F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality

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And what the **** is up with the cross dressing remark? That was completely outta of fucking line, pal. Completely.
Yeah, this thread is certainly worth-wild. :chortle:

Yes, I am sorry and did not mean to hurt your feelings. Instead, I only meant that your would represent the FJR side, but in HD clothing. Poor choice of words on my behalf. I hope you can forgive me.

Wow...all you guys are missing the major issue here. Mogambo let Harleys pass him on the outside of a turn. WTF is that? FJR revocation is in order.

TWN is the nicest asshole I ever met.

And for anyone that disagrees with me, so what, I got my second bike today.

Hypocritical words coming from someone who is so obviously homo-phobic as evidenced in other threads....
Learn the difference between humor and hate, if you can. Your attacks and arvicolinae-like band wagoning not withstanding, of course. Go back and look at the development of those threads and those involved. Jumping in with the gay bashing shit without the benefit of the history and typical banter between those involved, then coming up with the above comment shows your true colors.

... but in HD clothing.
Welp, that pretty much sums it up... As you attack 'Harley' riders, you attack motorcyclists and motorcycling as a whole. Your 'logic' is as detrimental to our sport as burleigh's is to common sense. Way to go.

Maybe you noobs should sit back a while and learn the society of this forum before spouting off with your opinions and attacks. If you were to do so, you might even learn some of the actual personalities of the other members and come to know from which side of the valve train they actually breathe.


Wow...all you guys are missing the major issue here. Mogambo let Harleys pass him on the outside of a turn. WTF is that? FJR revocation is in order.
TWN is the nicest asshole I ever met.

And for anyone that disagrees with me, so what, I got my second bike today.
Thanks, Orangie. I knew I could count on you for support! :lol:

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Wow...all you guys are missing the major issue here. Mogambo let Harleys pass him on the outside of a turn. WTF is that? FJR revocation is in order.

TWN is the nicest asshole I ever met.

And for anyone that disagrees with me, so what, I got my second bike today.
Thanks, Orangie. I knew I could count on you for support! :lol:
Taint nuthin. I been around long enough to know some shit. Sumtin I know is you's good folk. T'uthers might learn someday.

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Learn the difference between humor and hate, if you can. Your attacks and arvicolinae-like band wagoning not withstanding, of course. Orangie. I knew I could count on you for support! :lol:

Wow TWN,

I put a quarter in the mail to you for using "Arvicolinae-like" in a sentence. :D Next thing we know you are going to be throwing around anthropomorphism, and sagacious. :clapping:

I hate everyone else on the road. Simple, non specific, fair, balanced. Me and Fox.

Maybe you noobs should sit back a while and learn the society of this forum before spouting off with your opinions and attacks. If you were to do so, you might even learn some of the actual personalities of the other members and come to know from which side of the valve train they actually breathe.
Man, but thats a good line. Gay, as usual, but good.

"I reject your reality and substitue my own." Now that's a good line and it seems to apply to this thread. (And I told myself I was going to stay out of this thread.)

Back to the start of the thread....

"F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality"

I was unaware that Harley Davidson motorcycles possessed a mentality. Sort of similar to saying that an inanimate object goes around shooting people.

Surely some HD riders possess some sort of "mentality", but as pointed out, there are more than enough mental cases riding around on all kinds of bikes.

Ex., I have never seen a group of HD squids popping formation wheelies on the freeway at 90+. ;)

Wow...all you guys are missing the major issue here. Mogambo let Harleys pass him on the outside of a turn. WTF is that? FJR revocation is in order.
TWN is the nicest asshole I ever met.

And for anyone that disagrees with me, so what, I got my second bike today.
Orangevale, kiss my butt.

(But yeah, I deserved it. I admit to being overly cautious with my passenger. But...she does have a young daughter and the father is deceased, so I hope that I will be forgiven by my FJR brethren :) )

Back to the start of the thread....
"F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality"

I was unaware that Harley Davidson motorcycles possessed a mentality. Sort of similar to saying that an inanimate object goes around shooting people.

Surely some HD riders possess some sort of "mentality", but as pointed out, there are more than enough mental cases riding around on all kinds of bikes.

Ex., I have never seen a group of HD squids popping formation wheelies on the freeway at 90+. ;)
Centerline, haven't you heard? Harley Davidson doesn't sell motorcycles, they sell LIFESTYLE.

Wow...all you guys are missing the major issue here. Mogambo let Harleys pass him on the outside of a turn. WTF is that? FJR revocation is in order.

TWN is the nicest asshole I ever met.

And for anyone that disagrees with me, so what, I got my second bike today.
Orangevale, kiss my butt.

(But yeah, I deserved it. I admit to being overly cautious with my passenger. But...she does have a young daughter and the father is deceased, so I hope that I will be forgiven by my FJR brethren :) )

Okay, okay, I'll forgive yah for being passed due to higher than usual pillion safety factors...not that you need my forgiveness...ride your ride and screw anybody that has any serious problems with your ride. Me? I just had to tease yah!

I decided this morning that I NEED a Harley. The logic is that on the days I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I can ride the Harley and be an ASSHOLE, since that is what is expected of me, and I will fit in with the rest of the Harley crowd.

On days that I am in a good mood, and actually don't want to stop for any parts that may fall off of the bike, I will take the FJR.

I hate everyone else on the road. Simple, non specific, fair, balanced. Me and Fox.

Maybe you noobs should sit back a while and learn the society of this forum before spouting off with your opinions and attacks. If you were to do so, you might even learn some of the actual personalities of the other members and come to know from which side of the valve train they actually breathe.

