Riders are reaching apogee. The rubber band is taught. Riders are feeling the tug of Minneapolis and gazing at the horizon...and horizon beyond. There are a precious few mountain ranges, valleys, and prairies between them and the barn.
We're in Day 9 and "the fog" is starting to set in riders minds. Nobody can understand this time between now and the finish...except maybe riders who have done it before...and even we only vaguely remember it.
Majestic sunrises have been seen, wispy sunsets witnessed, and emotions are just below the surface of every rider. Triumph and bittersweet tears are in play...and hopefully no tragedy to come.
Give a virtual hug to your favorite rider tonight. They can feel you...theyre reading this and social media even though they can't say anything....they're turning their two wheels to get back to you.
And we're at the Finish Line, virtual or literal, waiting with open arms....and even Warchild is smiling. Minnesota wants you to come back!
Ride smooth tonight IBR Class of 2017.
Matt Watkins
IBA #332