fjrchik goes down in Antler, OK

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Got farkles? If there are any farkles on the damaged bike you may want to get them off before it gets sold as salvage.

Well girl friend, I hope we got these get-offs over with for a long time!

Totaled is not a bad thing, I read some where in hear that the bike went end over end. If it did, there is no way an adjuster can determine or see all the potential frame damage (cracked frame). You remember those photos from SFO a couple years ago, and those were slow speed get offs.

Dont stay too still, keep that hip moving and working!

I hope you get to feeling better soon!


See if you can get a kickback from the Antler, OK Chamber of Commerce. I'm sure your accident caused the number of people that have even heard of that town to go up by 300%! :p

Here's some pics to explain it all better. I have to say looking at these pics now for the first time on the computer practically has me in tears because some of them are really misleading. The first few shots of I took of the scene from where I can off the road and onto the dirt completely look like I coulda drove right on past the metal pole and get back up on the road. Or go down low in the ditch and ride it back up. But I was going way too fast to do that and I don't have the skills either. It is soooo much steeper than it looks!


That's my tire track through the grass and into the ditch. That pole there scared the crap outta me and I knew I couldn't hit it or very bad things would happen.


Again, such a misleading looking shot. This is looking down on the culvert, which I don't think it looks like it's even there. I had no idea it was until after I got up and went looking for my bike.


The pole I was trying to figure out how to miss, but I didn't really have time to make a decision. The bike just went out from underneath me and we separated and I rolled. I ended up alongside the highway, almost on my hands and knees. Smacked my head good on the ground but only felt that pain for about a half hour.


So this is where my bike actually ended up. I'm very glad I didn't end up down there! It was laying pointing towards the road on its side. It went in nose first and just fell over.


The embankment to the left, which a nice Harley guy rode my bike up through and back up on the pavement. A couple on their his and hers Harleys stopped right away and he was a big guy so he wrestled it out of there and back up on the road. It was leaking coolant while it ran but quit when we shut it off so we found where the black tube had been punctured. This couple was wearing sleeveless T's and jeans and sunglasses. When he said to me that he was betting I was pretty glad I was wearing all the gear, I just looked at him for a sec and then pointed up and down at his outfit and said "Yeah, kinda makes you wanna rethink that, huh." :rolleyes:

Ok damage pics comin next.

Sorry to hear about the get-off, but here's to hoping you a quick recovery.

Take it easy, and this is a good excuse to get other people to do all the work for you when you move!


The bike has damage all the way around it with the exception of the headlight and the seat. My GPS stand was sent askew but not damaged. So the cockpit looks pretty good.


Very damaged saddle bag that won't close now.



Other side is messed up too and sitting on the pipe now because the bracket busted off.


Something's not right here! Right pipe is bent out and the bracket for the antenna is turned off.


Doesn't look too bad huh?



Mirror got shoved up into the windscreen which forced it to break the bracket.




The water hose that got punctured by the highway peg.


Left side highway peg dented the strator cover so that needs replacing. I missed that.

My adjuster is saying he'd total it. Still haven't heard from her company which is Shelters Insurance. His estimated stock value is $8650.

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From what I can see that's fixable for sure. If you don't mind scratches, you could get out of it kind of cheap.
Keep us posted.
I dunnow!?!?!?

It depends on how much work one is willing to do themselves.

1st guess-timate is that the front stay is bent, dashboard may be questionable, rear sub-frame probably bent or broken. It'd take some time and energy to get to the base bike and work one's self out from there. The forks would have to be checked as "true".

Since the other driver was ticketed they should be determined "at fault". Hopefully you can remove any farkles that are still good and they will pay you a handsome sum to "go away".

Most importantly, Michelle, YOU are relatively unharmed and mentally aware. That's a good thing!

Hey Michelle!

I've already told you all the glad you're ok and it wasn't worst, and this sucks, and yadda yadda. :p So let's get straight to those pictures...

The pictures of the bike are sad...sure enough. Let them total it. I can guarantee you with as many sides that were hit and with all the bent up stuff, that bike will never fit together perfect again without a MAJOR tear down and replacement party. Pillage your farkles and bring the next one back over here and let's get you right again. B) I must say, my custom antenna mount fared well. :)

As was said, welcome to the crash club :) I'll make a deal with you though, lets you and me call it even and not do this crashing stuff anymore. It hurts! LOL

I'm so glad you're alright. (relatively)

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Hey Michelle!
I've already told you all the glad you're ok and it wasn't worst, and this sucks, and yadda yadda. :p So let's get straight to those pictures...

