Canadian FJR
Canadian FJR
Interested in selling one of the exhausts?
Canadian FJR
Canadian FJR
Sure! They're not perfect, but I can take some pics and you can pick which one you want.Interested in selling one of the exhausts?
Canadian FJR
ya know, that thought crossed my mind, but he told me his neighbor was the regional mgr. for the Suzuki dual sport team (never heard of it) and I think he got a lot of this stuff for free. The title he has for the 98 chassis had 'gift' in the purchase price. He's had this stuff for years and just wanted it out of his garage. He has 4 boys and a girl that all ride and he had 11 bikes in his garage! More than half were dirt or dual sports.It's all stolen and you're gonna go to the big house...
Haha...I'm just kidding. Nice find!!
Oh, it's killin' me! I've spent so much time in the garage this last week the wife is getting pissed! I can't wait to ride this thing. :yahoo:Loving this getting ready to ride ride report. :yahoo:
Trust me, it wouldn't have happened w/o the interweb! I got a LOT of how to advise from a few different forums. For example, the primary gear is reverse thread(I wouldn't have known!), and the easiest way to break it loose is to stuff a penny between it and the clutch gear and use a breaker bar. It's a good thing I had a few pennies, that sucker was on there tight!Sheesh man...At the very least, you've got some skills. If it ever breaks down, at least you'll know how to fix it. Nice job!!
Hmmm, I didn't think about it being useful for a fuel guage!That piss yellow tank might look bad but is way functional for checking your fuel level. I've read the gas fumes bleed though the tank so paint does not stick. Not sure about the liner.
I'm dealing with the same thing right now. I picked up a 92 not very long ago and to say the least it's a bitch to get started! Everything I've read says that is just the way they are, but I'm determined to figure out a way to improve it.Yeah, I was a little hesitant about the penny thing too. The theory is that the copper is a lot softer than the the steel gears, but hard enough to give the resistance needed to break the nut loose. It worked. I couldn't see a mark on the gears when I was done.
Good news/bad news..I got the pumper carb parts last night and installed them and put the carb on. Bad news, I can't get the damn thing started! My foot is sore from kicking it. I tried everything, squirted gas into the spark plug hole, later a little oil to give a little compression bump. Then I tried bump starting it down the driveway in second. 4 or 5 times it fired for a second or 2, then died when I pulled the clutch or on it's own. By then the battery was about dead so I put it on a tender and went to bed. This morning I tried a few kicks and got nothing. Any suggestions?
Arrrrgh! I just looked at an exploded parts drawing of the carb and there should be a spacer underneath the needle clip! My carb didn't have one, so I put it back together the way it came apart. Now I have to find something the same thickness...hmmm, I wonder if the CV carb has a spacer I can steal.Yeah, I've read that too, but some guys say theirs fire up 1-2 kicks. There are a few different 'rituals' for starting these things. I think you just have to find the right combo for for your bike. Good luck! Hey, at least you CAN start yours!
I'm gonna stop at Harbor Freight and get a compression tester on the way home. If that checks out ok, the carb is coming back off. Maybe it just needs the fuel screw turned out a little more. Jesse at Kientech said 1 1/2 turns, but I've read some guys go 2 to 2 1/2. Man, I wish it had the magic button!