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Hardy, the logging dawg....


Playing with my new-to-me 30mm f:1.4 lens. For photogs, a couple of household ceiling lights is all there was here, although I had to fix white balance; ISO3200, 1/100 @ f:1.4.

This is Gizmo, a 4-1/2 year old Papillon. I posted him a couple of years back.


Here is Mocha, our household fat cat in a daylight shot. (By "our" I of course mean "my," since there is no "us" any more.... But the animals both belong to my stepdaughter who I am still close with after the D. She's a college kid and has no place to keep them.)


I had a 1.4 with both of my film SLRs, going back to my Canon AE-1 in the 80s and a Nikon n8008 I bought in the 90s. When I went digital the kit zooms were all there was that I could afford. This lens came from eBay for about $220, and I had to send it off for repair (which I knew before buying it) for just under $180. Still, I've spent about 2/3 of the price for a new one!

Fast glass is expensive!!!!!

Yep! Fast glass sure is! I too had a Canon AE-1 back in the day. Good thing though, I was in the Navy and stationed in Japan where we got them for peanuts on base. I just got myself a Canon 60D with a 18-135MM f:3.5-5.6 zoom. It's my first DSLR and so far I'm impressed as Hell. Looking at every shot as you experiment is wonderful compared to hoping to God that everything looks good after the film got developed. You're right, the zoom lens packages are cheaper but, there's NOTHING like a 50mm f:1.4 lens. But it chaps my ass when I see the price. Maybe someday soon. :rolleyes:

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Since my senior boy Finn pasted there was a hole to fill.

Meet Bogey our 4 month old Golden (photo taken with my 50 1.4 just for my WPB homey)....


We are adding a Leonberger pup to the house this Winter. Mom is with pups now, and here is the Dad...


This is Jolie, our 9-year old Mini-Schnauzer. She is the first dog I have ever had. My son begged me for a dog, and after I ran out of excuses, well... I gave in. Clearly one of the best decisions I ever made. I've taught her a bunch of tricks and she is smart as a whip. Loves all people - but hates all animals (terrier-like, of course).


Dogs love you no matter what....

Osito turned 4 weeks old yesterday and three weeks from now We Stanley Boys can take him home to our Chandler, Arizona Casa del Barrio!

He's trying out his barking here, not much volume yet!

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Adorable ! How big will Osito get, when he grows into Oso?
Osito's Mamacita weighs 70 and his Padre weighs 80, I was a bad Labbie Dad and let Bear get up to 100 lbs. but I promise I will not let Oso get overweight like that! Miss Jilly Beans, here are pictures of Lexi the Momma and Ruger the Poppa.
That's a nice size for a dog. Our Siggy is now the little guy at about 63lbs. Lucy, who comes to us at the weekends from our daughter is well over 70lbs and growing. Zeus is the big guy at 110lbs. He's scrawny thin but still a big dog.

I am such a sap and sucker for Labrador Retrievers, I have been surfing the web for pics/vids of Labbie Babies! I found this one and have looked at it three times already, I can pick up my Osito two weeks from Friday and I can hardly wait to bring him home.

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Here he is, mi Osito at five weeks:

Getting cuter by the day. I can see a road trip to Arizona in our future. This looks like a friend that we'll have to meet one day.
Jilly Beans, my 92 year old Mom Veda is now bedridden; she lives in Orange by the Plaza Circle, when I bring Osito to meet her I will contact you and Andy in advance.
