John Ryan Attempts "Ultimate Coast to Coast"

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Such great time, not gonna be able to ride and wave on the Turnpike here in Boynton.

Go John and his Oceananic Blue FJR!!


Been doing some TSD calculations from the SPOT tracks and, if even close to being accurate, he's , ahem....making up for lost time in a big way

Been doing some TSD calculations from the SPOT tracks and, if even close to being accurate, he's , ahem....making up for lost time in a big way
I concur. He seems on pace to break the previous record by 8-9 hours.

I won't be straying too far from here this afternoon. Need to keep up on John progress. Hope my boss understands.

This is way cool. Go John!

You've got desk jockeys all over the world cheering for you!

I looked down at the bottom and we must be setting our own record for number of people waching a thread.

YAAAHOOOOOOOOO! :yahoo: Go Johny!

Been doing some TSD calculations from the SPOT tracks and, if even close to being accurate, he's , ahem....making up for lost time in a big way
So how does that work at IBA headquarters?... Do those times raise eyebrows, or do they just rubber stamp the documentation and send him his patch?

That's a real good question... (By Example: YellowWolf's saddle sore was denied because the speed limit on the dragon is 25/35...) and to do 1000 in 24 you need to maintain a 41.666... MPH average.

If he puts in 5600 miles in 90 hours, he's averaging a blistering 62 MPH, which over that distance if absolutely fricking amazing. (Stadium Pal anyone?) :)

I think the best reading on the IBA website would be a page dedicated to submissions that were denied. :D Hell Week, was that certified?

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I think the best reading on the IBA website would be a page dedicated to submissions that were denied. :D Hell Week, was that certified?
And that would be completely off well as having been covered thoroughly before.

Please keep this thread about John Ryan's ride in progress. You want to talk about IBA documentation...go start another thread please.

Thank you.

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if we're calculating his speed here, using when he started, when we think he'll finish, are we tossing in the stopped time (sleeping, fuel, food, etc) ??? 62mph start to finish for an average isn't bad...

using that Spot page we can't accurately complete that task. Only his GPS, fuel receipts, and the rider knows. :)

Wow....looks like he's under 100miles to the finish

Based on this, it looks like we need to pass the hat to get Jason Jonas some better bandwidth before the IBR...

Google Maps puts him 108 miles out, and estimates 2 hours 28 minutes, putting him in Key West at 3:40pm ET, for a total elapsed time of just under 87 hours.

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I am guessing that SPOT never thought so many people would be trying to check the progress of a rider all at the same time, since the page is taking forever to load.

On a side note, if they (SPOT) don't use this ride as a plug to promote their product, they are idiots. "Thousands of people were able to watch the progress of this record breaking ride." Or something like that.

Edit: the page just loaded, and WOW he is close to the end now, and seems to be making incredible time.

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I am guessing that SPOT never thought so many people would be trying to check the progress of a rider all at the same time, since the page is taking forever to load.
It's not SPOT's's the intermediary site John and other LD Riders have used that Jason Jonas offers for free. Besides being an LD Rider, great web page developer, and generally nice guy...his stuff is just far superior to SPOT's stock offering.

Based on this, it looks like we need to pass the hat to get Jason Jonas some better bandwidth before the IBR...
A valid observation!

On a side note, if they (SPOT) don't use this ride as a plug to promote their product, they are idiots. "Thousands of people were able to watch the progress of this record breaking ride." Or something like that.

After using Huron's and BugR's spot trackers extensively over the last 48 hours, combined with John Ryans... EPIC ride. I went out and bought one at lunch time so family and friends can follow my travels out to CFR.

If they don't capitolize on this kind of thing their dumbasses.


John, your a riding beast. Congrats! Long may it stand!
