Help!, New FJR, Throttle Tight, Hard To Twist

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Hey Scythian,
You may as well save you breath commenting on incorrect grammar on this forum. It's pervasive....amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.
Score of only 2. Poor form.

Should have been, "....amazing how ignorant some of these ignoramuses are."

If you can't get your idiots and ignoramuses correct, how are we to take anything you say seriously?

Hey Scythian,
You may as well save you breath commenting on incorrect grammar on this forum. It's pervasive....amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.
My, my, BM (appropriate initials, me thinks!), still bitter, I see.

...amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.
So, what you're saying is that everyone on this board is an idiot and that some of us are ignorant, too?

Way to make nice - even with those you are trying to support and with yourself, as well. Idiot.


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Hey Scythian,
You may as well save you breath commenting on incorrect grammar on this forum. It's pervasive....amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.
My, my BM (appropriate initials, me thinks!), still bitter, I see.

...amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.
So, what you're saying is that everyone on this board is an idiot and that some of us are ignorant, too?
Way to make nice - even with those you are trying to support and with yourself, as well. Idiot.

Damn. Yours was better.

Now it's off to the post office for me to send Skiwi another bent FJR part for him to work his magic on. You all play nice while I am gone or you know what I'll have to do..............

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I just brought my new (out of the box) 2006 FJR1300A home last night and rode it for the first time this morning. I love the bike and had a great ride except the throttle is so hard to twist I came back with my wrist throbbing after just an hour ride. That has never happened with any bike I have ever ridden. My wrist strength is good and I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. Did the dealer forget to adjust it?
How do I adjust it?

Welcome to the forum.

I'm not real happy with the asshat reception you received here. You may have few posts (we all start with 1), but from the looks of your "stable", you're probably a fairly experienced rider and have much to contribute. I've seen this more often than I care to, and I wonder how many newbies and lurkers get chased off with this abruptness regarding searches.

I'm on here A LOT, but usually post only when I hope I have something to contribute. For me, this forum is better reading than the three MC mags I subscribe to, combined. That's because nearly all the discussion here pertains to what I ride.

I like to see old topics come up for discussion. They often introduce new info about a problem or accessory that hasn't been brought up before and makes for interesting reading. Every day I see and read many posts that have been here before, but now with a new twist. With all the new members, many topics are them, anyway.

New guys are full of questions and may not even be aware that they have been brought up before. I would like to see the admins, and especially the old pros, lighten up a bit on the "search feature". Very little is posted here that hasn't been seen before, so whats the harm in bringing it up again? Makes for good reading and brings up topics we weren't even thinking about.

If posting anew causes an organizational or bandwidth problem, we should be made aware of it. And, no, I didn't do a search on that.

I know this is a private forum and I appreciate all the admins do to keep it going. Don't know what I'd do with a lot of my time if it dissappeared. I'd have to get a life, I suppose.

Lets give the newbies, in particular, a break on some of these procedural oversights. They'll figure it out.

Oh wait...IS this Friday??? Never mind... :D

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I think if we all keep typing...

our wrists will become even stronger....

and the throttle will not seem as tight anymore,

so in a sick kind of way -- all of this negativity crap becomes the solution for the hard to twist throttle.

Hey Scythian,
You may as well save you breath commenting on incorrect grammar on this forum. It's pervasive....amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.
Ahh, grammar as a measure if intelligence. Just another attempt at reification, Stephen Gould is rolling over in his grave. Catch a clue, the strength of this board is the diversity of its population and skillsets. I have a PhD in mathematics, so if you want an academic slugfest then lets go. However, mathematics (and grammar) are skills that I rarely employ in riding or wrenching on the FJR. Other members of this forum have demonstrated numerous times their skill and intelligence to areas related to this forum (and other areas I might add), and deserve your respect. They certainly have mine.

In case you haven't figured it out yet I can't stand academic snobs, makes us all look like a bunch of a-holes. So drop the grammar crap and find a real argument.

Hey Scythian,
You may as well save you breath commenting on incorrect grammar on this forum. It's pervasive....amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.

