I went to the Redwoods and in my luggage I took ....

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Go to a local beauty supply store and get a small 1 or 2-oz pump bottle to carry windex or I use plain water to use on your visor for the bugs. I even cut up old clean t shirts into 3" squares (about 6 will do) and both fit into the Feejeer glove box. Great for those nasty bugs and cloth won't scratch your visor like paper towels can.
I never clean the windshield until I get home as I always looked over the top when riding.
Do not use Windex or anything with ammonia in it on plastic, it will haze your sheild over time.

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As you can see, we have all taken you into the fold Riona. We don't want anything bad to happen to you that'll ruin your ride. FJRay pretty much put it in a nutshell. If you have a mini compressor and plugs, a cell phone and a AAA card will take care of the rest! :)

If you're going to be riding facing the sun, you might appreciate taking a roll of blue painter's tape. It makes a great temporary sun visor on your helmet's face shield.

Make sure the tire plug kit comes with some liquid glue. I tried installing a tire plug without it, and could not do so. I didn't have the strength to get the plug into the tire using the supplied T handle. Luckily, I had a buddy with me that had some glue, and after dousing the plug with it, it was much easier to insert into the tire. The glue is an excellent lubricant before it "sets." By the way, I was repairing the car tire that I run on my FJR. It may well be a little harder to deal with (it's thicker) than a standard motorcycle tire.

Oh- and bring along some ear plugs. They'll protect your ears from wind noise, from loud Harleys, and from all the complaints...


darksider #44

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Keep it simply I keep a small compressor ( slime pump with the plastic case removed ) and a plug kit, spare fuses including 2 main fuses,cable ties some electrical tape under the seat all the time .I might put a copy of a leatherman under there as well as about 6 feet of clear fuel line so you can syphon fuel in case someone runs out . I keep my tire pressure gauge in the glove box . You should keep a simple first aid kit including painkillers, eye drops, some tiger balm in the top box ,along with a bottle of water some micro fibre cloths, sunscreen, lip balm and of course you phone and music .I recommend that about every 1/2 hour or so when safe to do so you lift your bum off the seat to help blood flow , move you head, eyes ,shoulders ,fingers etc about . Of course not at the same time and only when you think its safe . Sitting dead still on a bike is fatigue causing , by moving you help blood flow reduce joint problems at the end of the day and in general have a better trip .As a bonus I believe you reaction time at the end of the day is better than it would be without moving ( particularly your eyes ) . Ride your ride at a pace you are comfortable with take photos, enjoy yourself and ring your loved ones so they know you are safe at the end of the day .

I'm now sorry I didn't ask this question at Tech Day - honestly I was a little overwhelmed at the portable mechanic's tool shops you guys all seem to carry. Tire repair kit, fuses and sunscreen are what I can cope with ...

So is there a story behind "George the Snoring Master Plugger" that I should know about ... or am I best left innocent ?


I'm now sorry I didn't ask this question at Tech Day - honestly I was a little overwhelmed at the portable mechanic's tool shops you guys all seem to carry. Tire repair kit, fuses and sunscreen are what I can cope with ...
So is there a story behind "George the Snoring Master Plugger" that I should know about ... or am I best left innocent ?

Ask Mary Ellen (MEM), there are pictures around here somewhere from a WCR event a few years ago.

I'm now sorry I didn't ask this question at Tech Day - honestly I was a little overwhelmed at the portable mechanic's tool shops you guys all seem to carry. Tire repair kit, fuses and sunscreen are what I can cope with ...
So is there a story behind "George the Snoring Master Plugger" that I should know about ... or am I best left innocent ?

Ask Mary Ellen (MEM), there are pictures around here somewhere from a WCR event a few years ago.
I was there. George was drawing a crowd while plugging away on his knee's in the parking lot.

I try and check my tire pressure every morning before riding! I think it makes a big difference in the tire life if kept up? Even if its only a pound or two you can also use a small bicycle pump for these small variations! Also take note of your elevation when checking! Nice meeting you at Bryan and Marissa's Saturday along with all the other folks. Enjoy your adventure!

