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Who was the dude that just recently dropped his scoot due to an untimely bug? That rhetoric was great......that's all I listened to. I was scarred from that scene. Can't forget it ........ever.

Scarred. That's all I can say...after hearing him? I went to my happy place in my house and cried. My only corner that gave me confidence and security. Ruined. All ruined. Now I am reduced to the dirty corner in my garage. and it's hot there....hot....only good thing is the tears dry fast.....that's all I got to say 'bout that.

Sorry to hear about the drop!
I am leary of the side stand everytime i get off... Heres my technique:

1. In 1st gear

2. Stand down

3. push forward on bike putting tension on the rear wheel

4. get off slowly.

I also try to park where thebike has a better lean angle...
+1 on every bike since the 70's.

Here's some good stuff to have:



Granma Howie always said

"It's a poor workman who doesn't know that he's a big old tool."

I was thinking exactly that when my lawnmower fell over in kaitsdad's garage.

Which ever moron designed this piece of crap kickstand should have one shoved up where the sun don't shine. I stopped for gas this afternoon, put the stand down and started to lean the bike over,somehow the stand flipped back up and over she went. Scratched the shit out of my engine sidecase and mirror. Small place on the left saddlebag and left bar end. I've been a little leary of that kickstand since day one. It didn't seem to go forward far enough. Well i just took my grinder to it and now it works much better. Only 1300 miles and got my first damage :angry2: . The 5 year old who was in the next car over probably knows a few new cuss words now.
I'm on my 2nd FJR, had 84,000 on the first one and about 8,000 on this one. I've never had one problem with the side stand, center stand or having it fall off either. Ever think maybe it was your problem, and not the person who designed it?

Just a thought.... :rolleyes:

I always push the stand full forward w/ my boot before leaning the bike over onto the stand. Also, I check for uphill/downhill angle...never nose downhill! Finally, I check for oil and/or fuel spills in gas stations and oil or sand patches in parking lots. No need to ask why I do this!

Sorry to hear abt your drop...esp on a brand new bike.

Defective? A handful of reported drops by kickstand design. 10,000 total bikes sold. Seems like owner/operater error to me.
First of all, how do you know how many it has happened to. Do you really think that every one of them gets reported on this forum? (kind of like endangered species of animals - how do they know they counted all of them?).

Second, it can still be a poor design. It's always easy for others to say "well, this is how I put mine on the stand and it never falls over...." But do you really think nobody ever gets in a hurry? I've owned many motorcycles - I have not had the FJR go over yet, but I do agree that it is not well designed. By the way, a friend just bought a BMW K1200S, and the stand on it didn't look any better, and maybe even a little worse. This is one area where Harley kicks everyones ass.

I always push the stand full forward w/ my boot before leaning the bike over onto the stand. Also, I check for uphill/downhill angle...never nose downhill! Finally, I check for oil and/or fuel spills in gas stations and oil or sand patches in parking lots. No need to ask why I do this!
Sorry to hear abt your drop...esp on a brand new bike.
Agree with the above. Another place that's dangerous is backing in to a parallel parking space and leaving it on the stand. The pavement cross slope subtracts from the lean angle... worse if there's a bit of crown to the slope as there often is in older urban areas. I always give the bike a little test to be sure it's ok.

Isn't there a fix done by grinding a bit where the stand meets the frame stop? Which one do you grind and how much does it take?

The keys were surprisingly cheaply made too.....I have better made keys for my luggage...but It's always something. What's surprising is All the BMW salesman had to do was to compare keys and kickstands and I'd probably have a $23 BEEMER in the garage right now instead of the FJR..
WOW! A whoppping 23 dollars for a BEEMER? I could buy two of 'em! :blink:

Upon seeing this thread, I went out in the garage, and compiled a list of all the things on the Feej that have bugged the shit outta me and/or have been a real problem since I first got 'im.


Ahhhhh, I'll get back to ya.... :unsure:

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+1 on Radman's post above. There is a pile of goodness in my FJR...and a weak sidestand. Just be CAREFUL. And like all the rest, don't ask me how I know this.

I've had my kickstand pop up on my once, bike was leaned over to the point my left knee was bent. But I noticed and was able to push it back up. From now on, I hold my left foot right behind the stand as I lean the bike over, have had zero issues so far.

My record so far is never dropping my own bikes, just my husbands of course. :lol:


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