Fastest Tourer? FJR takes a respectable 6th place

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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That's a change from BMWs of past, then. Thanks for the update.
No it's not...With 87, the bike will run just fine. The knock sensor will prevent the bike from making full power, just like in most high compression modern cars. The bike can't reach full potential until 89 or better is used.

So maybe they should rank bikes according to the fastest ST using regular fuel. Of course, that would be stupid too.
Well according to the experts here at FJRforum, High(er) Octane doesn't give any more power than the lower grade fuel. We had this run around back awhile ago and the thread went on and on........
That's because the FJR is designed to run on 87, so there's no benefit to use higher octane.

This of course is different if a engine is designed to run on 91 octane.

What grade of fuel does the K require?
All Buy Mor Warrantys require 91+ octane. They'll run fine on lower octane fuels, but higher octane lasts longer fer all the time they spend sit'in in the shop. wait'in ta get repaired!

What grade of fuel does the K require?
All Buy Mor Warrantys require 91+ octane. They'll run fine on lower octane fuels, but higher octane lasts longer fer all the time they spend sit'in in the shop. wait'in ta get repaired!
Really? REALLY! This is so very interesting and highly entertaining, since this is the 89 octane Fuel Requirements page from my 2012 BMW K1600GT Owner's Manual. Also, my BMW GS Twins only specify 87 octane! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese!


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I like the 42.1 psi tire pressure, how Germane err, German.

Then shalt thou count to 42.1, no more, no less. 42.1 shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be 42.1. 42.2 shalt thou not count, neither count thou 42.0, excepting that thou then proceed to 42.1. 42.2 is right out. Once the number 42.1, being the 42.1 number, be reached, then ridest thou thy Holy KZ1600 of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall pass it.

I like the 42.1 psi tire pressure, how Germane err, German.

Then shalt thou count to 42.1, no more, no less. 42.1 shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be 42.1. 42.2 shalt thou not count, neither count thou 42.0, excepting that thou then proceed to 42.1. 42.2 is right out. Once the number 42.1, being the 42.1 number, be reached, then ridest thou thy Holy KZ1600 of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall pass it.
Uh Alan, if you are looking for a fight on this fine Sunday morning I can always send your comments to Herr Petey. You do remember that our petey kicked BikerGeek Andy's ass up at the Mont-Tremblant Quebec CFR don't you! jes' sayin' and nuff said!


Tip of the Week: If you ever get in a fight with petey - he fakes putting in his right ear plug just before he launches a patented Chuck Norris roundhouse leaping kick to the side of your head! Just ask HotRodZilla, he knows all about Herr Petey! Jawohl, ach Arnie!

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I like the 42.1 psi tire pressure, how Germane err, German.
Then shalt thou count to 42.1, no more, no less. 42.1 shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be 42.1. 42.2 shalt thou not count, neither count thou 42.0, excepting that thou then proceed to 42.1. 42.2 is right out. Once the number 42.1, being the 42.1 number, be reached, then ridest thou thy Holy KZ1600 of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall pass it.
Overzealous translator. 290 Kilopascals, I expect and someone didn't have the authority to make a reasonable rounding estimate. Surprised they didn't go to the second decimal.

The thing that got me to write that was an immediate connection with the preciseness. My company has ties with a German sales office for laser equipment. They write and call me every stinkin' day about inaccurate things they find such as international standards decimal points and dashes, pictures of product missing details, wording of manuals, electrical specifications, user guides, etc. They have no problem calling me when it is 10:00 pm their time. They always need answers within 30 minutes. If our product advertises a pulse time of 10.0 µs I can expect a call immediately saying a customer of their needs to know if it will produce a pulse of 9.9 µs.

I understand that the xx.1 is because of unit conversion; I'm also surprised that they didn't go to the second decimal :lol:

The thing that got me to write that was an immediate connection with the preciseness. My company has ties with a German sales office for laser equipment. They write and call me every stinkin' day about inaccurate things they find such as international standards decimal points and dashes, pictures of product missing details, wording of manuals, electrical specifications, user guides, etc. They have no problem calling me when it is 10:00 pm their time. They always need answers within 30 minutes. If our product advertises a pulse time of 10.0 µs I can expect a call immediately saying a customer of their needs to know if it will produce a pulse of 9.9 µs.
I understand that the xx.1 is because of unit conversion; I'm also surprised that they didn't go to the second decimal
Tell me about it ionbeam, I lived and served in the US Army for two years in Augsburg, Bavaria; we went on monthly Field Artillery Fire Maneuvers with der Wehrmacht, constantly arqueing logistics and tactics with those stubborn damn Krauts, but the good news is that half of the German population are Women! jes' sayin' and nuff said, richtig!


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I like the 42.1 psi tire pressure, how Germane err, German.
Then shalt thou count to 42.1, no more, no less. 42.1 shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be 42.1. 42.2 shalt thou not count, neither count thou 42.0, excepting that thou then proceed to 42.1. 42.2 is right out. Once the number 42.1, being the 42.1 number, be reached, then ridest thou thy Holy KZ1600 of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall pass it.
That was a funny post. Now I know why Patch installed that TPMS on his GS-A. Wouldn't want to start a problem with the Germans getting out of the 42.1 +/- 0 range.

I like the 42.1 psi tire pressure, how Germane err, German.
Then shalt thou count to 42.1, no more, no less. 42.1 shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be 42.1. 42.2 shalt thou not count, neither count thou 42.0, excepting that thou then proceed to 42.1. 42.2 is right out. Once the number 42.1, being the 42.1 number, be reached, then ridest thou thy Holy KZ1600 of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall pass it.
42 D is ok by me!

