Help me ride into the World Record books!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous.My 2cents.

Good Luck and have a safe ride.

I think the whole thing is outrageous :yahoo:

Isn't tthat great.

I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous.My 2cents.

Good Luck and have a safe ride.

I think not understanding what this man has done for so many here from the goodness of his heart asking for nothing, then making a comment like this is outrageous. He has given FAR more than many of us can repay.

He did not ask YOU for a thing noob

My 2 Cents

I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous.My 2cents.
I think not understanding what this man has done for so many here from the goodness of his heart asking for nothing, then making a comment like this is outrageous. He has given FAR more than many of us can repay.
Well, everybody's entitled to their opinion, even if it's soup-sandwich in nature. It's not even close to Friday yet.

I have found that knowing when to keep ones' unpopular opinions to oneself is invaluable, at least to me.

I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous.My 2cents.
I think not understanding what this man has done for so many here from the goodness of his heart asking for nothing, then making a comment like this is outrageous. He has given FAR more than many of us can repay.
Well, everybody's entitled to their opinion, even if it's soup-sandwich in nature. It's not even close to Friday yet.

I have found that knowing when to keep ones' unpopular opinions to oneself is invaluable, at least to me.

Uhm by my gestimation, he's more than made up the $300-400 that he was short, even if no one on the Blackbird forum contributed. ;) So rides like this could turn profitable for him :)

And.... Didn't this board all chip in to buy Dale a new/used FJR when he wore out the last one a couple years ago? :)

Yet, he's riding the XX? How's that for gratitude <note sarcasm>

and yes I donated, cause I want to see him get this done.


I thought differently after reading your web pages,
Ditto, I didn't see the section on how until it recently ....but I had put some of my own mental masturbation on the ingredients that would have to come into play. Mind you, this is ordeal is way beyond me, ......seeing the plans in place (wheels, weather reports, optional routes, duplicate bike to cannabalize, etc etc etc ..)

these things will not only be necessary IMO ...but it perhaps puts this craziness into the arena of "maybe" possible.

Personally I find it very fascinating to witness this exploration of such limits and to push oneself into unchartered territory.

More than just a personal agenda, it is a test of methodologies, personal focus/strength and for me as a biking enthusiast, a great vicarious experience to think about "is it really possible?",

Fun also to see and think about what kinds of things will be put in place to make it happen. ..and after the fact, what things should have been put in place ... Fascinating in that this is pioneering by all definition.

Even with much stuff already in place, and seemingly great methodologies in place ...come day four or five I think this thing is going to reach a very very intense level. I'll be watching closely, and pulling for Dale to pull this off .....and I hope he records/documents his thoughts and encounters as he does this I bet as the days go by, obstacles that were simple on day 1 or 2 will be be huge in the latter days.

If we knew he'd knock this out would it be fascinating? Hell no. If we knew he'd fail would it be fascinating? Hell No any adventure, only time will tell ....and I think this is going to be a much more wild adventure than any of us can imagine. It certainly has captured my imagination.

dale, go get 'em you Krazy Phucker.

And.... Didn't this board all chip in to buy Dale a new/used FJR when he wore out the last one a couple years ago? :)


Yet, he's riding the XX? How's that for gratitude <note sarcasm>
and yes I donated, cause I want to see him get this done.

One of the main reasons I am using the XX for this and not the FJR is that by the time this event gets started, my FJR will be in the shop with the cylinder head all torn apart.

Yes, you guessed it.... my second FJR has also developed the Tick. It's not a pronounced one like my old Timex was, but the ticking sound is well known and unmistakable. :( :( :( :(

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And.... Didn't this board all chip in to buy Dale a new/used FJR when he wore out the last one a couple years ago? :) WHAT??????
I think it was the older incarnation of this board, just before my arrival on the scene. Someone else can probably provide more details than I....but yeah, this isn't the first time we've passed the hat for a dedicated and contributing member.

One of the main reasons I am using the XX for this and not the FJR is that by the time this event gets started, my FJR will be in the shop with the cylinder head all torn apart.
Did you see this thread? Somebody else supposedly just got a NEW head!

And yeah, I think mine's starting to make that noise again....

I'm just getting caught up...

