HID Self Buy

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Ohhhhhh, decisions, decisions...........

I take it then that you will NOT be doing a FJRTech article for us un-mechanically inclined?

This setup would be perfect for those individuals who aren't running the PHIDs, but I really want the ability to shut down one HID lamp to save that power for a Widder vest, and keep the other HID lamps and the PHIDs burning. Can't do that with this kit.
Don't understand that. I thought that even with my PHIDs and stock high beams on, I would have enough power for a Widder vest. And this kit saves even more over stock wattage, no?

So why can't you run HID high beams, PHIDs, and Widder vest concurrently?

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I thought that even with my PHIDs and stock high beams on, I would have enough power for a Widder vest. And this kit saves even more over stock wattage, no?
So why can't you run HID high beams, PHIDs, and Widder vest concurrently?
You can indeed do this. HIDs burn 84-watts continuous whether on hi *or* lo beam, saving 26 watts over low-beam halogen, and 36-watts over hi-beam halogen.

I'll be doing the FJRTech article, no worries there. B)

It should be noted that I am [SIZE=14pt]NOT[/SIZE] going to conduct a Group Buy on these HID systems. I am simply not going to listen to people bitch anymore. Too, these Group Buys are a SHITLOAD of work, lots of database maintenance and tracking of everything... screw it. T'ain't worth it. Further, I got too much other crap going on right now, particularly at work, to dick around with organizing a GB.

But we still want to know where you got them.

Nov 10 edit: As it turns out, this capsule does NOT physically relocate to achieve the proper focal point high-beam application. The "Low-Beam Only" is awesome, but the Hi/Lo Kit is not recommended.

HA! Check it out.... one of the photos my step-son took earlier tonight *did* come out... a head-on shot of the FJR with HID hi-beams lit off.... this is what probably dorked up his camera! :lol:

So... are these hi-beams bright enough for you? :D


Thus far, five (5) folks are in line to buy this kit from me; I'm waiting for the funds to hit my PayPal account by morning, otherwise, I'll offer it to the next in line on the Wait List...

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:bigeyes: :dribble:

Wow! That's just amazing! I am becoming a strong believer in putting out as much light as possible when riding at night. This will definitely help in that department!

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From an ancient kung-fu master, in a dark back-alley somewhere in downtown Hong Kong.... :lol:

I thought the 910's were discontinued. I think for the price of 910's plus HID retrofit kit you might as well get the Phillips "Eyes of God". Thats what I plan on doing.
Unless you already have a set of 910s like a lot of us do.

Ok fellow Photon degenerates: I guess the next spoor to follow is how to increase the light out put of the HID systems. Higher wattage lamps or amplifiers of some sort? I don't think looking into 150 watt replacment HID capslus is out of line or am I getting carried away in this quest?

Brighter, better, Ugggggg


Ok fellow Photon degenerates: I guess the next spoor to follow is how to increase the light out put of the HID systems. Higher wattage lamps or amplifiers of some sort? I don't think looking into 150 watt replacment HID capslus is out of line or am I getting carried away in this quest?
Brighter, better, Ugggggg

Actually there is an 'upgrade' for HID lights. There are some 50 watt bulbs and ballasts out there, and I even heard of some guy who made up a set of 70 watt ballats. :eek:mg2:

So I'll repeat..... Where did you get them?
From an ancient kung-fu master, in a dark back-alley somewhere in downtown Hong Kong.... 
All Kidding Aside, I would like to know also.

Standing at the sidelines for the GB's that have happened so far I completely understand why you would not want to deal with the crap of having to run another group buy! Man you really do have to put up with alot of $h!t sometimes. I am almost surprised I haven't read a story in USA Today like:

The FBI reports a crazed FJR riding going around the country and randomly beating people senseless.  Further investigation shows these are serial beatings happening after a group-buy which went horribly wrong.  Witnesses have claimed that he snapped after the 10'th person in a row asked him if they could get the wiring harness colormatched to there dogs eye-color.  The FBI is attempting to catch up with the perprator but are perplexed as to how he is moving across the country so quickly.  Reports indicate there have been 15 victims in 12 different states in the past 24 hours.
All kidding aside: I am _really_ impressed with these units as a nice clean (externally anyways) way of upgrading the headlights on the FJR (not that whats there is in any way defficient for the riding I do). And it strikes me that while the kits were not what you were looking for that you were nicely impressed with the way they were put together.

What I like about the kit (and correct me if I am wrong in my understanding of it)

- Better Light output with lower power consumption

- Plugs into stock harness/reflector and requires no "mechanical" conversion or difficult rewiring of the bike.

- The light itself is slightly "whiter".

- The price (for what you are getting) does seem reasonable

- The quality and finish of the components looks very good

(I like the weather seals o-rings on those connectors.)

So, my question to you WC would be:

- Where did you (or do you recomend) we order these from? Even if there is no group buy I would love to know a reputable place where I can mail order these from.

- What was the name/model/part/whatever number of what you ordered so I (we) can attempt to order the same if we are interested.

- Colin

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OK..... *sigh*

If y'all would give me a couple days, please - note the use of the word "please" - I will work something up that will get those kits for those of you still interested. Though it will not be similar to any of the Group Buys I've done in the past.

It will be the best of both worlds... the kits at GB prices, but you are on your own. That is to say: if you don't like something about the kit, or the process to obtain them, then don't participate.

Give me till the end of the week. Fair enough?

OK..... *sigh*
That is to say: if you don't like something about the kit, or the process to obtain them, then don't participate.

Give me till the end of the week. Fair enough?
Fair enough. AS ALWAYS!

You mean it hasn't ALWAYS been that way? What's the deal? Some farklers get their panties in a bunch 'cause the bought something and didn't like the way you set it up and executed it, then it didn't work out for them? Sheesh, what to they want for free? Spoon Feeding? Gimme a break.

Hey, I'm in no hurry. I'm looking at dual sport bikes and WAITING for my '06. No biggy. Just THANKFUL that guys like YOU, Warchild, are out there taking your precious time and energy to help out fellow FJR owners.

I thank you. Again!

HID's are going to look cool in my Kitplane, though. I'll look like a 747 coming in for a landing! WOOOHOO!

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It will be the best of both worlds... the kits at GB prices, but you are on your own.
Sounds generous to me. I'd be happy to deal direct with the supplier at a discount. Anything more seems alot like adult day care - Not what anybody needs to be in charge of. Which is not to say that some of us wouldn't benefit from being on the receiving end of same. ;)

Yes, and now I can get them prolly around what? 1/3 the price? Still need to work on getting low profile proper reflectors, though. Be cool to just put the PHIDS behind a plexy lens in the wing, but not at 6 bills. Things are looking up! I have several months before I'll be at that point.

EXPERIMENTAL is the key word. And a lot of farkling is just that, isn't it. Just glad guys like YOU, WARCHILD are paving the way for those of us less worthy...

Thanks for keeping the snafus and the hairballs and the redos to a minimum.

And again, I thank you. :friends: :friends: :friends:

(did I suck up enough? :D )

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Let me just say that I greatly appreciate you setting up something. And I have no problem with the all or nothing approach.

But if you decide "crap, it aint worth it" and just tell us where to go ( in a nice polite way ;) ) to obtain the items that's fine with me too.

Give me till the end of the week. Fair enough?
I've only got a few weeks left this year for the riding season anyways. :( So anytime before April 2006 is good for me. B) (In other words, no rush for me at all, take your time)


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