What grade of fuel does the K require?
All Buy Mor Warrantys require 91+ octane. They'll run fine on lower octane fuels, but higher octane lasts longer fer all the time they spend sit'in in the shop. wait'in ta get repaired!
Really? REALLY! This is so very interesting and highly entertaining, since this is the 89 octane Fuel Requirements page from my 2012 BMW K1600GT Owner's Manual. Also, my BMW GS Twins only specify 87 octane! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese!

Don, ol' buddy, ol' pal, you need to read that again...

First of all, right at the top of the page, it says Super unleaded.

Second, according to the below table, which your bike "requires" EURO RON 95 octane = US:(R+M)/2 91 octane.

Actual octane rating table


90 83 86.5

92 85 88.5

95 87 91

96 88 92

98 90 94

100 91.5 95.75

105 95 100

110 99 104.5

Whaddya got to say???

Burned a piston yet?

btw, the above numbers stolen from researched here:

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Not sure about the differences. Just come back from Spain and Portugal, been using what's labelled on their pumps as "95" (can't understand anything else, but at least I managed not to put any diesel or LPG into my tank).

Anyway, the bike never showed any signs of too low octane fuel, no pinking or lack of performance.

So, UK (which is what I normally use), Spanish, Portuguese (and French, Italian, Greek from previous outings), all these 95's are good in the FJR.

Somewhere in Spain

(Click on image for larger view)

So, what does "I.O.R.M.95" mean (the small print on the label)?

That's a change from BMWs of past, then. Thanks for the update.
No it's not...With 87, the bike will run just fine. The knock sensor will prevent the bike from making full power, just like in most high compression modern cars. The bike can't reach full potential until 89 or better is used.

So maybe they should rank bikes according to the fastest ST using regular fuel. Of course, that would be stupid too.
Well according to the experts here at FJRforum, High(er) Octane doesn't give any more power than the lower grade fuel. We had this run around back awhile ago and the thread went on and on........
That's because the FJR is designed to run on 87, so there's no benefit to use higher octane.

This of course is different if a engine is designed to run on 91 octane.
Don't think we need to go through all this again :(

Don't think we need to go through all this again
Really? You should know better by now. You posted a thread about an article where our beloved FJR was not THE BEST and you expect things to go your way?

I really appreciated the thread and the discussion even though I thought the article itself was ridiculously, uselessly stupid. The fact that we are at 5 pages and growing means the topic was good.

By the way, since my ST1300 also requires the high dollar premium fuel I think it should be faster. Obviously the engine makes more power because it uses the high octane fuel. Also, the huge price difference between regular and premium fuel is preventing me from riding this high performance machine.

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What grade of fuel does the K require?
All Buy Mor Warrantys require 91+ octane. They'll run fine on lower octane fuels, but higher octane lasts longer fer all the time they spend sit'in in the shop. wait'in ta get repaired!
Really? REALLY! This is so very interesting and highly entertaining, since this is the 89 octane Fuel Requirements page from my 2012 BMW K1600GT Owner's Manual. Also, my BMW GS Twins only specify 87 octane! jes' sayin' and nuff said, ese!

Don, ol' buddy, ol' pal, you need to read that again...

First of all, right at the top of the page, it says Super unleaded.

Second, according to the below table, which your bike "requires" EURO RON 95 octane = US:(R+M)/2 91 octane.

Actual octane rating table


90 83 86.5

92 85 88.5

95 87 91

96 88 92

98 90 94

100 91.5 95.75

105 95 100

110 99 104.5

Whaddya got to say???

Burned a piston yet?

btw, the above numbers stolen from researched here:
Listen up you old Hockey Puck, as soon as it is light enough for photos in the Stanley Garage and the Vato Loco Gangbangers aren't shooting it out on El Camino del Barrio de Chandler: Tus Papa Chuy Viejo will go out and take pictures of the sticker on the BMW K1600GT that clearly states in English - Intermediate Grade Fuel of 89 is Required.

Don't think we need to go through all this again
Really? You should know better by now. You posted a thread about an article where our beloved FJR was not THE BEST and you expect things to go your way?

I really appreciated the thread and the discussion even though I thought the article itself was ridiculously, uselessly stupid. The fact that we are at 5 pages and growing means the topic was good.

By the way, since my ST1300 also requires the high dollar premium fuel I think it should be faster. Obviously the engine makes more power because it uses the high octane fuel. Also, the huge price difference between regular and premium fuel is preventing me from riding this high performance machine.
This right here is why folks from Louisiana are the smartest people on our fine FJR Forum, with those ******** from Florida firmly entrenched in second place! JSNS!

Hey, don't get grumpy with me, you Olde Pharte! I'm simply using the evidence YOU provided!

Now, go Photochop some supporting evidence of what YOU claim!

And it must be some damn poor manufacturer that puts one thing in their owner's manual, and something completely contradictory on some sticker on their product.

Hey, don't get grumpy with me, you Olde Pharte! I'm simply using the evidence YOU provided!
Now, go Photochop some supporting evidence of what YOU claim!

And it must be some damn poor manufacturer that puts one thing in their owner's manual, and something completely contradictory on some sticker on their product.

Here you go ya Goofy Geriatric Goober, right from the tank of my 2012 BMW K1600GT! I was going to lay my Irish cock across the tank for proof, but I didn't have a wide angle lens! jes' sayin' and nuff said!
