Let's go to Arkansas

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what a weekend! holy crap! Arkansas has some truly awesome roads and we only hit a few of them! I didn't see anything like this at WFO and they really tested me. and damn, some of you boys can really ride!

I'm so glad that everyone had a great time! And thanks to Tony's dealer sponsorship, next year looks to be even better!!


What a great turn out with fantastic people! :clapping:

I had such a good time meeting/riding with all of you! :yahoo:

Here is a few teaser pics for now... I am back to work again! :angry2:

More pics to come as i get time! :blink: :lol:





What an awesome weekend! Great roads and even better people!

Michelle, thanks for organizing this event. Bounce, thanks for putting some routes together and leading our Friday contingent up to Russellville. Scott, Craig , thanks for taking point on the ride home.

Thanks for the comraderie and the opportunity to get to know my fellow FJR riders a little better.


Glad the two bikes and riders that went down were able to walk away from it all with a few scratches.

WHAT!!!! 2 more guys fell down :eek: !!! Whats the scoop on that story?? Glad they are okay...

We had two of our guys go down after a woman came screaming out of the woods trying to flag down someone because she had been lost. When the lead rider, Dennis checked up the second rider was watching the possesd lady and when he looked back up he hit Dennis in the left rear resulting in both going down. Both are fine, but Dennis' FJR is toast. Red was on a ST1100 and it faired better as it slid on the engine case guard. This could have easily been a tragedy. This just shows fast things can happen whether it is an animal or a panic stricken woman!


I can learn from that... When Riding fast and furious through mountain curves I'll remember to keep one eye on the road in front and the other eye on the hysterical woman frantically waving her arms after running out of the woods and into the middle of the road!

Sheesh! And I thought I only had to worry about deer!

Even though I was only able to meet the group Saturday evening for a few hours I enjoyed meeying many of you. Thanks for the warm welcome. Wished I could have arrived a day earlier and stayed later, but responsibilities.....

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Some basic stats:

best gas price (regular unleaded): $1.99

worst: $2.21


lows in the low 40's

highs near 80 but usually in the mid to high 70's (but not above the 60's until late afternoon)

Clear and sunny skies.

Fuzzy and chearful parties.

Hot Springs sucks moiste ass cheese.

Slabbing it home is quicker but sucks (but not as much as Hot Springs).

CBs are good and can help with what's going on with "the group" but are even better when used to just make new friends or spend more time with friends than is possible at a stop for gas.

critters seen:

deer - 0

dogs - 4

hoodoo mystical obstacles - 1 before the rally start that bit RonBB

crazy wimenz - 1 running around in the woods and out into the street

kewl ridin' weminz - 4? (sorry i lost count)

--update (thanks, M (below))--

HUGH JASS tarantuas - 1 on Sunday that you could see from 200 feet away running at speed (right toward it)

+2 on the dog count (all of them big enough to make hitting a deer at least a toss up)

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I'm thinking we should organize a major FJR get-together for 2007 in the Eureka Springs Arkansas area.
Anyone else?
The feedback given to me at this event was all for Russellville again. Possibly a hotel switch next year, but the results were 50/50 on that. Some had an issue (fridges only on first floor, missing shower curtain in one room), some thought is was great. We discussed having a spring event in Mena, to be able to enjoy the western roads and the oklahoma roads more. But after discussing other options on Saturday night, SFO 2007 will most likely be in Russellville again. It's a great central location and a large enough city to host us. We had a gas station on one side and a great restaurant on the other side of the hotel. super convenient. Traffic was minimal all weekend (other than what happened to us yesterday on the way home through Hot Springs) which was awesome and made the riding even more enjoyable.

And for the first time ever, I saw a ton of Harley riders wave at us. Everyone waved there! So different from DFW. A very large group of Harley riders pulled up to the Cliff House on Saturday as we were lining our bikes up for a group shot. They were totally cool, waited for us to get done and about 4 of them talked to Kiley and me about our FJRs. One of them was very interested in an FJR.

Bounce, you missed the tartula! oh, and 2 more dogs on Saturday's ride.

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Reporting in home safe and sound after about 1,800 miles. This was the best trip I have taken to date and much of it due to Bounce and fjrchik's advance planning. The riding was fantastic; something for everyone, the gathered Forum members were a hoot, and I believe a good time was had by all.

I swear that coming around some of the turns, I said to myself "This is just like Colorado!" A must ride for all Forum members. It was a good blend of organized and shoot from the hip ride planning.

Can't wait to see the pictures...............

