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Traffic can get really tight on that route through north Jersey/NY. Be safe.
So I have heard

I have tried to accommodate that by taking the Garden State Parkway and Tappen Zee Bridge, instead of staying on I95 through New York. It's a little further but hopefully will avoid the very worst.
Hey Steve, just thought I'd point out that the your Trip Viewer has you passing under the GSP at Woodbridge Township and taking the George Washington Bridge into NYC via 95.
That is because you are seeing an old version of the route. If I have time I'll load the new one, but I think the GSP is the only change.

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Traffic can get really tight on that route through north Jersey/NY. Be safe.
So I have heard

I have tried to accommodate that by taking the Garden State Parkway and Tappen Zee Bridge, instead of staying on I95 through New York. It's a little further but hopefully will avoid the very worst.
Hey Steve, just thought I'd point out that the your Trip Viewer has you passing under the GSP at Woodbridge Township and taking the George Washington Bridge into NYC via 95.
That is because you are seeing an old version of the route. If I have time I'll load the new one, but I think the GSP is the only change.
I know you are on top of it. I felt I would be remiss not to mention it.

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There is a problem with SpotWalla right now. It is not accepting my GPX track for the new route. In fact, it isn't accepting ANY tracks and I don't know why.

Edit: New track is uploaded ... Jason is awesome!

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Just an FYI: the I-285 bypass around Atlanta adds miles for sure, but does not always save you time. Between 9 pm and 5 am any day, it's easier and quicker to go through downtown. Looks like you're coming through on Sunday; call my mobile (already PM'd) anytime day or night, and I can provide real-time traffic input. Always honored to provide ride-along conversation, too.

Ride safely, sir.

Thanks. If I am on schedule i will be through Atlanta on Saturday.

I have a long first stint planned because I need to hit Roanoake by around Saturday lunchtime. That's about a BBG pace.

He looks to be on his way from the start point. Will be watching with interest. Good luck Twigg!

I just put this on Facebook:

Holed up in a Super 8 in Roanoke, VA, that isn't very super :)

Had some issues, not the least of which was a very poor plan. I knew it was poor from the planning stage, yet I let myself be persuaded (by me) that t was a good idea.

The upshot is that I left home at 6.00am Friday, rode 200 miles to the start location, then set off. I did that having slept only two hours Thursday night.

So with two days not yet completed (9.30 am tomorrow), I have covered about 1800 miles. I slept for a couple of hours in a Rest Area, but it wasn't enough. Tonight I am sleeping the night through.

I also have an issue with my boots. The changes to the FJR footpegs mean you have to angle your feet in, and the adjustments are a bit off. The result is that my TCX boots have seriously hurt my ankles, to the point of being un-wearable. Tomorrow I will be looking in Wal-Mart for the best shoes I can ride in, at least for a few days.

I am exhausted, and it's my own fault. Still, it is recoverable and I am not quitting yet :) The bike has been awesome, the weather not so much The ride in and out of Kentucky was wonderful ... Those mountains look great, when you can see them through the rain.
Hang in there Steve. At least in the morning all the major rain here in the mid Atlantic will be northeast of you

Ride safe and watch out for the State LEO's when you roll through NJ.

Hang in there Steve, day #2 is usually the worst day of the ride. I had my boots absolutely kill my feet on the last ride I did

last month. They started feeling a little better as the ride progressed. Tourmaster Solutions are comfortable right out of the

box. Many cycle shops stock them... might be an option.

Grind it out, after tomorrow's riding it will get better. The west IS best !!!

A good nights sleep will help greatly! Hopefully you are done with the HEAVY rain as I'm sure that beat you down some too! Hang in there! Today is a new day!

So a short day today.

The boot issues got worse and I spent a sleepless few hours at a rest stop somewhere in America.

This morning I met up with a couple of Facebook friends in Vermont ... Had lunch and rode some wonderful, but very, very slow roads. I am holed up in te worst motel since Hotel California, but it has a bed and was $50 (I think I bought the place).

Bottom line. I am in severe pain. I bought shoes and took off the footpeg lowering brackets, which I love. The shoes are okay but I hate to think what would ahppen in an incident.

I will sleep long tonight. My official "day-over", btw, is 9.30 am Central. So this is day 4 and I have 24 States.

If I can make Des Moines tomorrow, I can go the distance. If not I am almost home.

Keep your fingers crossed because my ankles need it.

Thanks guys
