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Wait just a minute there. If we are to be "sorted out mentally" before we sorted out a bike, no one on this forum would ever ride again.

The truth is, it's mostly mental. The bike can do it, but the rider isn't willing.
This, I think, is it in a nutshell. I know it sizes me up pretty accurately.

Well jeez!

It's all been said already. just glad you're ok.

+1 on the dealer quote, but then I'd probably go the insurance route & get a new bike out of it. There will be some on the showroom floors I would think, based on past performance.

Been there, done that -- so I am not the one to even think of giving riding tips :eek:

MadMike ... Thanks for kind words, it really helps. Aside from having a bent bike my ego is suffering major damage. I should have been able to save that turn easily. I just didn't have my brain properly engaged. It doesn't much bother me to scrape a peg and I had plenty of lean left before that would happen. "Stupid is as stupid does"

Highlander .. I was wearing a brand new Aerostich jacket (pants are being returned for different size). Firstgear pants and deersport touring gloves (also new). The jacket has a small hole on the relflective strip accross the back. Gloves got chewed up a little and the pants are fine. There are no marks on my helmet but something rubbed against the shield and barely scratched it where it attaches to the helmet.

Crashing really sucks. There's no way around it.

Everyone has said this over and over again, but it still bears repeating: Any significant crash you aren't seriously injured is a GOOD CRASH. Anyone who rides at a brisk pace and does serious miles every year is going to crash now and then - hopefully very infrequently if they're riding within their limits - but the risk is always there. If you can have it happen and you're not injured, then you are ahead of the game. You'll learn, get a new bike, perhaps slow down a bit, and go another ten or whatever years. This is a good thing. It happens to the best of us. We all make mistakes.

I strongly suspect the bike is totaled. It's a rare bike that highsides or tumbles without being totalled. Once you start getting into all the little bits and pieces on both sides that get bent or scratched, the bill goes through the roof.

Doesn't mean it couldn't be put back on the road for a couple thousand if you do the work yourself and are willing to tweak a little there and there and accept some road rash on a few parts. But if you want her "good as new", you probably are going to have to get a new bike.

I'd use your insurance. You paid for it.

- Mark

[SIZE=14pt]Totaled!! [/SIZE]
Oh no. That will make me a waiter, but for what year?

I want to pretend that it's repairable.

BTW, my helmet sliders worked just fine.
CalCoast Motorsports in Ventura has an '05 ABS on the floor. If you don't wanna wait, give 'em a call 805-642-0900.

Glad you're okay, but it sucks about your ride being totaled.

Anyone here have opinions on San Jose Yamaha. I spoke with the service manager on the phone and he seemed like a straight up guy.

I'm hoping to hear some good feedback about them.

I can recommend hattar in Marin, and they pickup your bike to service it and return it... no charge or very little if you are far away. good people, enthusiastic, smart... like the FJRs. Have sold and serviced quite a lot of them.

Anyone here have opinions on San Jose Yamaha. I spoke with the service manager on the phone and he seemed like a straight up guy.
I'm hoping to hear some good feedback about them.
You'll pay top dollar from SJY, they would not budge on price in the past, in fact they " added " delivery & prep onto the Sticker , even though that's supposed to be included already.

It won't be cheap buying there.

Steve the service manager seems like a stand up guy, but their best mechanic was in Idaho for a while, not sure if he's back with them yet.

If your looking for best pricing the guys in Quincy seem to be the NOR-Cal leaders.

Give em a call and compare.

If we are to be "sorted out mentally" before we sorted out a bike, no one on this forum would ever ride again.
Scab, that's the most logical post I've read from you yet!! :D

Just kiddin'

I wouldn't waste my money (again) at SJY...

They act all great intially, but then screw you on your way out

the door. All they want to do is make money, and lots of it.

I should have gone somewhere else for my bike.

$15,583.00 out the door for an '05 ABS, so when I was seeing

stuff like $10,995 from D&H (IIRC) I was just SICK!!!

The "friendliest" shop I've run across is Gran Prix Sports in

Santa Clara, and they're no picnic, but at least they talk to

you...I think the same owner has the other store on Camden

Ave, but I can't get them to acknowledge I'm there unless

I'm giving them money.

Seems like all any of these dealers want to do is sell you a

bike, and then you're on your own.

This forum is so much friendlier than the dealers I've visited.

Just my .02.

30 years of riding and once down ain't bad..... only hope I can go that long (which means I'll be riding at 80 years young! :) Funny, was just going through "Total Control" by Lee Parks this weekend and was reading about "target fixation". Thanks for sharing your experience, and, as all have said, glad you're ok. And, glad to hear all of your gear (including the "helmet sliders") performed.

As someone else said, hug some loved ones, and get back riding soon. Jay

I wouldn't waste my money (again) at SJY...
Thanks Turbine, but I haven't given up hope on a repair. So my interest about San Jose Yamaha is their service department. I'll heed your words about buying there. :unsure:

Who cares about your skin and bones is your bike messed up!!! Thats what I thought when I hit a wet cattle guard playing kenny Roberts when I was 18. On my 1978 RD-400 , I hit the cattle guard on a long swipping turn going between 80 and 100. After sliding on my face and ass for a while all I could think was oh crap my bike. At 18 you can do that. I sure as hell would not think that today if I laid down my FJR down. Plus I could not bounce back off the street now like I could when I was 18.

I pitted and watch my 18 year old son this weekend race 1- 30 min moto and 2- 70 minuite motos at the WORCS race this weekend in one day. With all that racing he took some spills that scared the shit out of me, and still finished all the races he entered. I guess if their is any thing to learn from these events is suit up to protect your self, most important. When I see people riding without helmets and other proper riding gear I always wonder what the hell are they thinking. The main thing again is your ok. If the bike is really f't up insurance it out and get a new ride. Thats always a good excuse for a new ride! If its cosmetic and few parts oh well.

Me thinks the hot ticket is to buy the bike back from the insurance company, buy a new or used bike of the same vintage, then have plenty of spare parts.... Who needs dealers anyway?? ;)

If your looking for best pricing the guys in Quincy seem to be  the NOR-Cal leaders. Give em a call and compare.
+1 ;) got my '05 in july for $14,100 out the door from Sierra Yamaha AND it was a nice 170 mile ride home...until that friggin deer ran into my right side 1 mile from home :(

Not to many deer in the desert were I live. But recently I had a rabbit cross the road I was on with a coyote right behind it looking for its breakfast. I know my ABS helped save me from hitting that coyote. In all of the years riding in the desert I never delt with that before. I understand that in the eastern U.S. and other deer infested states, deer are a major problem for accidents. Ask Ted Nuggent!

got my '05 in july for $14,100 out the door from Sierra Yamaha AND it was a nice 170 mile ride home...until that friggin deer ran into my right side 1 mile from home :(
You got hit by a deer on your first ride on your new bike?!?! :dribble:

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