HID Self Buy

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Are you planning to keep your stock headlamps?
Funny this question should come up. I was actively considering jumping in for a while. But I am now reconsidering. So I have a question for you Warchild (or anyone else).

(WC, If you think this is better treated as a separate thread feel free to move the messsage over to a new thread. For the moment this seemed the best place to ask it)

I am considering instead a set of EXTERNAL HID lamps. (Of course using those groovy Top Gun PIAA brackets from FJRGoodies.com). While I like the idea of the HID conversions for the regular headlights because it is a nice clean simple look I realize I also:

- Like the output of the regular lights

- Like the redundancy of a second set of headlights (One of the comments made by WC got me thinking about this)

- I _do_ like the look of those mirror brackets

- I Like the instant on of a convential headlight for day2day yeoman duty.

- I am somewhat concerned about the "legality" of a 100% switch to HID. (Leaving the stockers in means I can revert to the stock 55/65 H4 instead of the 55/100 I am using now).

But from what I have seen the odd time driving a car with HID's I do like the way they work. A friend has a Maxima and the way its set up is regular headlights augmented by a HID driving lights. This setup works really well. Regular H$'s for the in-city stuff. Nice HID's for nightime rural driving.

So If I wanted the best of both worlds I would stick with the regular H4's in the FJR and go with an external set of HID driving lights. This leads to the question:

What does anyone recomend for a set of good HID driving lights for the FJR. I am looking for something that will augment (or used instead of) the high beams at night. Something that will really project down the road and light up the ditches were the forest rats seem to pounce from. I like reliability (have heard some mumblings about ballast reliability with the HIDS). I also like easy mounting (have heard the ballasts used in this group buy seem to be smaller than the older units).

So any recomendations on what to use, and where to get them?

- Colin

What does anyone recomend for a set of good HID driving lights for the FJR. I am looking for something that will augment (or used instead of) the high beams at night. Something that will really project down the road and light up the ditches were the forest rats seem to pounce from. I like reliability (have heard some mumblings about ballast reliability with the HIDS). I also like easy mounting (have heard the ballasts used in this group buy seem to be smaller than the older units).
So any recomendations on what to use, and where to get them?

- Colin
Earlier in this monster of a thread, PHIDs were discussed. They are the HID auxilliary driving light of choice that many of us have.

Pricey at $675, they are available from Farklemsaters.com.

QUOTE (dunhamg @ Oct 27 2005, 05:59 AM) Warchild,

I was wondering, I know it's been mentioned here, but now I don't see the option I'm looking for.

What do you recommend for converting my 910's? Is there a high beam only kit or do I have to buy the full hi&low beam kit to get the high beams? I would rather not have the moving parts and just switch on the converted 910's for my high beams.

Thanks again for setting this up.

Grady A. Dunham 

In this scenario, you would just need to buy the H3 HID kit with the 4300K temperature bulbs. This is $185, not $195.

Are you planning to keep your stock headlamps?
Right, I was planning on keeping the stock headlamps and just change out the 910's with the HID. I thought the low beam had a shielded bulb, I was looking for an unshielded bulb, so am I to assume that the H3 bulb is unshielded?

Thanks for the help.

Grady A. Dunham

so am I to assume that the H3 bulb is unshielded? 

For all single-filiment halogen bulbs (H1, H3, H7, etc), their HID equivalent is UN-shielded.

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I'm Catfish from FarkleMasters.com.

If anybody here is interested in PHID's at a reduced cost contact me OFF LIST @ Catfish "at" FarkleMasters "dot" com

If I get enough interest I'd consider setting up another group buy.



Nov 10 edit: As it turns out, this capsule does NOT physically relocate to achieve the proper focal point high-beam application. The "Low-Beam Only" is awesome, but the Hi/Lo Kit is not recommended.

It looks much more involved than it actually is, but here is the schematic for connecting the Hi-beam/Lo-beam HID system.

(NOTE: The FJR1300 uses the 'B' polarity version, so you need to swap the large black diode such the the (+) end of the diode faces the factory H4 connector... the kit comes from the factory with the diode oriented in the 'A' configuration.)


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One set of HID's on the way!!! :D

The first experience with Paypal wasn't too tricky either......yet.

I've gotta say, Andy has been a good resource of help and information with the procedural questions I had.

Looking forward to digging into the front of the bike, it's been a while, Maybe I'll wash it :eek:


I ordered a Hi/Lo set Wednesday after work. They arrived today! That barely seems possible. It takes longer to get items from CA, in WA.


One set of HID's on the way!!! :D
Hi/Lo's, or Lo-Beam only? B)
Hi/lo beams, since it will be the sum of my lighting system, no aux's.

I remember the first time riding next to a guy with HID's retro-fitted to an ST1100 several years ago in the inky blackness of South Dakota while on a rally, he had one side for lo, and the other for hi......been lusting for some ever since. I had aux lights at the time--might as well have shut down entirely, his HID's were that good.

Since his were older generation, non-stock, used in the regular reflector housing(s), I have confidence in this set up, especially after the photographic evidence in this thread.


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Ordered Hi/lo's Friday (yesterday). With a little luck, hoping to get them Monday. Maybe install them some evening this week.

I didn't get a confirmation that they had shipped or anything. Just that the money was paid out by PP. Anyone else getting some documentation from the vendor immediately after purchase?

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I ordered last night, Got an E-Mail this am asking if I wanted to upgrade to another color from 4300K.
I counsel against this change.

Don't do it. Trust me. Stay with 4300K

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Since his were older generation, non-stock, used in the regular reflector housing(s), I have confidence in this set up, especially after the photographic evidence in this thread.
As the photos show, the low-beam is indeed a razor-sharp cutoff almost exactly like stock.

The high-beam is quite blazing, however, and you'll want no traffic in front of you - either oncoming, or traveling in the same direction - when you fire off those babies, believe me.

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Ordered my hi/low set on Wednesday, and they were here Friday morning. Too bad Skooter and I chose this weekend to go get his Rick Mayer seat made, and mine adjusted. Now I'll have to wait until Monday to get started on installing them before SPANK next weekend! :D

Going up in K temp will shift the visable color higher into the blue part of the spectrum. It may look cool but you loose lumens! The actual light output goes down. Your choice, make informed decision.

I ordered last night, Got an E-Mail this am asking if I wanted to upgrade to another color from 4300K.
I got a similar email last week, when I asked about any differences between the two brands. There's no difference, except price. They're just pushing more 5000K kits, that's all. Stick with 4300K, unless you're looking for the Euro bling! The 4300K will be better in foul weather than the 5000K. Also, if you're switching from a too HOT HID back down to halogen, your eyes will be in for a little transition shock. That is, depending on how bad your night vision is?? YEMV.

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