So, how much of the budget is really going to gas and how much to spare Stadium Pals? ;)

More seriously, are you there with the budget yet? I'm looking forward to following this. Awesome undertaking. And now I understand all the hardware hanging off the Blackbird.

Wow this is really a giving group of folks. First the donations went to a new-ish FJR for the man, now for fuel to ride a blackbird an insane distance in an insane amount of time. If he doesn't make it, where does the rest of the fuel $$ go?

Wow this is really a giving group of folks. First the donations went to a new-ish FJR for the man, now for fuel to ride a blackbird an insane distance in an insane amount of time. If he doesn't make it, where does the rest of the fuel $ go?
Towards his second attempt I would guess ;)

dale, go get 'em you Krazy Phucker.

OH, and the price for all this?: As much or as little as I care to donate. Geeze, i like that!

Wish I could decide how much I pay for all my other sources of bike related pleasure. MotoGP charges me a pretty penny for tickets, AMA gets me every year and while I'm happy to pay, they don't give me the choice of how much or little. Then on extended rides: strippers .....while often negotiable -rarely do they give it up free (well there was that one time when they thought I was Iggy).

This is going to be some good stuff it entertainment, or whatever you want, to me it is some good extreme bike related fun which we can do a ride along on a vicarious level. Worth throwing a few gallons of gas toward for me .....

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I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous.My 2cents.

Good Luck and have a safe ride.

Not sure what everyone else's computer said, but mine said this:

ONLY IF YOU FEEL SO INCLINED, you can donate to help me put a mark in the World Record books buy tossing some $$$ into a PayPal account set up strictly for this "Bun Burner GOLD Hell Week" event:
Sound's voluntary and unsolicited to me.

Frankly, I don't really care what he does with any "extra" funds - he can buy a sandwich, a mansion or give some to his "significant" other to go to a movie while he's gone.

I sent him money because I believe in what he's trying to accomplish. If find it amazing that there are people that have nothing larger than themselves to believe in and that a dollar bill runs their entire life while on this planet.

<end rant>

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I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous. My 2cents. Good Luck and have a safe ride.
i think ranting about someone announcing a record attempt and a link to a voluntary chance to help make it happen is pretty FUBARed. :****:

Shades of Timex replacement. You do realize that despite your gruff exterior,you gonna cry like a baby once you got the title, and realize that a whole shitload of people believed that you could do it, and wanted to be a part of it, don't you? Well, don't you? I thought so.
Quotin meself here, as the replacement bike a few years ago was what that referenced. Timex was the name attached to his 1st Feejer, with obvious connotations. On the Sleezee board, we all donated enough to get him a replacement, as he was so fed up with the whole FJR debacle (he gets emotional sometimes) that he was kissing the marque off completely. The bike he has now was a wreck purchased and fixed up with that dough (a deer hit IIRC), he's still involved with the FJR bunch, so mission accomplished. No-one who contributed has asked for their money back, so I would say all is well that ends well.

One of the main reasons I am using the XX for this and not the FJR is that by the time this event gets started, my FJR will be in the shop with the cylinder head all torn apart.
Yes, you guessed it.... my second FJR has also developed the Tick. It's not a pronounced one like my old Timex was, but the ticking sound is well known and unmistakable. :( :( :( :(

Annnnnddd You dont wanna hang all that shit of that pretty Feejer frame I would guess. :clapping:

Come on guys, If you want to donate please do, if not please shut-up ( at least ) !

How much money did you save or you will save because of this forum !!!

And, man, doing what he's ready to try is something !!!

I think asking forum members to help pay for your gas so you can accomplish some personal agenda is outrageous.My 2cents.

Good Luck and have a safe ride.
I guess that means Dale shouldn't be expecting a donation from you?!?!?

In one form or another, many on this board have been affected by Dale's action/works. Hell, he even played a pretty significant role in getting this forum started in the first place, IIRC. Have you ever done work on your own bike? If you're a master mechanic and don't need assistance from anyone on anything, well, good for you. I've done just about everything there is to do on a bike mechanically, but, there are specific nuances to this bike that could be figured out, but, it's much easier to go to and see what's out there (and even some purty pictures).

The time that these articles has saved me is well worth the couple of bucks that I threw at this maniacal adventure.

Additionally, knowing that there is no way in hell that I would ever dream of attempting a stunt like this, maybe I'm just looking to live vicariously through this nutcase.
