Typical moto-mag type comparison. You really can't compare bikes as similar as some of these without riding them for yourself. We have lost one or two FJR folks to the big Beemer recently. I don't know of anyone who has switched to the others, but I do remember someone years ago switching from FJR to Norge.
Personally, whenever I think about replacing my FJR I like to look around and maybe try something different, but I haven't found anything I'd rather have.
Proof is in the pudding. The majority of BMW (K16's) owners over at K1600forum have migrated from FJR's (like myself), also Connie's and ST's. These past owners are BY FAR the majority of our group over there. Almost all will claim their past rides with pride

. Very few (but some) have migrated from other BMW rides like 1200RT's and such, but a lot of those guys are so dedicated (like you, and for good reason) that they stay with their model.
Whenever I post up (over at K16) that I have an FJR, I almost always get a positive response "oh, I had one of those before I bought my K16!, it was a good bike!". The migrated Concourse and ST guys are past proud guys as well and all agree that the K16 is a natural progression or step-up. Denial to some here only shows their continued support for a good product, and that's OK, but, there is better and we all know the huge downfall with the 6er is the pricetag.
Some may say it's not for them and that's fine also, variety is the spice of life right?. I say the same thing about a Mercedes convertible to my g/f (Debbie). Heck, deep down I know that car is awesome, but the price tag puts it out there beyond with what I'm willing to part with; for a car (well, unless I win the lottery) haha.
So I said proof is in the pudding?... lots (and lots) of past FJR owners (and other ST bikes) have now migrated to the K16 (and over to that Forum). I'll bet less than a handful have gone the other way from the K16 to the FJR. It's just the way it is. [banjo background music inserted here].
Who cares? This is about the extreme edge of the performance abilities of all of these bikes. I imagine very few riders ever see the top end of these bikes and if they do it is a rare occasion. If a rider is one who pushes the envelop on a regular basis, then a sport tourer is not the best choice of bikes. Again, who cares? This sort of info is about winning bar arguments.
I have to agree.
Because the FJR didn't get the top spot, a bunch of you are squawking like someone stood on your pee-pees.
We all bought the FJR for different reasons, but none of us bought FJRs because we thought the FJR was the fastest bike available.
The article isn't about real-world performance, so who the <expletive deleted> cares?
Correct, who cares with what anything was said, it's just an article.
I still love my FJR, I'm just
way more into my K16 (I'm a technological and gadget guy). It does everything better IMO including some of the bad things like a desire to ride it even more than my FJR. I do all my own maintenance including lube/tires so my cost factor is right along the same as my Feej. The ONLY big negative for me was the initial cost to purchase. I'm loving the heck outta it and I don't care what anybody else cares or thinks. My purchase was for me, nobody else
The FJR is my trusted friend and I'm still keeping it (I'm currently holding off my g/f's ******* about all the toyz!). help help!