Man, but thats a good line. Gay, as usual, but good.
Thanks, Princess. :grin:

Wow TWN,
I put a quarter in the mail to you for using "Arvicolinae-like" in a sentence. :D Next thing we know you are going to be throwing around anthropomorphism, and sagacious. :clapping:

Oh, you'd be mighty surprised to learn of the flotsam and jetsam I have occupying the vast, ocean of mush between my ears... Divine being, though close to, I am not, but prosopopoeia is a rather common trait 'round these parts. Too, I'm not prone to using the word, 'sagacious', but I wouldn't be adverse to using it as a self-descriptor. Why that would be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

What was that noise I just heard? Sounded like a collective, 'Ahhh-chbullshitooooo'!


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Hypocritical words coming from someone who is so obviously homo-phobic as evidenced in other threads....
Learn the difference between humor and hate, if you can. Your attacks and arvicolinae-like band wagoning not withstanding, of course. Go back and look at the development of those threads and those involved. Jumping in with the gay bashing shit without the benefit of the history and typical banter between those involved, then coming up with the above comment shows your true colors.

... but in HD clothing.
Welp, that pretty much sums it up... As you attack 'Harley' riders, you attack motorcyclists and motorcycling as a whole. Your 'logic' is as detrimental to our sport as burleigh's is to common sense. Way to go.

Maybe you noobs should sit back a while and learn the society of this forum before spouting off with your opinions and attacks. If you were to do so, you might even learn some of the actual personalities of the other members and come to know from which side of the valve train they actually breathe.


Wow...all you guys are missing the major issue here. Mogambo let Harleys pass him on the outside of a turn. WTF is that? FJR revocation is in order.
TWN is the nicest asshole I ever met.

And for anyone that disagrees with me, so what, I got my second bike today.
Thanks, Orangie. I knew I could count on you for support! :lol:
You definitely have my support TWN :)

Oh, +2, Debs as well. :D

I'm gonna have to enter into this fray and give it up to TWN!

For the record, I picked up an '06 VRSCR street rod 3 months ago. So +1 to those HD riders with an M.D., 20 years of street riding experience and 6 years of serious track time on track tuned liter bikes. But back to the thread...

I love to sit back and watch as the verbal diarrhea goes by and stupidity rears it's ugly head.

But when the attacks get personal on someone as intelligent, well grounded and centered as TWN, I just want to pull up a chair and watch as some Cro Magnon shows how truly ignorant they are and why they went extinct.

So, TWN, my hats off to you... :yes:

Wow...all you guys are missing the major issue here. Mogambo let Harleys pass him on the outside of a turn. WTF is that? FJR revocation is in order.

TWN is the nicest asshole I ever met.

And for anyone that disagrees with me, so what, I got my second bike today.
Orangevale, kiss my butt.

(But yeah, I deserved it. I admit to being overly cautious with my passenger. But...she does have a young daughter and the father is deceased, so I hope that I will be forgiven by my FJR brethren :) )

Back to the start of the thread....
"F-ing Harley Davidson Mentality"

I was unaware that Harley Davidson motorcycles possessed a mentality. Sort of similar to saying that an inanimate object goes around shooting people.

Surely some HD riders possess some sort of "mentality", but as pointed out, there are more than enough mental cases riding around on all kinds of bikes.

Ex., I have never seen a group of HD squids popping formation wheelies on the freeway at 90+. ;)
Centerline, haven't you heard? Harley Davidson doesn't sell motorcycles, they sell LIFESTYLE.

and I guess the FJR "life style" is non existant ,, complete with FJR only rallys ,,

it seems to me that the old saying "you fear what you do not understand " is true ,,

you need to research the motorcycle heritage ,, not just in the US,, but in say London and the "Ton Up Boys" who wore black leather jackets jeans and work boots and invented cafe racing ,, you know ,, racing from one cafe to another ,, at over 100 ;ie ton up

Peter Fonda said it best in Wild Angels " we just wanna be free to ride our machines ,, and not get hasseled by the man ,, to be free to go over the next hill and not be told what to wear and where to go !!

danger is one reason most of us ride ,, to be set apart from the cagers ,, and the other part of society ,, what do your co workers think of you ?? are you the dark dangerous guy in the office ,, or the pocket protector wheezel watching Pee Wee's Play House ,, maybe you might do better riding a Maxim scooter !!!!!

thats right I'm a Harley ridin ,, Indian owning ,, chopper building ,, down $ paid in line for one of the first '07 FJR's cause a cager broadsided and totaled mine boogy man !!

see avatar !!

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It's been fun reading some of the endogonistic sanctimonious frog **** goings on. Mog let this be a lesson you...You are not entitled to your own opinion just the opinion of other like-minded troglodytes. I understood what you meant and took no offence at attacking HD riders they from time to time deserve it! And before anyone else wants to have a go at me let me be the first to say Get Fucked!

Ahh that feels better..I do love this board

Oh and just to clarify Orange…TWN is or has the nicest…?

Hugs and Kisses!

and I guess the FJR "life style" is non existant ,, complete with FJR only rallys ,, it seems to me that the old saying "you fear what you do not understand " is true ,,

you need to research the motorcycle heritage ,, not just in the US,, but in say London and the "Ton Up Boys" who wore black leather jackets jeans and work boots and invented cafe racing ,, you know ,, racing from one cafe to another ,, at over 100 ;ie ton up

Peter Fonda said it best in Wild Angels " we just wanna be free to ride our machines ,, and not get hasseled by the man ,, to be free to go over the next hill and not be told what to wear and where to go !!

danger is one reason most of us ride ,, to be set apart from the cagers ,, and the other part of society ,, what do your co workers think of you ?? are you the dark dangerous guy in the office ,, or the pocket protector wheezel watching Pee Wee's Play House ,, maybe you might do better riding a Maxim scooter !!!!!
free to repeat well-known war stories (not our own, but those of others)!

free to use punctuation randomly!


Soilent Green is PEOPLE!

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