John Ryan Attempts "Ultimate Coast to Coast"

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Latest from Bob Higdon, 5 minutes ago: 0806 EDT 64.8 mph, 1236 EDT 60.8 & 1752 EDT 62.5. Done deal: According to BH.
Ick.....I can't believe Higdon would jinx something like that!

Owen, 2005, Elko, BMW Clutch.....need I say more?

John's not out of the woods yet. I wouldn't start chilling the champagne until he clears Miami.
Well, we'll all ignore Higdon's comments and keep our collective fingers crossed.

And if it hadn't been for Owen's clutch going south in the 05 IBR, I'd probably be sitting some where waiting for a tow truck.

I was worried when her dropped off the "SPOT Map" in WI, since there were tornado's in that area today. I work about 45 east of his route, and they shut down the work shop and pulled everyone into the shelter area for about 20 minutes. Sure as hell he road through some nasty ass storms. Glad to see he is eating this one up.

As the Candy Butt Association president, I have a startling confession to make...

I'm a LDR Groupie! Oh crapola... :huh: I couldn't wait to get home to see how John is doing..

Go brudda, GO!

I'm having as much fun watching his progress as a I used to have watching Santa being tracked by Norad when I was a kid! Just about to enter Tennessee.

Go John Go!

As the Candy Butt Association president, I have a startling confession to make...I'm a LDR Groupie! Oh crapola... :huh: I couldn't wait to get home to see how John is doing..

Go brudda, GO!
It's OK. Something about that SPOT unit and know that blip represents an FJR rider that has a very unusual determination to accomplish something we never will (me included) we become enthralled with it like it's a great Superbowl game.

I'm having as much fun watching his progress as a I used to have watching Santa being tracked by Norad when I was a kid! Just about to enter Tennessee.
Go John Go!

I'm with you!!! This is very cool to watch (with the spot), and read about.
Not that the UCC is the same as the Iron Butt Rally , but with the SPOT product coming out after '07....I think you're going to find a whole bunch of them to watch this year in August. I've already pre-planned my SPOT tracker for the IBR using the exact same system as John. (no data yet) I even used it last Saturday in a 7 hour rally I have written up here, but my old set of batteries gave up the ghost during the rally.

And even thinking of augmenting it with an audio blog...we'll maybe try it out in the Utah 1088 as a test. If I do I would audio blog instead of type blog like I did in '07.

Armchair LDR watchers are in the golden age of rally voyeurism. ;)

Armchair LDR watchers are in the golden age of rally voyeurism. ;)
I'm hip.

I just realized that if a NHP were to happen to have a laptop with access and wanted to have a little fun....they could perform their own

. Only difference is there would be lots more pretty blue and red lights...and a great story for Kneebone. ;)
Any ideas on why he didn't take I-24 and I-75 through Atlanta? From his current position, the best route I can come up with adds about 160 miles over the Atlanta way. Big traffic problems in Atlanta?

Edit: Well, he turned southwest - but the detour added about 100 miles to the route...

Edit 2: It looks like there's a bunch of night-time construction on I-24 in Tennessee:

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Any ideas on why he didn't take I-24 and I-75 through Atlanta? From his current position, the best route I can come up with adds about 160 miles over the Atlanta way. Big traffic problems in Atlanta?
Edit: Well, he turned southwest - but the detour added about 100 miles to the route...

Edit 2: It looks like there's a bunch of night-time construction on I-24 in Tennessee:
He was heading east on I-40 toward Knoxville. For a while there, I thought that he was going to ride the dragon!

A last check for the night...

From his position at 1:54am ET on Tuesday morning, John has 949 miles to Key West, according to Google Maps.

Google Maps estimates 15 hours and 13 minutes to make that 949 mile distance, which would put him into Key West at 5:07pm on Tuesday evening. Based on the timestamp on his initial SPOT message, this would be a total elapsed time of 88 hours and 12 minutes.

It's possible that John will beat the Google Maps estimate for the remaining miles...

An awesome ride - and he made a detour through Tennessee that added 100 miles to the trip. Amazing stuff.

This is truly addictive! At my age, my SCMA long distance riding days are long past me: Three "Three Flags Classic" Runs in a row 1975, 1976 and 1977 and drawer full of 24/1000 pins from SCMA in the Seventies and Eighties; but this old coot is really enjoying riding vicariously along with John Ryan. Set the alarm for 0200 just to see where he is at in his great quest.

At 0212 he's now just North of Tifton, Georgia. Both John and his FJR are kicking ass and taking names. What an M/C Ride!!!

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