Fastest Tourer? FJR takes a respectable 6th place

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That's a change from BMWs of past, then. Thanks for the update.
No it's not...With 87, the bike will run just fine. The knock sensor will prevent the bike from making full power, just like in most high compression modern cars. The bike can't reach full potential until 89 or better is used.

So maybe they should rank bikes according to the fastest ST using regular fuel. Of course, that would be stupid too.

That's a change from BMWs of past, then. Thanks for the update.
No it's not...With 87, the bike will run just fine. The knock sensor will prevent the bike from making full power, just like in most high compression modern cars. The bike can't reach full potential until 89 or better is used.

So maybe they should rank bikes according to the fastest ST using regular fuel. Of course, that would be stupid too.
Well according to the experts here at FJRforum, High(er) Octane doesn't give any more power than the lower grade fuel. We had this run around back awhile ago and the thread went on and on........

For such an awesome torque monster, a few pennies more a gallon is way worth it for me. Some however (on K16) say there is absolutely no benefit to the 89 vs 87. It's been a hot topic, I'll stick w 89 when I can get it.

If they actually used the FJR they have pictured I’m sure it would have finished number ONE. Sounds like they used a Gen I or Gen III for the test.

Well, if you are spending more money on the high octane fuel, the bike has to be faster. The more money you spend on fuel, the less weight in money you are carrying. Less weight equals more speed.
Yes, that sounds dumb. But not any more dumb than the article this thread was based on.
At least I got a chuckle outta this! :) I'm sure if the Feej took 1st, it would of been all banners and balloons here, lol :)

89 is not deemed Hi Octane Fuel, but that's nit pick'n ;)

We all need to ride! 'nuff said

IIRC about the octane thread, what was said that anything higher than the motor was designed/tuned for is wasting money. With the FJR, it was tuned for regular unleaded. My comment about the BMWs was based on those I know from friends which were tuned for premium unleaded. They would run without damage at lower octane because of the knock sensors but they did it by retarding timing (?) so weren't optimal.

But that's just my understanding off the top of my head.

IIRC about the octane thread, what was said that anything higher than the motor was designed/tuned for is wasting money. With the FJR, it was tuned for regular unleaded. My comment about the BMWs was based on those I know from friends which were tuned for premium unleaded. They would run without damage at lower octane because of the knock sensors but they did it by retarding timing (?) so weren't optimal.
But that's just my understanding off the top of my head.
Roger That!

I think BMW has finally come to reason that HiOct fuel is not all that desirable to owners, especially in this economy right now.

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That list is completely bogus.

How can you have a list of the top ten fastest ANYTHING without including all of the top speeds?

I'm calling BS in the whole deal. Just a list of ST bikes in no particular order.

Had my lunch handed to me one day by a really fast guy on a piped Connie 14. I hung with him for a while on a great stretch of road and lost my nerve--say what you will--those things are simply fast as hell.
Just keep riding, the connie only has a 350km range (on a good day) you will pass them in he gas station

Havent' found an ST yet I didn't eventually go around. Same for any twin Beemer.
Have ridden many a spirited ride with ST1300's and been very evenly matched until they left me in the gas station. But that was on my 650 Transalp but now that I have an FJR things may change...

I have had my new BMW next to my 2006 FJR wide open and they were very very close at the limit. I think the BMW might have took it by a nose.

I have had my new BMW next to my 2006 FJR wide open and they were very very close at the limit. I think the BMW might have took it by a nose.
Trent, your GTL is speed limited (compared to the GT), but glad to know it can keep up w the Feejer.

IIRC about the octane thread, what was said that anything higher than the motor was designed/tuned for is wasting money. With the FJR, it was tuned for regular unleaded. My comment about the BMWs was based on those I know from friends which were tuned for premium unleaded. They would run without damage at lower octane because of the knock sensors but they did it by retarding timing (?) so weren't optimal.
But that's just my understanding off the top of my head.
Roger That!

I think BMW has finally come to reason that HiOct fuel is not all that desirable to owners, especially in this economy right now.
+1, Gunny; I run 89 in my K1600GT, but it has run just fine on 87 here in Estados Unidos; down in Mexico it prefers PEMEX Premio but it also runs just fine on Sin Magna ese; up in Canuckistan I run either 87 or 89 octane, but with every fill up I add six ounces of Forty Creek Whiskey that I steal from yamafitter - Billy Fitz! jes' sayin' and nuff said, eh!