It seems the asshole pool just keeps getting deeper.

:sleepysmileyanim: :sleepysmileyanim: :sleepysmileyanim: :sleepysmileyanim: :sleepysmileyanim: :sleepysmileyanim: :sleepysmileyanim:
Shit, I was at the BMW stealership picking up some Held Phantoms in custom hi-viz and blue to match the Stich and Mabel (well, Wonky was already taken) and I MISSED THE DOG PILE. Somebody ring me next time we have a great dog pile.

Hey Scythian,
You may as well save you breath commenting on incorrect grammar on this forum. It's pervasive....amazing how ignorant some of these idiots are.


If you have deduced that the board is full of "idiots", then why would you be amazed at the "ignorance"? Seems like the definition of idiocy encompasses ignorance. Are you amazed by all logical conclusions? Hey, aren't you on this board too?

In case you haven't figured it out yet I can't stand academic snobs, makes us all look like a bunch of a-holes. So drop the grammar crap and find a real argument.

Hey, V,

Help me out here, I just can't seem to figure out why 2+2 = imaginary 45. Do I have the coefficient in the wrong place or what? :rolleyes:

Isn't everyone just a little ashamed of themselves and afraid to back up, take a breath and let it go?

Every year, when the new bikes arrive and the new owners come to the forum, we go attend the same dance. This year is different because:

1.) We haven't been able to play "Waiter-Baiting", so some of us (that'd be me) aren't venting our Winter frustration.

2.) With PDP over, there aren't scheduled arrivals and "graduating classes" of new owners for the rest to follow.

3.) Because of reason #2 the deliveries are spread in a different timeframe, so the factoids and fixes are now spread over a greater amount of space so it SEEMS (or feels...eeew yuck!) like a lot of repetitive questions. Okay, maybe there what?

I'm glad TWN has figured out the search, I still struggle with it. Some of us work at different professions and the computer isn't our life or livelihood, it is a tool for entertainment and enjoyment. Please excuse us for not being up-to-date/speed on the doo-dah or program.

IMO, cOemgen was answered by TWN. Everyone else was bored or chose to be offended and the melee began. And why are we choosing sides (Noobs vs. Vets). Are we FJR owners becoming our own enemy?

Everyone...back away from the keyboard....take a deep breath....hold it....let it out slowly. Do it again! There feel better? If not, why not partake in your favorite adult beverage (I prefer Iced Tea) and let this rest.

Okay....Group Hug!!! :yahoo:

Help me out here, I just can't seem to figure out why 2+2 = imaginary 45. Do I have the coefficient in the wrong place or what? :rolleyes:
Ah, Fencer poses a math challenge. :D Wull I beeleave I kin feegur the anti-derivative fur ya. ;)

The CEO called the CFO into his office and asked him what 2 + 2 equaled?

"Why, 4, naturally", replied the CFO. The CEO thanked the CFO, and then dismissed him.

Next the CEO called the Director of Engineering into his office and asked him what 2 + 2 equaled?

After performing a series of complex calculations the DOE responded nonchalantly, “Why, 4, naturally”. The CEO thanked the DOE, and then dismissed him.

Finally, the CEO called the CLO (Chief Litigation Officer) into his office and asked him what 2 + 2 equaled?

The CLO leaned over the CEO’s desk and said, “you and I both know what 2 + 2 really equals, but what do You want it to equal”? The CEO then said, “Good, let’s get down to business”!


AIGF (all in good fun)

snip...AIGF (all in good fun)
At least someone got it

and every one seems to have missed

mmmm pie, but I guess the new guys would not have got that one

so here goes

Pie - a diversionary tactic on a BS topic

I still believe that if we all just type more more more more,

the wrist muscles will strengthen -- and the throttle will appear not so hard to twist.

Mmmmmmmmmmm pie.

I wonder how many newbies and lurkers get chased off with this abruptness regarding searches.
Add one more. There's no way I'm starting a thread here without spending 10 solid hours searching for existing posts first. For a while, I thought this forum was different. :(

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