Is a wreck inevitable?

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If you believe in the Lord, some people He puts to more of a test than others. If you believe in fate or karma or the flying spaghetti monster, you know that you don't get a choice in the matter.

But you can change your own odds so that they are massively with or against you. You get in a car and drive like a f*ckin idiot, you're going to kill yourself as dead as if you jump off a bridge without a bungee. But none of us do that. We all have different levels of risk acceptance. Stay proficient, ride within your limits, give yourself an "out," watch the cagers, and you're likely to be like the guy at our local Beemer dealer who is working toward a million accident free miles.

Think less, ride more, enjor the fall colors.


A probability, not a certainty??
I'm good to go...I paid my dues & joined the crash club Sept 1st, 2006. :blink:
No shit. I joined this club as well on that same day. :assassin: Broke my left ankle and tibia in 3 places :dribble: now have 3 screws that hold it together. Did not see 2x2 plastic plate mid turn at, are you ready for it?, at 15 mph. Front washed away faster then I could say mommy. It is border line embarrassing. Got up rode my self home and then realize that something might be broken.

We are not counting track days, right? Sep 1st, 06 was my first and lets hope the last crash on the street. The minute you swing your leg over you are taking a chance. It is up to you to minimize it. You can't remove danger and possibility of getting hurt. but with constant training and self improvement you will minimize it to a point that it might never catch up to you.
Fate is funny, I came off going considerably faster. I fit through the 12" - 16" trees (better than the FJR) and ended up with a very badly bruised shoulder and ribs (no broken bones...took about 3 months to heal). ATGATT Works! Could I have easily died that day? It was remarkable that I didn't, but obviously it wasn't my day.

I try to minimize risk while riding but accept the fact that I might have the odds work against me and loose my life in a motorcycle. Is all of the joy I have had from motorcycling all these years worth the risk? Absolutely!

If you believe in the Lord, some people He puts to more of a test than others. If you believe in fate or karma or the flying spaghetti monster, you know that you don't get a choice in the matter.
But you can change your own odds so that they are massively with or against you. You get in a car and drive like a f*ckin idiot, you're going to kill yourself as dead as if you jump off a bridge without a bungee. But none of us do that. We all have different levels of risk acceptance. Stay proficient, ride within your limits, give yourself an "out," watch the cagers, and you're likely to be like the guy at our local Beemer dealer who is working toward a million accident free miles.

Think less, ride more, enjor the fall colors.

Oh oh. Isn't this the same as the Godwins law?

Isn't a thread irrevocably killed once anyone mentions Hitler, God or the sesame street cookie monster?

Yep! an a sack of 'shrooms too! Ah It's gonna be a good night :dribble:

Notice [SIZE=8pt]All events portrayed by Busta regarding illicit drug use are purely fictional.[/SIZE]

We now return you to the previous waste of bandwidth.


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Is a wreck inevitable?
No, but death is, so it's all moot, and just about manging risk/reward.

Ride, and you may crash, maybe even die. Quit riding, and you won't, at least not from a motorcycle crash...

And dying in your beds many years from now,

would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that...

for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell the cagers that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!

Thanks go to William Wallace for my inspiration.


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I met a 50 yr old rider 3 years ago who said he'd never dropped his bike,

never been down and he rode his whole life even in winter (snows only a few times here).

So it has been done. One person and counting...

Considering the probability of a wreck on each ride, there is a "statistical" rider out there whose probablility of a wreck approaches zero. And, there is another "statistical" rider out there whose probability of a wreck approaches 100%. For the rest of us, we fall somewhere in between those two "statistical" riders. Further, our probability of a wreck on each ride will vary considerably, dependent on a lot of variables (as mentioned earlier in this thread, riding style, weather conditions, riding area, frame of mind, experience, time of day, on-board electronic distractions, yada, yada, yada).

So, is a wreck inevitable? Statistically speaking, the probability of a wreck on any given ride will always be greater than zero. Thus, ATGATT is always a wise choice. Or, stay off the that case, your probability of a wreck goes to zero.

Once again, my $0.02, FWIW.

Yuppers, puppers......cabin fever gives us too much time to think. Best regards to this useless thread and where is my ten bucks?

A person that never plays he lottery has the same chance to win the jackpot as the guy that plays all the time. KM
I think you got that one completely wrong. The guy who never plays doesn't even have a ticket = can't win. At least the guy who plays has a ticket./ What other faulty reasoning have you got for us today :rolleyes: :yahoo: :rolleyes:

A person that never plays he lottery has the same chance to win the jackpot as the guy that plays all the time. KM
I think you got that one completely wrong. The guy who never plays doesn't even have a ticket = can't win. At least the guy who plays has a ticket./ What other faulty reasoning have you got for us today :rolleyes: :yahoo: :rolleyes:
In Knifemaker's defense (though I'm sure he can defend himself just fine) I read that to mean:

A person that never plays the lottery and buys one ticket has the same chance to win the jackpot...

What a morbid bunch of old farts!

If you really feel that you are going to punch your ticket go take up knitting (hope you don't hurt yourself with those sharp needles).


Yes. While we may control some of the conditions, we are not in control of the outcome. Each may ride or not as one see fit!

Ride safe.

A person that never plays he lottery has the same chance to win the jackpot as the guy that plays all the time. KM
I think you got that one completely wrong. The guy who never plays doesn't even have a ticket = can't win. At least the guy who plays has a ticket./ What other faulty reasoning have you got for us today :rolleyes: :yahoo: :rolleyes:
In Knifemaker's defense (though I'm sure he can defend himself just fine) I read that to mean:

A person that never plays the lottery and buys one ticket has the same chance to win the jackpot...

Yep, that is what I meant. Sorry I did not spell it out correctly.

And it has happened a few times here in Missouri. Gal never played , but decided to buy just one ticket "for kicks" as her freind kinda goaded her into it. Won 24 million bucks.


A person that never plays he lottery has the same chance to win the jackpot as the guy that plays all the time. KM
I think you got that one completely wrong. The guy who never plays doesn't even have a ticket = can't win. At least the guy who plays has a ticket./ What other faulty reasoning have you got for us today :rolleyes: :yahoo: :rolleyes:
In Knifemaker's defense (though I'm sure he can defend himself just fine) I read that to mean:

A person that never plays the lottery and buys one ticket has the same chance to win the jackpot...
Yep, that is what I meant. Sorry I did not spell it out correctly.

And it has happened a few times here in Missouri. Gal never played , but decided to buy just one ticket "for kicks" as her freind kinda goaded her into it. Won 24 million bucks.

Good to see a return to normalcy in the avitar KM. :)
