Help!, New FJR, Throttle Tight, Hard To Twist

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Add one more. There's no way I'm starting a thread here without spending 10 solid hours searching for existing posts first. For a while, I thought this forum was different. :(
Ahh, don't be that way just because of a dogpile or two. Instead of starting a new thread when you have a question, find a busy one and just divert that thread's line of BS with your actual question. There will be no shock or delay, someone will answer it right away! Try to pick a thread where it seems like your question is related, but that's not really necessary either. :)

You have to admit that it's great fun to jump into a dogpile now and then.....thrust a spear here and there and see who you can get to respond with the appropriate amount of squealing. But it is easy to lose sight of the fact that this forum does, in fact, serve an important educational function for all of and old hands alike. It seems that more folks are beginning to question the real worth of this group, primarily because of a perceived intolerance of new people by the established " old guard". There's an element of truth to that perception and it will prove to be, ultimately, very damaging. We need new people who bring fresh ideas and perspectives.

Hell, I'm as guilty as anyone for being too vociferous in my comments sometimes. I would really hate to see this forum slide into a really dysfuctional group because of intolerances to other's opinions and positions.

You have to admit that it's great fun to jump into a dogpile now and then.....thrust a spear here and there and see who you can get to respond with the appropriate amount of squealing. But it is easy to lose sight of the fact that this forum does, in fact, serve an important educational function for all of and old hands alike. It seems that more folks are beginning to question the real worth of this group, primarily because of a perceived intolerance of new people by the established " old guard". There's an element of truth to that perception and it will prove to be, ultimately, very damaging. We need new people who bring fresh ideas and perspectives.
Hell, I'm as guilty as anyone for being too vociferous in my comments sometimes. I would really hate to see this forum slide into a really dysfuctional group because of intolerances to other's opinions and positions.
Amen! Most of us are still somewhere on the learning curve concering the FJR. It's easy for me to forget I was on the bottom of "the bell" not very long ago. Thank goodness the knowledgeable and able were tolerant as they taught me. I'm still learning, and I'm very quiet when some people (like Jestal, for instance) post. :unsure:

I would really hate to see this forum slide into a really dysfuctional group because of intolerances to other's opinions and positions.
Oops, too late.

Or, were you in early on the dysfunctional exhaust group buy?

His point was that ST.n moves so many posts that even the likes of JSchmidt was prompted to post a threat complaining of this. As far as them dumping on noobs... man, you haven't been reading very well. I'm a tough, old sumabitch and even I won't venture a post there anymore. :blink:
Not sure what you are talking about. It may have been that way at some point in the past, but I've been on that list for about a year now and haven't seen anything like that. In fact, just the opposite.

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Oh jeez. I was really kidding on my posts (dry humor), but now with all the bed wetting, I am not. Man-up people. If anyone is going to leave the forum because they got called out, then be off with you. This forum has soooo0 much valuable information for free, and if you can't put up with some of the crap, go ahead and cut that nose off to spite that face.

Do a frickin' search. It's not complicated. Down the line, when you are looking for information, you'll appreciate not having it scattered and fragmented in 300 places. Word.


Oh jeez. I was really kidding on my posts (dry humor), but now with all the bed wetting, I am not. Man-up people. If anyone is going to leave the forum because they got called out, then be off with you. This forum has soooo0 much valuable information for free, and if you can't put up with some of the crap, go ahead and cut that nose off to spite that face.
Do a frickin' search. It's not complicated. Down the line, when you are looking for information, you'll appreciate not having it scattered and fragmented in 300 places. Word.