The pictures of the bike are sad...sure enough. Let them total it. I can guarantee you with as many sides that were hit and with all the bent up stuff, that bike will never fit together perfect again without a MAJOR tear down and replacement party. Pillage your farkles and bring the next one back over here and let's get you right again. B) I must say, my custom antenna mount fared well. :)

As was said, welcome to the crash club :) I'll make a deal with you though, lets you and me call it even and not do this crashing stuff anymore. It hurts! LOL

I'm so glad you're alright. (relatively)
thanks babe. i'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that my baby isn't coming home. i guess i'm in the market for an 09. yes please, no more crashing, my ribs can't take it! and yeah, we're taking that antenna mount home too! i'll be making a list of everything we did to it. hopefully i can find all the receipts, that may be a trick! I really can't believe your up for a third round of custom installs, thought for sure you'd tell me your retired. thank you for being such an amazing friend and farkler!!

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Hey Michelle!
I've already told you all the glad you're ok and it wasn't worst, and this sucks, and yadda yadda. :p So let's get straight to those pictures...

The pictures of the bike are sad...sure enough. Let them total it. I can guarantee you with as many sides that were hit and with all the bent up stuff, that bike will never fit together perfect again without a MAJOR tear down and replacement party. Pillage your farkles and bring the next one back over here and let's get you right again. B) I must say, my custom antenna mount fared well. :)

As was said, welcome to the crash club :) I'll make a deal with you though, lets you and me call it even and not do this crashing stuff anymore. It hurts! LOL

I'm so glad you're alright. (relatively)
thanks babe. i'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that my baby isn't coming home. i guess i'm in the market for an 09. yes please, no more crashing, my ribs can't take it! and yeah, we're taking that antenna mount home too! i'll be making a list of everything we did to it. hopefully i can find all the receipts, that may be a trick! I really can't believe your up for a third round of custom installs, thought for sure you'd tell me your retired. thank you for being such an amazing friend and farkler!!

It's amazing that the J&M didn't get touched. I betcha your HID's are A-OK. I'm sure your brake light flashers are good too. I'd say everything we've done with the exception of the hard external parts (pegs and sliders) will be good to go. Don't forget to swipe the FUSE block under the seat! Or better yet, let's just bring the bike over here and let me stick a fork in it. :assassin:

So who on the forum needs what? LOL!! :lol:

And oh, and for a great friend such as you, I'd be up for a 4th or 5th round of farkle installs. ;) Bring it on....

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That bike looks totalled to me. Fancy passenger peg in one pic. Hope you can get that seat and some farkles before they take the bike. When they totalled my VSTAR I was given the option of buying back the bike at a salvage price and pocketing the difference between that and the settlement price. If given that option it might be worth tearing it apart and parting it out on ebay.

Bottom line: never let a Harley rider in a T-shirt ride your bike again. ;)

Glad you are just feeling sore, and not broken. Time heals... ah, shit, I'm sounding like a big brother or sumpin'

Just be good and heal up.

Michelle, sorry to be late to the "party". As for your brief description of what it was like when you allowed the 6 a.m. pain pill to wear off - it hurts just to read it! Happy to hear that you are back at work, though, and that the damage to you is not nearly as bad as it might have been under the circumstances. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help from here in Socal.


Glad your getting better.

Might not be a bad idea to buy it back as salvage if the insurance company would let ya; heck you could part it out right here on the forum.

I've read where guys looking for a most of everything that is still usable....engine, seats, etc...

Continue to get better, always hard to let go of a bike that you've bonded with so well.

Of course, we're all glad you are OK... especially me!

Get as many goodies off of your bike as you can/want. Find receipts and start from scratch on anything you want to replace. Remember, you can do it "right" this time. I know, I did it "right" my second time around. Most importantly, ditch that damned J&M! :) Let me know if you have any quesions or need any advice... I may not be able to answer all the questions, but I always have advice!

Get well soon, use your resources and let your friends BE FRIENDS! Don't think twice about asking for help.

Chat with you later!

Hope you are getting some sleep M.

Noticed it was the rider pegs that were fancy -- Are they the adjustable jobs TWN wrote about a couple years ago?

If you did part it out I'd buy the glovebox if it was in good shape. Mine came back from the shop this Spring with the locking tab almost snapped off -- but they didn't do it. So I'm in the market. See? You might make a few bucks...

Oh yeah, -- we know you're tough, but take the medicine for now.
