FJR Mileage Milestones

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I had 395,110 miles on first 03, since Oct.2014, have put 41,000 miles on my second 03, is there a 400,000K avatar for total miles. I have not been able to get an avatar to work on my computer. The one I had before went off and can't get it to work any more, what am I doing wrong? None of these miles are interstate travel.

MXVet over on the ST.o forum (and sometimes this forum) is currently sitting at 298,500 ish miles. Pretty sure that makes him high mileage champ.

Happy birthday Ed!

MXVet over on the ST.o forum (and sometimes this forum) is currently sitting at 298,500 ish miles. Pretty sure that makes him high mileage champ.
Happy birthday Ed!
Steve, did you read Gray Ghost's post? He had 395,110 miles on his first 03 (making him the mileage champ). He made an appearance at last years Ramble.

The host stopped so I moved the avatar to imgur: Here it is:

Also residing with the rest of the 100K AVATARs at:

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I had 395,110 miles on first 03, since Oct.2014, have put 41,000 miles on my second 03, is there a 400,000K avatar for total miles. I have not been able to get an avatar to work on my computer. The one I had before went off and can't get it to work any more, what am I doing wrong? None of these miles are interstate travel.

I think I would have had to PUSH that sucker another 5k… Some things are worth the sweat !

Congrats !!!


Lets see; You went to MY PROFILE (top right) and

clicked on EDIT MY PROFILE in the black box on the right side of screen?

Then you clicked on SIGNATURE?

Click in the EDIT window before the deer as the point you want it to appear.

Then you click on the IMAGE ICON?

Then you pasted the URL in the box provided? (which you have already copied the URL, right?)

It should show up at the point in the EDIT window.

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my 2006 fjr 1300a is being retired next thursday sept 3 2015 with over 185,452 fun filled miles.

the new ride is a 2015 fjr1300a.....start miles ..1with many more to come. this 2006 has been a great ride have been all over the states and many rallies. the 06 will be in the stable now and used as a loner bike.

I haven't put any miles on an FJR in 2 years.. But that's nothing new for me is it?

I wonder what ol Bruin Dog has on his now? Another forum anchor who disappeared long ago.

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blufjr: I keep right clicking on the avatar and it says it's copying the url, but when we go to the signature on my profile and click the image thing, nothing shows up. We are ready to give up.
TGG, instead of right clicking, just highlight the image and copy (Ctrl+Insert or Ctrl+V). Then paste it in the signature.

Well, tomorrow, Frankenbike will cross over the 100,000 mile mark on the way to work.

People I know and work with think I'm nuts riding ALL the time. The car has been parked inside the garage since October 2009. Hasn't been cranked or moved a single inch since Frankenbike went back together.

Taken Mid-August, here's the "mandatory" photo-evidence


Guess I'm gonna have to get me one of the "04-100K" photos for my sig!

One of the benefits of my job is occasional free time while I'm monitoring a "black box" test. Today was a good day to go through this thread and pull out all the updated mileage posts since 10/31/2012. I'll need to massage the data and then I'll post up the updated list, probably on Monday. I'll also send Skooter a PM to see if he wants to update the original post.

One of the benefits of my job is occasional free time while I'm monitoring a "black box" test. Today was a good day to go through this thread and pull out all the updated mileage posts since 10/31/2012. I'll need to massage the data and then I'll post up the updated list, probably on Monday. I'll also send Skooter a PM to see if he wants to update the original post.

A monumental task for sure Harald and a big thanks for taking it on. I for one used to think that perhaps 100K was the max life span of a MC, but this FJR (and several other modern day bikes) are blowing right past that milestone. So yeah it's kinda neat to see one's name up on that list marking the varied levels of big mileage success.

BTW, you'll be needing to add Old Yeller to the 200K group in about 5 weeks as she just turned 198K yesterday.

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