I know it is only me, but I can't tell the difference between your "dry humor" and your serious mode. YMMV. :rolleyes: :) Perhaps a more liberal use of "emoticons" might help :p Wouldn't think of not availing myself to this wealth of "free" information. Plus, I'm sure ALL the people here are really nice people! So, I'll stay and try to stay out of the fray. Maybe I'll be able to contribute just a little to some other weak wrist-ed, over-the-hill type. ;) :D B) :)


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Isn't everyone just a little ashamed of themselves and afraid to back up, take a breath and let it go?
Well OK I am embarassed now. At the time I made my ill-advised post I had just recently started my bike for the first time in several months, after a long period of farkling. Was feeling very cranky. I started the bike to make sure everything was bolted back together properly, nothing leaking, etc. Severely underestimated the sound of the motor was going to have on me, I want to frickin' ride!!!!! At least another month and a half of the white death around here:angry2:

Hopefully you guys understand and don't think I'm some sort of intellectual prick. While I am at it, anybody have any need for a mathematician in a warmer climate? :lol:

Hey, V,Help me out here, I just can't seem to figure out why 2+2 = imaginary 45. Do I have the coefficient in the wrong place or what? :rolleyes:
For a modest fee, you tell me what answer you want and I will provide the numbers to prove you are correct :lol:

I just brought my new (out of the box) 2006 FJR1300A home last night and rode it for the first time this morning. I love the bike and had a great ride except the throttle is so hard to twist I came back with my wrist throbbing after just an hour ride. That has never happened with any bike I have ever ridden. My wrist strength is good and I don't have carpal tunnel syndrome. Did the dealer forget to adjust it?
How do I adjust it?
Let the tension go on the center spring of your throttle body, search throttle spring, lighten up some. There are very detailed instructions on how to do it - Photo's and all. If you want to survive here, focus on the information and ignore the personalities, they will piss you off every time !!!;hl=throttle


Isn't everyone just a little ashamed of themselves and afraid to back up, take a breath and let it go?
Not me.

I performed a public service posting the etymology of 'shat'.....

Hate to keep this thread alive but it has started me thinking:

A scenario:

You (Brundog?) meet a fellow (unknown) FJR rider at a wayside rest, for instance, and he asks you if you know anything about a tight throttle since he just picked up his new FJR. Would you just ride off?

My point is that this whole internet thing really "impersonallizes"? (is that a word?) folks with a common interest. My other point is why even look at a thread that you are tired of responding to? Unless we are running into forum storage limits perhaps, I don't have a problem with new threads being started that have been covered before. I look at it as a way to meet folks with one common interest ----> the good ol' FJR.

If you see a thread that has been covered before, [SIZE=18pt]keep on scrollin'[/SIZE]


'05 FJR

p.s. by the way, you can find the FJR screensaver I posted in another thread: just search for it! :rolleyes:

Oh jeez. I was really kidding on my posts (dry humor), but now with all the bed wetting, I am not. Man-up people. If anyone is going to leave the forum because they got called out, then be off with you. This forum has soooo0 much valuable information for free, and if you can't put up with some of the crap, go ahead and cut that nose off to spite that face.
Do a frickin' search. It's not complicated. Down the line, when you are looking for information, you'll appreciate not having it scattered and fragmented in 300 places. Word.

If all people did was search, there would be no new posts, as many common FJR questions have been asked and answered. There is nothing wrong with anyone asking a question already covered. Have you ever heard of a new perspective? I have never seen such as mass of condescending Admins all on one internet site, not to mention the select forum gods who actually think they are above other based on tenure on an Internet Forum. What a joke. If I want to start a new thread and ask a question already covered, I will. If you don't like it, too damm bad. Dont respond to the questions! If you want to take a cheap shot, be my guest, it's common here. I'd love to see some of the bad-asses here do it in person. Let the new guys and old ask all the questions they want. Besides, the Search engine does leave lots to be desired. Flame suit on.

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A scenario:
You (Brundog?) meet a fellow (unknown) FJR rider at a wayside rest, for instance, and he asks you if you know anything about a tight throttle since he just picked up his new FJR. Would you just ride off?
Well that comparison doesn't quite match up, the person in question was on the forum which has the solution posted. A little different than a wayside rest (Blackberry's aside :) ). In fact while I was doing my cc installation I followed some of Brundogs installation notes - he was very friendly and helpful when I pm'd him for help with some of the pics.

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