Let's talk, Shell Rotella T

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Well that really stinks............ But anyway, back at the ranch. We still have to grease the axles. I've been re-reading all the info above and it's all good. But without picking the fly shit out of the pepper I believe FJRAY hit the nail on the head. As long as you change the oil often enough there should not be any issues. ONLY IF THE KIDS DON'T RIDE YOU'RE BIKE TO DEATH WHILE YOUR ASLEEP!

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This is what convinced me. Quick, off to N.E.R.P.T. in 3....2....1.
I wrote a brief letter to Mark, the author of the above linked article. If you read the article, you know the man REALLY knows his stuff. Below is a copy of my email to him, and his reply. You might want to write some of this info down:


Several of us on the FJR forum have been checking out your "All about oil" article lately. One concern I have is that we don't know the age of the article, and the relevance of your findings... since we're worried that oil formulations have changed. One of our forum favorites was Shell Rotella 15w 40. I've heard that they changed their formula for their dino oil and that concerns me. I'm wondering how many oil companies have changed their formulations since your article was written.

Please advise.

Gary House


Everything has changed, of course. But the basic results haven't. Car oils are even worse for bikes now, and motorcycle or diesel oils are still the best you can do. Diesel oils are getting worse, and perhaps in their next formulation I'll drop the recommendation, but right now, T6, Mobil-1 turbo diesel, Delvac-1, Chevron 5w40 diesel synthetic, and AMSOIL remain your best choices. Rotella, Delo-400 or Delvac 15w40 are slightly behind, but good choices.


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This is what convinced me. Quick, off to N.E.R.P.T. in 3....2....1.
I wrote a brief letter to Mark, the author of the above linked article. If you read the article, you know the man REALLY knows his stuff. Below is a copy of my email to him, and his reply. You might want to write some of this info down:


Several of us on the FJR forum have been checking out your "All about motor oil" article lately. One concern Ihave is that we don't know the age of the article, and the relevance of your findings... since we're worried that oil formulations have changed.One of our forum favorites was Shell Rotella 15w40 once upon a time, but Ihave heard they changed their formula for their

dino oil and that concerns me. I'm wondering how many oil companies have changed their formulations since your article waswritten.

Please advise.

Gary House > FJR forum

Everything has changed, of course. But the basic results haven't. Car oils are even worse for bikes now, and motorcycle or

diesel oils are still the best you can do. Diesel oils are getting worse, and perhaps in their next formulation I'll drop the

recommendation, but right now T6, Mobil-1 turbo diesel, Delvac-1, Chevron 5w-40diesel synthetic, and AMSOil remain your

best choices. Rotella, Delo-400 or Delvac 15w-40 are slightly behind but good choices.

So what your saying is everything has stayed the same.

He rode a genlll Howie..
Nuff said.
Blow me Howie, get fecked Barry! ON TOPIC: Stopped in Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur yesterday to check in on SkooterG's girlfriend Catia from our ride there years ago!

Tell SkootyG she's put on about a hundred pounds, she used to be una muy Bonita Señorita but now she es La Gorda. She also has two kids, the first one belongs to our GreggieM!

This is what convinced me. Quick, off to N.E.R.P.T. in 3....2....1.

I wrote a brief letter to Mark, the author of the above linked article. If you read the article, you know the man REALLY knows his stuff. Below is a copy of my email to him, and his reply. You might want to write some of this info down:


Several of us on the FJR forum have been checking out your "All about motor oil" article lately. One concern Ihave is that we don't know the age of the article, and the relevance of your findings... since we're worried that oil formulations have changed.One of our forum favorites was Shell Rotella 15w40 once upon a time, but Ihave heard they changed their formula for their

dino oil and that concerns me. I'm wondering how many oil companies have changed their formulations since your article waswritten.

Please advise.

Gary House > FJR forum

Everything has changed, of course. But the basic results haven't. Car oils are even worse for bikes now, and motorcycle or

diesel oils are still the best you can do. Diesel oils are getting worse, and perhaps in their next formulation I'll drop the

recommendation, but right now T6, Mobil-1 turbo diesel, Delvac-1, Chevron 5w-40diesel synthetic, and AMSOil remain your

best choices. Rotella, Delo-400 or Delvac 15w-40 are slightly behind but good choices.

So what your saying is everything has stayed the same.

That was kind'a my point. Oil tech may have advanced, but from a user's vantage point is still the same.

He rode a genlll Howie..
Nuff said.
Blow me Howie, get fecked Barry! ON TOPIC: Stopped in Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur yesterday to check in on SkooterG's girlfriend Catia from our ride there years ago!

Tell SkootyG she's put on about a hundred pounds, she used to be una muy Bonita Señorita but now she es La Gorda. She also has two kids, the first one belongs to our GreggieM!
You vulgar bastage!!! I'm gonna be cryin all day now.

Won't do ya a bit of good my friend.. Don't you remember his loop eared step kids one of em....

Oil threads are the shit!! I've heard it's OK to use Rotella, just be sure to install a new battery after and your clutch'll be jest fine.

I can't remember ever hearing about an engine failure due to oil except for the lack thereof. Seems the most important thing is to make sure there's some oil in there before you ride. A lot of guys on the FZ1 forum swear by Rotella, dino or synthetic. I have Rotella dino in my FZ1 right now, she runs about the same as she did with the Motul synthetic I had in it before. Amsoil for the Feej cuz that's what's been in there from day 1.

BTW, my tender sensibilities have taken a severe thrashing since exposing myself to you vulgar a-holes. I'm not sure I can take much more, but I'm gonna try. Awww crap, I just ran outta kleenex. Now I gotta go to the store.
