages or split lanes in states that it's not legal ? BTW that would only be California !!

I see sport bike riders doing stupid crap every day !!!

so it's not a brand issue ,,, it's an ****** issue !!!!

This comment is not meant as a HD bash at all, but why is that when I pass groups of HD riders, usually only the last 1 or 2 riders wave? This occurs almost all the time and I can't figure it out? :unsure:
Group rules set before the ride. Very common 'safety' tactic if the first guy dumps it because of the wave, he won't collect the guys behind him. Wingers and other larger groups do that, too.

This comment is not meant as a HD bash at all, but why is that when I pass groups of HD riders, usually only the last 1 or 2 riders wave? This occurs almost all the time and I can't figure it out? :unsure:

I.....shall.....remain.....silent.... :ph34r:
The silence is deafening. :D
Funny you should say this. While on the BRP, I was shooting the bull with a couple of older wing riders from Wisconsin. I said to them (jokingly), they let you boy's ride those things back home in Wisconsin? They said, with all seriousness that when they are on the road outside of Wisconsin that allot of Harley riders would return ther wave, but WITHIN Wisconsin....forget about it.

Folks, contrary to popular belief, I am not condemning (or bashing) the whole lot of Harley riders. I'm just making a comment on a large element of rider's within that particular group that have an attitude, and dispaly a certain type of behavior that is, for lack of another term for it, just so damn stupid, it's annoying.

Yeah I know, I should rise above it. Which, for the most part I do. But there ARE times...

So what. I'm human and I'm not running for public office.

My $0.02...

An :******: on a bike is nothing more than an :******: on a bike...make/model of bike is irrelevant.

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Folks, contrary to popular belief, I am not condemning (or bashing) the whole lot of Harley riders. I'm just making a comment on a large element of rider's within that particular group that have an attitude, and dispaly a certain type of behavior that is, for lack of another term for it, just so damn stupid, it's annoying.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was thrown by the subject title:

F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality
For some reason I thought it was a harsh, gratuitous, or predjudicial attack on a group. My bad. I guess I've been looking at the dictionary too much. :wacko:

Folks, contrary to popular belief, I am not condemning (or bashing) the whole lot of Harley riders. I'm just making a comment on a large element of rider's within that particular group that have an attitude, and dispaly a certain type of behavior that is, for lack of another term for it, just so damn stupid, it's annoying.
Thanks for clearing that up. I was thrown by the subject title:

F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality
For some reason I thought it was a harsh, gratuitous, or predjudicial attack on a group. My bad. I guess I've been looking at the dictionary too much. :wacko:
I just didn't think that it was necessary to add a series of asterisks, footnotes and disclaimers to my post title to insure it's political correctness. I will work to be a kinder and gentler Mogambo in the future. ;)

Who knows, maybe there's a twelve step program for people like me. :p

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they come in all sizes . ride your own ride .theres plenty of sport guys that dont have half a brain also

It's obvious that you are quite single minded and dare I say, rather bigoted (yes, that can carry in this conversation) in your commentary. Quite unbecoming in this day and age.
Hypocritical words coming from someone who is so obviously ****-phobic as evidenced in other threads....

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