Let's go to Arkansas

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anyone bringing a laptop with? just curious. i might like to borrow your usb port to charge up my ipod (no software needed for this). it won't last through 4 days of riding on one charge. nope, no way jose.
I will have my laptop and a ipod charger with me... Got ya covered! :)

We could not have chose a better week to go looking at that forcast! :clapping:

It's been a very long night for me... :( ....I got delayed in Indiana at my pickup, So i had to drive all night to get back! :angry2:

No pain, No gain.... Right???? :blink:

I am sure i will catch my 3rd (or 4th) wind when the others arrive! :) And have a great ride ! :yahoo:

I know for a fact thhat i will be sleeping like a baby tonight! :lol:

12 more hours of work and then I am all about it!! startin to get stoked!

ride safe everyone headed out today and we'll see ya tomorrow!

and thanks for the hookup adam!

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Guys - Please see my thread about RonBB in the specific discussion room.

ADMIN NOTE: If you must talk about this issue, please do it in the link provided and leave this one about Arkansas. Thx.

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I'll be riding through Russellville on Saturday evening. I'll stop by the hotel to see if anyone is there. Any plans set for dinner? I'll try to catch-up with some of you.

Guys - Please see my thread about RonBB in the specific discussion room.
ADMIN NOTE: If you must talk about this issue, please do it in the link provided and leave this one about Arkansas. Thx.
I don't want to make this a Ron thread... but I just talked to him and he wanted me to tell all the riders that are coming this way to not "pull a Ron" and to ride safe. Pictures are now posted in the other thread.

I'd like to see as many as we can get together some place on Saturday evening. With some people leaving on Sunday, the give-aways and awards would be best done on Saturday evening.

I'll be riding through Russellville on Saturday evening. I'll stop by the hotel to see if anyone is there. Any plans set for dinner? I'll try to catch-up with some of you.
If we're all out when you happen to come through, consider leaving a note at the front desk with your plans or maybe a phone number. Hopefully you can catch up with us before we go to eat.

DBX. That's my wife. I would appreciate it if you would remove that from your avatar.

I'm baaaack!

Excellent roads, weather, roads, friends, roads, partying after hours, roads. Came back a day early because reports were that a front could be coming through that would put us into rain AND cold (cool) if we waited until tomorrow.

You're VERY disappointed if you didn't make this trip. Russellville is a great hub for jumping into the sh!t of NW AR roads. There's some fuquing unbelievably technical shit just about everywhere you look. Add to that the plethora of larger roads that have a fare share of high speed sweepers and you've got a combination that's hard to beat ANYWHERE (yes you heard it right).

More later, but I'm getting a shower and something to drink.

Kudos to FJRChik for an excellent first year SFO, besting her longest riding day, besting it again, and besting the toughest twisties to date in between!

Hey, Marc, are you done with that?

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:clapping: :yahoo: Thank you FJRCHIK, BOUNCE, for all your hard work, patience and good cheer. Thank you all 27 board members (Marc, Ray, Jeff, Craig, Adam, Eric, Marcos, Tony, etc., etc.,) who made these past three days in Russelville, unbelievable fun and exciting.

Tony, Eric and Marcos, you guys are as smooth as silk and as fast as all get out!

Thanks for the comraderie, laughs, group meals, exciting rides, adrenaline filled moments, pushing my envelope and teaching me the finer technical points of setting up for various turns and stratagies.

Glad the two bikes and riders that went down were able to walk away from it all with a few scratches.

(RonBB we want to see you on your new FJR at next years 2nd annual impromptu SFO meet!)

This group thing is kinda neat and 32 years of being the Lone Ranger just may have come to an end?

Adam, hope your able to share the photos with everyone and let's see that group photo of all the FJR's lined up like military aircraft reading to jump off.


Glad the two bikes and riders that went down were able to walk away from it all with a few scratches.

WHAT!!!! 2 more guys fell down :eek: !!! Whats the scoop on that story?? Glad they are okay...


1 wreck. 2 bikes involved.

Woman comes running out of the woods and stands in the middle of the road right in front of rider #1. She may not have been Ma and we know she wasn't Pa. She could have been Aunt Ethel and she sure as hell was unexpected.

Beyond that, it's up to either of the 2 riders to choose to release any more details.
