Haulin Ashe's Yankee Loop 2008

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Jeff, we are having the best spring weather in NY that I can remember. We normally jump from winter to summer with only a brief visit from spring. This year spring has been hanging around for a while. The nights are cool, days are comfortable, and the trees are green. On the down side, we have been getting an occasional thunder storm and gas is now over $4.00 a gallon. The riding has been excellent. Looks like you picked a good year to visit the Northeast. :good:

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Jeff, we are having the best spring weather in NY that I can remember. We normally jump from winter to summer with only a brief visit from spring. This year spring has been hanging around for a while. The nights are cool, days are comfortable, and the trees are green. On the down side, we have been getting an occasional thunder storm and gas is now over $4.00 a gallon. The riding has been excellent. Looks like you picked a good year to visit the Northeast. :good:
I sure hope so. My big summer trip last year incorporated WFO and 16 days of 103F temps, EVERY FREAKIN' DAY! You could have plotted my course across the states by watching where the Weather Channel reported record high temps each day.

Thanks for the environmental update. I'm getting excited about planting all those miniature Rebel flags in flower pots throughout the northeast.


Shit - I couldn't have found this post before today?! Nuts. If this trip were a week later than it is, I'd be beggin' to join in. Even though I'm a complete stranger (not strange, just a stranger).

Hi Jeff!Just below your point 9 is Kane, PA, just off Rt. 219. I live there if you need anything. Also just north of there and below the town of Bradford, PA is a Honda - Kaw - Yamaha shop where I bought my FJR and FZ-1. They are relatively competent.

I am also heading out on a 10 day New England tour June 28 with some friends. From PA we are going up the CT / MA / ME coast - Rt 1 - to NB to see the 40 foot tides and PEI and then back through Rangely ME and NH - VT - Adirondacks - a lot of your route! We try not to use the slab much. Our main goal is to spot moose. We got great photos last year when we got stopped in the middle of a buffalo herd in SD.

Bon voyage!
Bumping this thread one last time before departure. Monday June 16th at 06:00 is launch!

Ride hard. Ride safe. Join me if you can.


Bumping this thread one last time before departure. Monday June 16th at 06:00 is launch!Ride hard. Ride safe. Join me if you can.

Good Luck Jeff!

Bonus points will be awarded for each Rebel Flag planted on a Moose.

If you somehow find yourself in KY next week, let me know.

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Good Luck Jeff! Bonus points will be awarded for each Rebel Flag planted on a Moose.

If you somehow find yourself in KY next week, let me know.
Ohhhh! I'm supposed to plant them ON a moose. Good thing you spoke up. I've been practicing my Bill Murray/Caddy Shack routine to convince the critter that inserting the flag post was according to doctor's orders.


Have a fun safe trip Jeff. Thanks for your help on my upcoming trip. If you're in VT BEFORE June 25 look me up.


Yankee Loop update!

Sally and I met with Jeff and Karen Tuesday evening in Somerset, PA for dinner. Left this morning and rode up Rt. 219 to Ellicotville NY for lunch and left them in great spirits heading to Niagra Falls. Weather was finicky, local traffic had little impact on our efforts forging north... ;)


Stop for gas in Dubois, PA


Splitting up at Ellicotville, NY.


I thought he'd have a Big #ss rebel flag flying from the back of that thing. :huh:

What's up with that? Maybe he IS a yankee in disguise... :clapping:

Ooh, looks like they have spiffy new matching helmets.

Wheaties, I am positive... he's not a Yank.

Hope that you're having fun Jeff. I was just a few days too early to ride with ya'.

Good to see you and Karen. Assume the new front tire was better than the worn out piece of....... you arrived on? Glad you stopped in.