I'm now sorry I didn't ask this question at Tech Day - honestly I was a little overwhelmed at the portable mechanic's tool shops you guys all seem to carry. Tire repair kit, fuses and sunscreen are what I can cope with ...
So is there a story behind "George the Snoring Master Plugger" that I should know about ... or am I best left innocent ?

Don't forget a small flashlight

Though it's not a tool, I've started carrying a small power strip. It's great when you're sharing a room with someone and you each have three or four items that simply must be charged. We often stay in old motels that have very few outlets in the room, and each of them has a light plugged into it.


Ziploc baggies.

If you carry paper maps, store them in a large one so they don't get wet if it rains. I keep a few extras stashed away for anything else (registration/insurance docs, etc.).

And a +1 for the powerstrip... they have some really small/compact ones if you poke around on Amazon.

Good idea on the power strip. I'm always plugging my stuff in all over the room.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-cid="1065462" data-author="gixxerjasen"><p>Several quarts of motor oil, some of that oil leak fix stuff, a drain pan and a couple of rolls of duct tape. That's the only way you'll get six Harleys home. <img title=":D" class="bbc_emoticon" src="https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png" data-cke-saved-src="https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png" /> FIXED IT FOR YOU</p></blockquote>

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-cid="1065462" data-author="gixxerjasen"><p>Several quarts of motor oil, some of that oil leak fix stuff, a drain pan and a couple of rolls of duct tape. That's the only way you'll get six Harleys home. <img title=":D" class="bbc_emoticon" src="https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png" data-cke-saved-src="https://www.fjrforum.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png" /> FIXED IT FOR YOU</p></blockquote>

That hardly looks "Fixed." That's like more brokener.

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I'm now sorry I didn't ask this question at Tech Day - honestly I was a little overwhelmed at the portable mechanic's tool shops you guys all seem to carry. Tire repair kit, fuses and sunscreen are what I can cope with ...
So is there a story behind "George the Snoring Master Plugger" that I should know about ... or am I best left innocent ?

Ask Mary Ellen (MEM), there are pictures around here somewhere from a WCR event a few years ago.
I was there. George was drawing a crowd while plugging away on his knee's in the parking lot.
...and Mary Ellen had a big smile on her face.

I SAID - "am I best left innocent" and then you had to go and give me the visual ....

I'm now sorry I didn't ask this question at Tech Day - honestly I was a little overwhelmed at the portable mechanic's tool shops you guys all seem to carry. Tire repair kit, fuses and sunscreen are what I can cope with ...
So is there a story behind "George the Snoring Master Plugger" that I should know about ... or am I best left innocent ?

Ask Mary Ellen (MEM), there are pictures around here somewhere from a WCR event a few years ago.
I was there. George was drawing a crowd while plugging away on his knee's in the parking lot.
...and Mary Ellen had a big smile on her face.
I'm now sorry I didn't ask this question at Tech Day - honestly I was a little overwhelmed at the portable mechanic's tool shops you guys all seem to carry. Tire repair kit, fuses and sunscreen are what I can cope with ...
So is there a story behind "George the Snoring Master Plugger" that I should know about ... or am I best left innocent ?

Ask Mary Ellen (MEM), there are pictures around here somewhere from a WCR event a few years ago.
I was there. George was drawing a crowd while plugging away on his knee's in the parking lot.
...and Mary Ellen had a big smile on her face.

Yer a hound, Wheatie

I tried to post a couple of photos (3 times) but every time I clicked on "image", the whole screen greyed - like a giant 'highlight'. (damn, this place is a drag now

Ziploc baggies.
If you carry paper maps, store them in a large one so they don't get wet if it rains. I keep a few extras stashed away for anything else (registration/insurance docs, etc.).

And a +1 for the powerstrip... they have some really small/compact ones if you poke around on Amazon.
lay the unused ones across the top of the inside of your luggage. it'll protect the contents from getting wet.
