FJR lean angle

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Glory Racing keeps forgetting to send me my royalty money. :(
...and Bounce as well, as he made him an internet sensation on youtube. :D
what youtube thing?

as for making someone famous, if they seek fame in the fashion of Honey Boo Boo, that's still their problem and not mine.
Honey Boo Boo? OMFG!

Without a doubt the dumbest fecking excuse for entertainment the world has ever seen.

If I was from the "south" I'd deny it.
HEY!!! Fuk you, yankeeboi!!
Ahh fuk... Say it ain't so Howie.. :eek:

You have a Honey Boo Boo poster now? Did they give 'em out when ya signed up for her fan klub? ;)

Oh a couple a wise guys eh?


Keep it up you two, I'll murderize the both of ya.

I can't wait to show sheila this 'owie Yer dead meat fer sure..

AJ, Do yourself a favor and google search or you tube it.. I promise you will slap yourself upside the head and ask WTF? when you see what is captivating so many boob tube addicted souls..

I managed maybe 5 minutes..It's actually kinda sad.

OK, back on subject.

Found this on youtube this morning

Maybe it can help

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