Is there anybody else wanting more, four days wasn't enough! Theres so many more roads to be explored up there!

I would love to make another trip sometime the first weekend or so in November. Any takers?


If I might make a suggestion about next years site. Mountain View is right in the heart of the good stuff and centrally located. Plenty of hotels as it is a tourist area but also dry county like Russelville. Maybe Smitty can pipe up on this suggestion as it is the city he always organizes his rides from.

Were ever I will be there.


Guys,If I might make a suggestion about next years site. Mountain View is right in the heart of the good stuff and centrally located. Plenty of hotels as it is a tourist area but also dry county like Russelville. Maybe Smitty can pipe up on this suggestion as it is the city he always organizes his rides from.

Were ever I will be there.

I think most of the Texas guys (and girl) think Russellville was a little far for them to ride... so I think Mountain View would be unlikely.

Had a great time and it was good to meet you.

A big thanks to fjrchik for getting the ball rolling and putting this trip together! I had a great time, met a lot of new FJR riders, tore up the roads as much as possible, saw an ST11 flip & slide, only to be picked up and ridden away, and saw cords magically appear out of nowhere (Hi Al!). Lots going on! I'm in for next time! :D


:clapping: :yahoo: Thank you FJRCHIK, BOUNCE, for all your hard work, patience and good cheer. Thank you all 27 board members (Marc, Ray, Jeff, Craig, Adam, Eric, Marcos, Tony, etc., etc.,) who made these past three days in Russelville, unbelievable fun and exciting.
Tony, Eric and Marcos, you guys are as smooth as silk and as fast as all get out!

Thanks for the comraderie, laughs, group meals, exciting rides, adrenaline filled moments, pushing my envelope and teaching me the finer technical points of setting up for various turns and stratagies.

Glad the two bikes and riders that went down were able to walk away from it all with a few scratches.

(RonBB we want to see you on your new FJR at next years 2nd annual impromptu SFO meet!)

This group thing is kinda neat and 32 years of being the Lone Ranger just may have come to an end?

Adam, hope your able to share the photos with everyone and let's see that group photo of all the FJR's lined up like military aircraft reading to jump off.


We had a great time and look forward to doing it again. We ride in that area all the time and just never seem to get tired of it.

We usually plan a Hill Country trip in December if you would be interested in going along as well as anyone else on the forum. I will let you know if it materializes.



It might be a bit too cool by then... highs in the 40s & 50's and lows in the 30s. Spring isn't that far away... plus I might gain too much weight if I go back that soon!
yeah, no kidding! catchphrase of the event: are you done with that? Marc cleaned everyone's plate for them!

and how sweet was Kiley to share his pork chop with you! :lol:

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We just got back from our trip. We stayed in Clarksville and had a blast seeing all the FJRs out and about.

We rode sun up to sun down for three days. So many great roads but my favs from this trip were 14 and 341 out of Mt. View and 21 and 123 out of Clarksville.

Thanks Michelle for planning such a great ride. Couldn't have asked for a better weekend..perfect weather, roads and scenery. We had a great time and missed the rain coming home. Thanks for the tip on the Hot Springs construction.

Ron & Pat

Burleson, TX

:clapping: :yahoo: Thank you FJRCHIK, BOUNCE, for all your hard work, patience and good cheer. Thank you all 27 board members (Marc, Ray, Jeff, Craig, Adam, Eric, Marcos, Tony, etc., etc.,) who made these past three days in Russelville, unbelievable fun and exciting.

Tony, Eric and Marcos, you guys are as smooth as silk and as fast as all get out!

Thanks for the comraderie, laughs, group meals, exciting rides, adrenaline filled moments, pushing my envelope and teaching me the finer technical points of setting up for various turns and stratagies.

Glad the two bikes and riders that went down were able to walk away from it all with a few scratches.

(RonBB we want to see you on your new FJR at next years 2nd annual impromptu SFO meet!)

This group thing is kinda neat and 32 years of being the Lone Ranger just may have come to an end?

Adam, hope your able to share the photos with everyone and let's see that group photo of all the FJR's lined up like military aircraft reading to jump off.


We had a great time and look forward to doing it again. We ride in that area all the time and just never seem to get tired of it.

We usually plan a Hill Country trip in December if you would be interested in going along as well as anyone else on the forum. I will let you know if it materializes.


:good: :yahoo: Tony, that sounds great. My flight bids selections are released on November 16 or 17 for December. So if you know the dates for December by then, I can attempt to bid to have those days off in December. Have to have my bids in for December by November 19th.
Thanks for keeping me in the loop Tony!!! :)
