FJR Down

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Here are some pics.


First contact was left side. Case damage and arrow points to the only significant damage on the left fairing.


Right handlebar and throttle trashed


Tiny dent in tank ahead of the sun reflection (arrow). Mirror scraped. The bottom arrow points to the total damage to the right fairing ... amazing.


Muffler, peg gone, hole in seat, ground slider


This is what stopped the bike


Concerned about this part. Left muffler pushed out, right pushed in.

And no idea about the results of the triple tree getting tweaked.

Gonna take it in for professional assesment on Wednesday.

Did you have any sliders on your ride and if you did do you think they helped. I just ordered some.
They work.... see the pictures posted above. I have the Moko/Moto sliders.

Well, no doubt the rear subframe is tweaked-but I have good news! Theres a whole ass end for a Feej on EBay, with minor damage, between the two you should come up with a good one.Subframe


The mufflers hang on the rear subframe, so let's assume that replacing that and the rear cowl & rack will solve that.

Mufflers? A pair of Holeshots or Leo Vince's (from sportbikeeffects) are probably less than 1 new OEM.

The peg, handlebar and throttle will have to come from University Motors (Gary McCoy).

The fairings? Maybe a repaint. Replacement is not cheap.

The forks will be the point of interest. They're pretty stout, but.....

It will be interesting to see what the inspection reveals and what the "professional" thinks. If you are going to replace with a new '05, I'd seriously call Sierra Yamaha in Quincy.

Good luck, G.

Oh yeah, you can get just a "bobbin" for the slider from Wild Hair.

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sorry to hear of your down...

i, too, have been there and done that...

target fixation seems to be the greatest bane of bikers...

the fjr community is the best in care and support...


I saw Coyote's bike in the shop today, sorta hard to gauge the extent of the damage. From the damage to the rear plastic I'm guessing the rear subframe's tweaked. The stop on the lower triple clamp is also sheared off so the fronts taken a big twist as well as the back. They're probably going to send it out to a Computrac facility to see if the frame is tweaked. :unsure:

I didn't spot the sheared stop until I delivered the bike to the shop. Steve's initial feeling was rear subframe was probably okay. Mostly just muffler hangers and plastic in the back. He wasn't sure about whether or not the frame would need further evaluation. :blink:

He's said he have the evaluation on Monday.

We'll be awaiting the diagnosis. In the mean time, did you volunteer to keep the cobwebs out of Highlander's gray bike, at least until he is treated and fully recovered? :D

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Always hate hearing about a rider going down BUT Man, you're soooo damned straight that you rode it home after the whole thing, so now it's just a pain in the wallet.

But you know, the last time I "lost my balance on a bike" and cracked it all up (a fully faired and loaded Concours on a stupid mistake on the BR Parkway) I came home cursing at the bike and how much it was going to cost to fix and the wife looked at me and said: "maybe you ought just trade it in and get a new one..."

I didn't respond to that, but you know my mind was going at 120... :D

Look out there, Coyote: there might be silver linings waiting fer ya. ;)

Stay healthy!

We'll be awaiting the diagnosis. In the mean time, did you volunteer to keep the cobwebs out of Highlander's gray bike, at least until he is treated and fully recovered? :D
Had to buy a damn battery charger, a Yausu, to keep it topped off.. How East Coast is that !! :D

In the mean time, did you volunteer to keep the cobwebs out of Highlander's gray bike, at least until he is treated and fully recovered?  :D
Man .... What a great idea. He can return that battery charger. I'll even pay for the fuel and oil changes. ;) :D

Just leave the the key under front tire Highlander.

@Vinnie ... I keep trying to tell my how fortune I am to have nothing worse than a bent bike after sliding down the road.

Had to buy a damn battery charger, a Yausu, to keep it topped off.. How East Coast is that !! :D

HEY! I resemble that remark. :D

Coyore, Mike here in Fremont. I was recommended to GP Sports in Santa Clara. The have sold a well known LD rider two FJR's and service his bike as well. I had my ticker done there and was very happy the way they handled Yamaha and the repair. I did not have very good luck at San Jose Yamaha. The service department did not want to handle the ticker repair and gave me all kinds of grief about the YES warranty being harder to get repairs than under the normal 1 year. Told me that I didn't use the right oil and filter, did my own maintanence, Yamaha might not accept my maintnaence records, I am not a trained technician etc. Charged me for a leaky carb repair on my daughter's ttr125 which leaked. I bought it from them and it was only a week old. I would stay clear. JMHO

I dropped my 2005 FJRA a couple weeks ago myself. It looked like to me it could be put back together. Once the forks get tweaked the only way to make it right is to get a new frame. With the frame the parts total came to $9,600 then there would be at least $2,000 in labor cost. Obviously I'd make out better just ordering a new FJR which I did. Personally on a high speed machine I wouldn't trust straightening anything out. Labor cost for tearing down the old bike and rebuilding on a new frame will add up quicky. Glad to see your not hurt real bad. I'll be sore for a couple more weeks but I will get to ride my 2006 FJR1300AE when it arrives.

but I will get to ride my 2006 FJR1300AE when it arrives.
Not yet sure that the forks are tweaked. The insurance adjuster is supposed to stop by the Yammie dealer in the next day or two. I'm still hoping to keep my bike.

Any idea how long you need to wait for your new wheels?

Any idea how long you need to wait for your new wheels?
No word as of yet. It's the only FJRAE that the dealer has ordered. I assume it will be one of the first AE's to come in. I think they hoped for it to be around enough to sell others. It's probably gonna take them a few weeks to put all my accessories on. On my 2005 FJRA I had a J&M CB/intercom, XM-radio, Passport 8500 radar detector, Garmin 2610 navigation, heated grips, Corbin Dual Canyon heated seat w/ backrest, laser radar jammer, rifle shield, Scorpio alarm, Nolan helmets wired for sound , Aux 12volt adapter, cigarette lighter and provisions for my cell phone and mp3 player. It was probably the most wacked out FJR on the planet. All my goodies will have to go back on it. I'll have to change seats maybe the Corbin Smuggler will be made to work with it.

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Hey Coyote,

Sorry I missed your earlier post. You beat me by a few days, pal :D

Now I've bent my ride, too and I can't even assess the damage as I'm awaiting surgery on Friday. The bike's 70 miles away in someone's shed near the site of the crash.

I'm glad you were not hurt and I do hope your bike can be repaired.

Take care


I can't even assess the damage as I'm awaiting surgery on Friday. The bike's 70 miles away in someone's shed near the site of the crash.
Yikes!! :bigeyes:

I just found your post. I hope all goes well with your surgery and bike.

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