Going to the Dark Side

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One of you twisted SOBs Darksided my FJR!!! :eek:


I swear, while I was riding with that POS on there I was just waiting FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO BLOW UP! I was sure I was doomed to a fiery, apocalyptic end! Surely, the moto Gods would dish out their viscious retribution upon me for the sin I was committing.

And sure enough it happend. After riding a few miles, waiting for the end to come, expecting my FJR to simply sommersault me on my head, anticipating the violent conclusion of my moto riding days, and my life......I realized....... I liked it.

Somebody shoot me.
Too late, Nancy...you're infected. And don't blame me...I'm #15 on the list. There are 14 OTHER mother-stabbers and father-rapers ahead of me to blame. Especially the Right Reverend OCFjr...oh wait -- The FORMER Right Reverend OCFjr.

Let It Be Known: I would much rather have an Uncle in the Marine Corps, a Niece in a Whorehouse and a Cousin that rides a Hondapotamus; rather than have an illegitimate bastard Son that runs a car tire on his FJR!

I DISOWN YOU! Burn in Hell, You CT Bastard!!!
You're next, Donners...and you KNOW it! You're next!

What an ugly mofo! Damn Walt and his camera! But the burger was DELISH! And the beer was COLD!

And here are SkootyG's New Bastard Uncles: Mopsy and Flopsy!
I am ******* speechless! What a duo....Darwinians, no doubt!

Skoot, I am truly surprised by your decision to Darkside. I don't think it necessary to back-quote how many times you've pooh-pooh'd the notion of putting a CT on a motorcycle. Oh, you're bike is WAAAAY to effin' clean, GheyBoy! :p :p :p


WHAT THE ****??!!

You bastards converted Skooter?? Skooter??

Just last week, Skooter was talking to me about the sickness that infests you people and said he would rather share an infected prostitute with Howie than run a car tire on his beloved bike. NOW...He has done it?

What did you ******** do? Did you threaten his family, coerce him in some way? Pay him off??? I know you did something!! :eek:

Poor Skooter...Now Don and I will be in mourning, for at least the next 10 minutes, for what was left of Skooter's sanity.

Oh...The dastardly ways of the Darkside... :huh:

WHAT THE ****??!!

You bastards converted Skooter?? Skooter??

Just last week, Skooter was talking to me about the sickness that infests you people and said he would rather share an infected prostitute with Howie than run a car tire on his beloved bike. NOW...He has done it?

What did you ******** do? Did you threaten his family, coerce him in some way? Pay him off??? I know you did something!! :eek:

Poor Skooter...Now Don and I will be in mourning, for at least the next 10 minutes, for what was left of Skooter's sanity.

Oh...The dastardly ways of the Darkside... :huh:
Don't despair, 'zilla.......with Skootie's driving record, he'll have tossed that '04 down the asphalt in no time and all the evidence will wind up in a salvage yard somewhere. He'll tell folks "It Never Happened!"

Wellalrightynow. Here we have newly minted --


Games we won't be playing with Skooter any more.




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Welcome to the Darkside SkooterG, you have been entered into the FAQ as Darksider #52.


My work here is done. No one is more devout than a reformed whore.


Unfortunately, Team Strange has already taken the phrase that comes to mind for those of us on the darkside "Total World Domination!!"

I still think we need to get some of those "Come to the darkside, we have strippers" stickers.

Strippers?? Where??!?!?

Nobody told me!!!!!!

I'm always the guy everybody tells that the party is at Joe's house and they all meet at Bob's, and I go banging on a dark door at an empty house.

Games we won't be playing with Skooter any more.


I don't think that evil CT is affecting my aggressive cornering much at all. Suprised the HELL out of me. There are some things I don't like, however. I've got over 500 miles on the damned thing, but the experiment still has a ways to go. I'll try to post up my impressions so far soon.


Welcome to the dark side!

this belongs in your tag line.


In all seriousness, here is a few tips...

