Gen II Crash Bar Group Buy

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Renegade, I just want to say thanks for all your hard work with this group buy. I remember one of your posts that if we reach 30, they would include delrin sliders, is this still true? C'mon guys were almost there.
Woah... I said *maybe* we'd get some delrin sliders :) that part wasn't really negotiated yet.

At that time I dont' think they though we'd sell 10 sets, let alone 30.

I will ask again...


Renegade, I just want to say thanks for all your hard work with this group buy. I remember one of your posts that if we reach 30, they would include delrin sliders, is this still true? C'mon guys were almost there.
Woah... I said *maybe* we'd get some delrin sliders :) that part wasn't really negotiated yet.

At that time I dont' think they though we'd sell 10 sets, let alone 30.

I will ask again...

Your right, I went back and found your post after I already posted, don't sweat it, you did more than enough.
As of today...

I can account for:

23 Orders Confirmed

4 Committed

6 Still On The Fence

REMINDER: This group buy ends 1/31

I have posed the QTY 30/Delrin Slider question to racing905. When I last brought it up they weren't sure if their standard sliders would mount on these bars. I hope to get an answer to that. They have delrin sliders that they sell for around $20 for their other racing cages. I just don't know if George had them in mind at all when he designed these. They can probably be made to fit, but I don't know yet if racing905's regular sliders will fit. More when I get the answer.


my order is waiting to see if Uncle Sam will give me my tax refund, which won't get here at best until the second week of February. And it looks like the always-f**ked-California government may not be sending out returns for quite some time, relying on some lame "IOU" other weirdness.

What will these cost after the group buy is over?

my order is waiting to see if Uncle Sam will give me my tax refund, which won't get here at best until the second week of February. And it looks like the always-f**ked-California government may not be sending out returns for quite some time, relying on some lame "IOU" other weirdness.
What will these cost after the group buy is over?
If you read the entire thread, somewhere it was estimated that they would be almost double this price. That's why I am in even though I am unsure of the looks. I am spending an extra $75 to get Garauld to paint them Cerulean which I think will make them look better.

my order is waiting to see if Uncle Sam will give me my tax refund, which won't get here at best until the second week of February. And it looks like the always-f**ked-California government may not be sending out returns for quite some time, relying on some lame "IOU" other weirdness.
What will these cost after the group buy is over?
If you read the entire thread, somewhere it was estimated that they would be almost double this price. That's why I am in even though I am unsure of the looks. I am spending an extra $75 to get Garauld to paint them Cerulean which I think will make them look better.
Yes, they will be more, but I don't know how much more.

$275 (each) was mentioned during our conversations. But if you know you're going to purchase them, but can't do it until say middle/end of Feb, maybe even March. I would suspect if you contact racing905 they'd be happy to take your order... Just a hunch.


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Count me in for front & rear (& sliders, if offered!)

'Un-Official' FJR Crash Bar Group Buy Details.
This is an semi-organized group buy for the crash bars the George helped pioneer as show in this thread: Clicky here

The folks that made these for George are:

I have worked with Stephanie at racing905 to come up with what I feel is a reasonable group buy price.

Essentially the bars you see on George's bike are avaialble through this group buy in BLACK for:

Complete set: $300

Front or Rears sets: $150

You may buy a set or you may buy just half. What ever floats your boat.

The minimum order to get free shipping is 10 units. I'm quite confident we'll get there.

Since this isn't the ONLY FJR forum, I've moved the final details to a page on my website.

(It's just easier for me to update)

You will find those details posted here:

Clicky here

I have done the best I can to answer as many questions as I can. Without actually laying hands on a set, there are some questions that just won't be answered until someone or some of us go first.

I have placed my order, and encourage you to do so if you commited to be part of this group buy. If you change your mind, please let me know.


Confirmed people (by their posting)

Click Here to view the tracking spreadsheet.


This Un-Official Group Buy is simply an organization of a group of members in order to get the best price possible.

- I take no responsibility for these bars, their worthiness, or value, though I fully intend to participate, purchase and install a set myself.

