Gen II Crash Bar Group Buy

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Renegade, yer doing a yeoman's work trying to clarify things for people and I applaud you for that. :clapping:

I've got no dog in this show...but does the engineer have isometric drawings of the guards for clarity? Or the product by itself on the ground...this bit of information may assist some in determining whether they want to purchase or not....without you having to describe any further.

Renegade, yer doing a yeoman's work trying to clarify things for people and I applaud you for that. :clapping:
I've got no dog in this show...but does the engineer have isometric drawings of the guards for clarity? Or the product by itself on the ground...this bit of information may assist some in determining whether they want to purchase or not....without you having to describe any further.
Dunno about the drawings, and my suspicion is that the one and only set is mounted on his bike...

Rest assured, once those that have ordered have gotten theirs, we'll all figure this out. ;)

:yahoo: OK Renegade, add me to the bought one ledger. I must admit, after seeing the rear mounted without bags to obscure them made me rethink the set and I settled for fronts only. The rear look fine with bags but without :no2: they look extremely.............. functional! But thats only my opinion and whaddoIknow? I'm the guy who buys crash bars for a bike he doesn't own.
I concur but I don't really know how to fix that. I'm somewhat skeptical on the rears myself. I've ordered them but may not use them in the end.
I wish I had a better answer but I don't, and George has been kind enough to provide the photos that he has. You're more than welcome to PM him or ask him to take a specific photo for you.

Remember he gains nothing from this (yet). He actually engineered these things and is an engineer by trade, or so I understand.
Many thanks for your efforts and george's. It is most appreciated.

I already sent a bag to Garauld to work his magic on. It only takes a few of those incidents for these things to pay for themselves.

On some of my favorite local rides there are sections I used to negotiate with confidence on my 1st gen Gold Wing, but give me the willies with the FJR. Specifically river fords with slick algae covered irregular shaped rocks for the bed, and also a number of old bridges with wooden floors, of which the narrow wheel tracks have been replaced with nice shiny slick metal much thicker and therefore taller than the old wood tracks. I think these guards would definitely "take the worry out of being close".

I received a rather lengthy email from George tonight that addresses most of the questions folks have had about the bars. I have encouraged him to post his thoughts on why the bars are designed the way they are and what protection they offer. It will mean much more coming from him than me.

I can paraphrase, or post sections of his email if he doesn't come along and do that.


Hey there! Would love to get in on the group buy. Do i order thru you or thru that company? Do i just mention the forum?

Hey there! Would love to get in on the group buy. Do i order thru you or thru that company? Do i just mention the forum?
Yes, what he said. Always late, this one.

Go to post #80. There is a clicky to Renegade's site for info. You can order now. Target date Jan 26th

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Ok, My order is confirmed. Full set in standard black.

Thanks for you work on this Renegade. Much Appreciated!!!!!

I ordered my set today for my black 08. I needed them yesterday as guy backed into my bike while parked at a coffee shop :angry2: . Now Garauld will get to do some painting of scratched up bits from the left side of the bike. Tip overs can be expensive!! Maybe not so much so with these new goodies installed :clapping: .


Hey there! Would love to get in on the group buy. Do i order thru you or thru that company? Do i just mention the forum?
Yes, what he said. Always late, this one.

Go to post #80. There is a clicky to Renegade's site for info. You can order now. Target date Jan 26th
What he said, I encourage to you go to post #1 and read the details that are here, and the info posted on my site which includes ordering instructions. [Click Here]

Then please either post back in this thread confirming that you've placed your order or send me a PM, or shoot me an email at: matt (at)

I don't need any personal info, just shoot me your forum name so I can keep track, thanks.


The following contains the bulk of an email sent to me by George after reviewing this thread. It appears he just doesn't post here a lot and that's OK.

It may answer some of your questions...

First, Give credit to the European and Australian police community, I modified their original design --------- considerably.
I will not dislcose my tech data (including drawings).

I have noticed several messages on the FJR Forum addressing the use and purchase of front and rear bars -------------- separately. I realize riders modify their FJRs based as much on asthetics as function. Separate part purchases likewise increase volume and sales.

The "batwing appearance" of the rear bars without mounted bags can appear awkward, and I understand some owner's reluctance to purchase the rear bars which may distract from the FJRs beauty. This reluctance is especially appreciated from those riders which rarely mount the rear bags; note: the rear bars can be dismounted in less than 5 minutes. From my own selfish perspective, the extra rear hardware does not distract from my FJRs appearance since I always have my rear bags mounted. I would though offer some caution (below) to those buyers considering a front bar only purchase, with the appropriate liability release statements of course.

"As the designer of the crash bar system, I would offer the following concerns. Please carefully consider the purchase of the front bars without the accompanying rear bars. The front and rear bars for each side of the FJR together form a crash protection system (FJR wet weight appraoches 650 lbs). The system affords protection to the fairings, bar ends, rear bags (panniers), rear stays, mufflers, foot pegs, the RIDER (angles and feet) and passenger (ankles and feet). Without the rear bars--------------- the rear bags (panniers), mufflers, rear foot pegs, RIDER and passenger are not afforded the protection otherwise achievable in the event of a crash."

Also, considering the replacement costs (appr $400 each) for bags and mufflers, the bars are a steal. The fairings are pricey as well. A simple drop/tip over can be very expensive ----------- parts only, not including labor.

Trivia: I do not foresee the rear bars being mounted without the front bars, but should the scenario materialize, BOTH bars on the respective FJR side are required to provide crash protection for the RIDER (feet and ankles) --------- with the rear bars providing the majority of the protection. The rear bars only can though suffice for the passenger (feet and ankles), as well as for the bags and mufflers.

All of these concerns and statements will become obvious once you mount your set of bars.

The rear bars do protrude equally on both sides (the photo I provided can appear skewed and misleading since the FJR is tilted ----------- on it's side stand) and further than the panniers, by appr an inch ----------- this is intentional so as to protect the rider, passenger, rear bags (panniers), rear stays, and muffler. Please remember, these bars are crash bars, not just frame sliders.

For the curious: all 4 bars and mounting hardware weigh less than 10 lbs.

I hope you ( and the entire Group buyees) enjoy their new FJR addition !
I would get the rears too, but I don't think they'll fit my bike....

I saw a guy the other day who had earlier comitted a 15mph lowside on his cruiser bike with crash bars. You couldn't tell the bike had been down except for some scratches on the underside of the bars.

Maybe this mystery man George could hook something up for the rear of the Gen I bikes, so all of us could be equally protected, and I won't have to play the discrimination card.

Why don't you think they would fit your bike? Specifically, the rears. I understand the differences encountered with the fronts and am willing to work with it. I'm wondering what you have in mind when you say you don't think the rears will fit. Thank you.

..I don't think they'll fit my bike....

Renegade, I just want to say thanks for all your hard work with this group buy. I remember one of your posts that if we reach 30, they would include delrin sliders, is this still true? C'mon guys were almost there.
