FJR Mileage Milestones

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Happy Mother's Day! This morning, on my beautiful 2015: 10,000 miles.
Certainly not a Garage Queen.

Had a new front tire put on Frankenbike this morning...

15,000 miles on the former PR2 that was starting to show its age. The owner of the Indy bike shop came over to talk to me, apologizing profusely for selling the new PR2 I'd ordered out from under me this past weekend.

He then took a look at my bike while he was wheeling it in to the service area...."96,000 miles!!! Damn, this thing's worn out!"

"Nope," I told him, "...just broke in good."

They put a PR4 on it at a PR2 price. Hope I'm not too disappointed with this change of rubber. 15k on my last PR2 was pretty gratifying. :)

Topped 30,000 a couple of weeks ago. Not as many as some, but still an accomplishment!!

Still a workin' stiff with other time consuming hobbies,,,,,

Brian the biknflyfisher

Well it looks like you can now add me to the 75K club. More miles than most not as many as some.

Dave, its been a hell of a ride so far.


And here is the corner a few miles up the road from home.


Good night all,

Just hit 20K last weekend. I picked it up new from D& H Cycles in February, 2014.


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I guess I have along way to go to catch up with all of you. I just turned 30,000 miles on my 2003 FJR 1300.

It only had 12,968 miles on it when I bought it just about 3 years ago.

This has been the best bike I have ever had by far! It gets tons of look when my wife and I go on rides where there are lots of Harleys. None of the guys riding a Harley ever want to talk about my bike. I think they could be jealous!

I am not sure how many miles I will be able to put on the bike this year. All it ever wants to do here in PA is rain!

Get a decent rain suit (or liners for your regular gear) and put on a few miles in the rain. Unless you're the Wicked Witch of the West, rain won't melt you.

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This has been the best bike I have ever had by far! It gets tons of look when my wife and I go on rides where there are lots of Harleys. None of the guys riding a Harley ever want to talk about my bike. I think they could be jealous!I am not sure how many miles I will be able to put on the bike this year. All it ever wants to do here in PA is rain!

Joe move to Pennsylvania? He's been living in Oregon.

The rain is not the problem, the wind and lightning are the problem!!

I do have the rain suit but, riding in the rain is not my favorite.

From first post of FJR mileage milestones:

No Garage Queens allowed in this thread!

This thread is all about those FJR Pilots who RIDE!!!! So post up, and I'll add you to the list.

So the first milestone is 50K. I am confused as to why folks are posting mileage under 50K. You won't make the list. It seems to just clutter this thread up. I can see why it hasn't been updated in a while.

Just sayin,


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