- I am representing to the vendor that we have X people interested, again to get the best price possible. I have no ties to this vendor and should they turn into a complete schmuck, you agree to hold me harmless as I'll be in the same boat as you.

- I gain nothing from doing this, no free bars, no free anything. GMC gets the credit if any credit is to be given as he's the one that got them created in the first place.
Bumpity Bump...

Reminder this group buy sale ends on the 31st. These crash bars will be an orderable item from racing905 after that date.

It has been my experience that the racing905 folks are pretty flexible. If you think you are going to purchase them in the next 30 or so days give them a call.



:yahoo: I got a UPS notification from racing905 :yahoo:

My bars will be here on Feb 4 (estimated)...


Woohoo, me too!

Now I have to make sure all the snow and ice is off my driveway.


Thanks again for all your work on this.

Put me down for a set of Fronts.... Another GEN1 (2005) and I ordered directly from 905 via links posted here, but I never saw a choice for color.... I want black and will try to advise them via email.

Buckster - they come in black so you will be fine. You have to special order the other colors or have them painted elsewhere

I GOT MINE! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Now, there are some minor issues... I will explain more later. :unsure:

If anyone else has received their crashbars (I got front only) please let me know. I need to know if there were any fitment issues. Mine are on (pictures coming soon) but I had to "tweak" them. I'm taking notes and will be letting 905Racing know about the changes... as well as all of you!

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I GOT MINE! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Now, there are some minor issues... I will explain more later. :unsure:

If anyone else has received their crashbars (I got front only) please let me know. I need to know if there were any fitment issues. Mine are on (pictures coming soon) but I had to "tweak" them. I'm taking notes and will be letting 901 know about the changes... as well as all of you!

Do tell (and post pictures) and DO contact Stephanie and let her know. I assume they still fit else there would be 3 :****: 's instead of :yahoo: 's :)

OK, the crashbars are installed.

Here is what was in the box:


First, the finish is perfect. I ordered just the fronts in black and they arrived looking like they were built with much care and are good quality. I have nothing ill to say about the quality of this product.

Next, the left side was a perfect fit. The instructions say to start with the right side, but that is where I had issues, so I wanted to get past the left side... it fits great. By the way... DO start on the right side as they state... you use the stock rear engine mount bolt and replace the nut on the left side with the threaded crashbar.


Now to the right side... On my 08, the rear mount (rear engine mount) had less room than the crashbar wanted. The bar would not go quite far enough to the rear because of the frame and the front of the bar mount would not fit next to my engine cover. I "suspect" that there are minor differences between the bike this was originally designed on and my 08.

Here is what I mean:



So, I removed the bar and fired up the grinder. :blink: Hey, what can I say... I wanted them to fit!

Here is what I did. Notice it isn't TOO invasive, but it HAD to be done. I also used a rat-tail file to elongate the hole inside toward the rear just a bit to help with fit of the rear mounting bolt.




After checking the final fit, I removed just a little more, cleaned up the filling and shot it with some gloss black paint.

Here is how it turned out:



That last shot does not do it justice; it does NOT hit the engine cover at all now.

Some final thoughts:

The instructions are not very clear about the rear mount. They say to remove the rear mounting bolt on the right side and replace after installing the right side bar. However, they fail to explain or even mention that the left side bar is threaded and the nut on the left is not re-used. This is not a major issue, just a place for improvement.

The included hardware (not the crashbars) is all "chrome" colored. For most of the bolts, this is not a problem. However, they ask you to place a washer between the bars and the cross-bar that runs under the engine. This means you have a couple chrome washers sticking out like a sore thumb between the nicely painted black bars. Again, just an item to consider. I'll be painting mine... cuz I'm funny that way.

Finally, the cheap plastic caps they sent to fill the ends of the bars (top front only) look cheesy IMHO, so I will not be installing them.

Here are some final shots:




Oh, and I wanted to see what it looks like with my TOGs:



I think I will add them when I get the longer bolts. Even though they stick out farther than I am used to, they actually seem to fit!

OK, enough of this long post!

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Hey Guys! If you have an AE. You might have a problem. I was looking at the picks. I don't think the crach protection bars will work on an AE model due to the shifter box on the side. I need to call them in the morning!