Run it at 30 - 32 lbs. ( Duh ! )
When on a rough road, get used to the dance, don't try to correct it - let the bike work it out.
Use caution when between the cars (when in Kali), beware of the Bots Dots when filtering up to the front of the line.
When riding the high speed sweepers, use a bit of body english to initiate and hold the turn. Move that tush over to the inside of the turn and plant your knee into the fairing lower. The weight shift will bias the bike in the direction you want to go and both your scapulas will thank you for it. You don't want to wear yourself out counter steering that bastard through the turn. Remember, light touch on the bars to keep from bump steering.
Practice body english with both your hands on the fuel tank while on the freeway - it's fun

Enjoy the double takes from other motorcyclists at the gas station. It makes a great conversation starter.
By all means give us your honest impressions after a few thousand (s)miles with it - just like our friend in New England did.

And don't forget to pack some cookies.


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If I woulda known there were strippers AND cookies, I woulda put a car tire on my bike for a week like that quitter Fred. Then I woulda taken it off before I died in a plastic fireball from Hell.

I'm noticing something that is troubling me. Could it be that we ...

...blah blah blah...
...power of the darkside. We must come together brothers and sisters. We must maintain the integrity of the darkside of the force. It's time to rise up and take a stand.

...snipped a whole bunch more...

Whoa. Dude...

Thank you for using the "Snip Tool" .

This thread gets a bit tedious for us iPhone users having to wade through the oft repeated, verbatum "quoted" texts.
But one has to wonder why someone would want to try so hard to convince others to join them in such an endeavor. Does that some how validate your own choice? Isn't it enough for you that you have made your choice and like the results? I know that it is for me...
I enjoyed your write up, your honest impression of the experience you had with your set up. You did what most other nay sayers would never attempt, you actually mounted one up and gave it a fair shake. Then posted your un based findings. As Eric said, this grand experiment was to find out if it would work. If so, would it be a viable choice for anyone who was looking for a long distance tire for the rear.

...All of my motorcycle riding is strictly for pleasure. If I remove any of the pleasure of the ride, it's a bad deal for me.

Your opinion has great merit, thank you for making the effort.




Me thinks our friend garyahouse has imbibed a bit too much cat blood these days.

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You are welcome, Brodie. It is encouraging that folks like you, who are well entrenched in the practice, can see both sides of the issue as I do.

I have a feeling that the CT experiment is going to be far more successful one for Skootie than it was for me. His history of getting huge miles out of his rear PR2's tells us that he does ride a large percentage on highways. Probably has a lot to do with being located in the barren wasteland desert of the southwest. He'd have to ride hundreds of miles of slab just to get anywhere interesting. ;) He is also starting out with the most forgiving setup of using the Exalto on the back. I sort of wish that I had done so too, but remain convinced that it would have just been a milder form of dislike for me.

Probably the biggest reason that Skooter will be able to use that CT on back is he can always ride one of his other FJRs on the days he wants to get really frisky!! Of course that may backfire for him as he may never truly become fully acclimated to the feeling. :unsure:

Anyway, it should be fun to watch (from a safe distance! :lol: )

You are welcome, Brodie. It is encouraging that folks like you, who are well entrenched in the practice, can see both sides of the issue as I do.

I have a feeling that the CT experiment is going to be far more successful one for Skootie than it was for me. His history of getting huge miles out of his rear PR2's tells us that he does ride a large percentage on highways. Probably has a lot to do with being located in the barren wasteland desert of the southwest. He'd have to ride hundreds of miles of slab just to get anywhere interesting. ;) He is also starting out with the most forgiving setup of using the Exalto on the back. I sort of wish that I had done so too, but remain convinced that it would have just been a milder form of dislike for me.

Probably the biggest reason that Skooter will be able to use that CT on back is he can always ride one of his other FJRs on the days he wants to get really frisky!! Of course that may backfire for him as he may never truly become fully acclimated to the feeling. :unsure:

Anyway, it should be fun to watch (from a safe distance! :lol: )

He has enough FJRs that he could put some dual sport tires on one and he could quit whining about wanting a KLR. :eek:

I wonder what Warchild is going to do to him the next time they meet. Would be fun to watch :rolleyes:


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