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Steve what time do you expect to hit DM? I'm around during the day, but heading E on I-80 at 3:30pm Tues, returning to DM around 10:30-11p. PM'd my cell in case I can be of assistance.

Which way are you passing through NY? If you come through between Albany and NYC i'll come meet up for a few.

Steve what time do you expect to hit DM? I'm around during the day, but heading E on I-80 at 3:30pm Tues, returning to DM around 10:30-11p. PM'd my cell in case I can be of assistance.
You are a good man Craig !


Have you tried Ankle Braces? You can find them at most drug stores. I think they might work, as long as your boots are not

tight fitting.

Hope you can get some relief Twigg. Motrin is your friend too.

Hopefully the weather has past to the east before you start today...some pretty nasty looking stuff from Cleveland all the way to your location currently.

Okay ... Day 4

I don't need advil guys, I have oxycodone :D

Today I knocked out 900 miles to Beloit, WI, where I am holed up grabbing a few hours sleep. I could have carried on to Minnesota but I may as well ride in daylight.

I felt as stupid as one of Barry's jokes, wearing $20 shoes from Wal-Mart, but as long as I stay on the bike, they are getting it done!

Does everyone in Illinois drive at 20 over the posted speed? I'm just asking 'cos some little old ladies in Kias were kicking my butt.

Oh yeah ... Des Moines tomorrow.

Okay ... Day 4
I don't need advil guys, I have oxycodone

Today I knocked out 900 miles to Beloit, WI, where I am holed up grabbing a few hours sleep. I could have carried on to Minnesota but I may as well ride in daylight.

I felt as stupid as one of Barry's jokes, wearing $20 shoes from Wal-Mart, but as long as I stay on the bike, they are getting it done!

Does everyone in Illinois drive at 20 over the posted speed? I'm just asking 'cos some little old ladies in Kias were kicking my butt.

Oh yeah ... Des Moines tomorrow.
Those old ladies have cataracts and can't tell the difference between the speed limit signs and the Interstate 80 signs. The enforcement of speed on Illinois interstates has really waned in the last few years. The state police are experiencing a shortage of troopers due to budget snafus over the last few years (okay actually since Lincoln was a senator) There was an actual directive for the troopers here in my district that forces the troopers to sit in their car and not initiate any stops unless absolutely necessary. This district that is 160 miles square will sometimes only have 4 troopers on duty at a time. My brother in law who is a trooper will sometimes have to wait 45 min to get another trooper for back up on felony stops. I am sure that absence of subjective enforcement (running radar) has contributed to lax behavior of following the speed limits.

We try to hold it down to 20 over because 30 over is go to jail speed.

+ what cav said, yes Illinois is another broke state.

Looks like Twigg should be passing the Black Hills Rally in a couple hours. Nebraska is thankfully in the rear-view mirror soon (currently west of North Platt), just about to pick up Colorado at Julesburg before heading north..

This appears to be staging well for a daylight ride on Lolo Pass.


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Looks like we wont see Twigg for Supper Saturday night, he pipped into Wyoming on I-90 after riding past Spearfish about 2100 tonight.

When I posted yesterday morning he was on the Nebraska, Colorado border, and he didn't move for hours. Not sure what the problem was, but he had to run through some storms as well. It's noon his time, and he just pushed past Bozeman on the way to Missoula. Looks like he could be on Lolo Pass by 2:30.

Anyone want to take bets he's a bit sore by now? Great ride under some difficult conditions.

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When I posted yesterday morning he was on the Nebraska, Colorado border, and he didn't move for hours. Not sure what the problem was, but he had to run through some storms as well. It's noon his time, and he just pushed past Bozeman on the way to Missoula. Looks like he could be on Lolo Pass by 2:30.
I'd say this is unlikely to conclude in the allotted 7-days (tonight). Anyone want to take bets he's a bit sore by now? Great ride under some difficult conditions, no matter if it finishes a day later.
I remember when looking at my own Spotwalla trips that there was typically a selection panel on the left side and you could select if you'd like to overlay weather, or at least temperatures, but there doesn't seem to be an option when I look at Twigg's page - is that something he selects when he sets up the trip, or should I be able to select it as an observer?

I remember when looking at my own Spotwalla trips that there was typically a selection panel on the left side and you could select if you'd like to overlay weather, or at least temperatures, but there doesn't seem to be an option when I look at Twigg's page - is that something he selects when he sets up the trip, or should I be able to select it as an observer?
It's there, but just been moved in the past year or so to the top. Click on the down triangle by where it says "48-10" and then "Adjustments".

My "States Visited" map is looking a little sparse, something I intend fixing in the next two weeks.
I am leaving at 10.00 am, Friday 19th June, from Idabel, OK, heading for Albuquerque, NM via all the Lower 48 plus Washington DC (well it seemed rude not to).


Tracking is here:


For those who can see it there is a Facebook Event here:


The aim is to be at the IBR Start location in 7 days. This may or may not prove possible. Either way I have a decent cushion to get under everyone's feet over the weekend.

If you want to follow the progress I'll be glad to have you along
Steve has got this easily! Yes, the fat lady hasn't sung yet but he's got until 10am monday morning (OK time) to get there. Show no mercy Twigg!! you da man!!

Well if Twigg was running behind, which I don''t think he was, he just rode over a great stretch of road where much time can be made up.....quickly.
