Military FJR Owners

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Navy Active Duty (1988-Present)

LDO (Limited Duty Officer)

Currently in San Diego, CA

USS George Washington Carver (SSBN-656)(G)

USS Kentucky (SSBN-737)(G)

USS Maryland (SSBN-738)(G)

USS San Juan (SSN-751)

Marine active 81-85 reserve 85-87, Semper Fi Once a Marine Always a Marine!

Crew Chief/ Mech.

Paris Island, Tustin Ca, Millinton Tn, Cherry Point &

HMH 464 and HMH 362 New river air station Jacksonville NC.

WSSI Camp LeJeune

No Shit !!! There's a military FJR ? Dual 50's, Chaff launcher, Sparrows, Maybe a Vulcan Cannon....oh man....Camo Paint too??? :p

78-82 USN ET2 USS Kinkaid DD-965 San Diego et al ! 3 WesPacs !!!

Tin Cans Rule !!!!


USN Got out in '81 , was stationed on USS Lockwood FF1064 out of Yokosuka,Japan and got to see alot of west pac. Glad I got to go. Got a nephew in the marines right now, already did two trips to Iraq, hope he makes it out this summer.

Army 80 - 92

82nd Airborne


Time spent workign out of Tampa FL on "other" projects. :dntknw:

Darn, see I have not been back on this board for 8 months! Gotta read more I guess.

USAF/ANG since '86. Been a C-130 pilot since '88 stationed at Pope AFB (some call is Fort Bragg Army Airfield) while on Active Duty. Been in NCANG since '95. It's been great (mostly). I've seen the world from Base Ops. and had opportunities most don't get in the civillian world. Got to do Just Cause (Panama), Desert Shield/Storm, OEF, OIF, Somallia, others yet to be named.

Units were 39 TAS/317AW at Pope AFB and now 156 AS/145 AW of the NCANG in Charlotte, NC.

I'm lovin' my Galaxy Blue rocket!


USAF/ANG since '86. Been a C-130 pilot since '88 stationed at Pope AFB (some call is Fort Bragg Army Airfield) while on Active Duty. Been in NCANG since '95. It's been great (mostly). I've seen the world from Base Ops. and had opportunities most don't get in the civillian world. Got to do Just Cause (Panama), Desert Shield/Storm, OEF, OIF, Somallia, others yet to be named. Units were 39 TAS/317AW at Pope AFB and now 156 AS/145 AW of the NCANG in Charlotte, NC.

I'm lovin' my Galaxy Blue rocket!

+1 C130 :clap: Trash Hauler, anything, anywhere, anytime.

US ARMY 1974 - 78

Combat Engineers, demolition sergeant (what a blast)

Ft Leonard Wood

Ft Lewis

Berlin, Germany

100% support of the men and women serving now. :thumbup:

USAF/ANG since '86.  Been a C-130 pilot since '88 stationed at Pope AFB (some call is Fort Bragg Army Airfield) while on Active Duty.  Got to do Just Cause (Panama), Desert Shield/Storm, OEF, OIF, Somallia, others yet to be named. :D
So YOU'RE the bastard that kept dropping me into the trees! Just wait until I find you! :D

Just for the record, can you please, please explain how, when the pilots are based at Pope, they can't find the Sicily drop zone? :unsure:

US Army Active duty 1990-1995. 2LT/CPT

FT Huachuca, AZ

1/506 IN AASLT, DMZ Korea

502nd CI Group, FT Meade MD

NM National Guard 1999--Present. E-5

I resigned my commission in '99 and went into the Guard for funzees.

I can say that having been a Captain and now being a Sergeant that it is nice to get some respect for a change. :bleh:

USAF/ANG since '86.  Been a C-130 pilot since '88 stationed at Pope AFB (some call is Fort Bragg Army Airfield) while on Active Duty.  Got to do Just Cause (Panama), Desert Shield/Storm, OEF, OIF, Somallia, others yet to be named. :D
So YOU'RE the bastard that kept dropping me into the trees! Just wait until I find you! :D

Just for the record, can you please, please explain how, when the pilots are based at Pope, they can't find the Sicily drop zone? :unsure:
Two things usually result in a drop in the trees.

First, the "Jumpmaster Directed" Drops...finding the right spot over the earth is difficult enough when you train for it every day. If you only do it once a year and you look out the side of the airplane from the paratroop door, get it. We are required to fly where the Jumpmaster says to fly because the "user accepts responsibility for the airdrop results." A smart crew will disregard the directive to comply with the Jumpmaster's directions and fly to where they know you guys will land at the P. I. once you jump. A dumb (or pissed off) crew will comply with the Jumpmaster's directions and let you go where his decisions take you...often in the trees.

Second, the Ground Marked Release System (GMRS). We turn on the Green light once we are abeam the long end of the "inverted L" (it's really on its side with the long end pointing left to right across the nose of the flight path). We are supposed to fly a fixed distance to the right of the end of the "L" and turn on the Green Light. The "User" (Army guys) set up the L and then wonder why we don't drop over the top of it...our procedure, which they are supposedly trained on, requires a drop to the right of the L.

As far as not being able to find Sicily clue on that one. When I was stationed at PAFB, we had 48 planes assigned and still most of the JAATT (airdrop) Missions were flown by crews who were there in TDY status from Little Rock, Dyess, or somewhere else. So while it looked like we Pope guys flew most of them, it really wasn't the case. In fact, we used to joke that the only good thing about being stationed at Pope was that you never had to go there TDY. Fayetteville sucked IMHO.

Other wise, the crew just sucks! Personally, I have never had an airdrop -- personnel or equipment -- land off the drop zone.

Anyway, I always enjoy working with the Airborne. My brother -in-law is the XO for the 173rd in Italy and just got back from his 13 mo. tour in Afghanistan. He looks like GI Joe and is tough as nails. Me, I've spent almost 3 years of my life in SWA since we kicked off the Desert Shield thing. Sure hope the politicians end up making it worth it... Cheers and God Bless all VETS.

P.S. My reply is intended in good fun.

I salute all that serve.

As for me, wasn't in but lived the life for the first thirteen years of mine.

Pops was USAF. Retired after 20. B-52 mechanic.

most of the JAATT (airdrop) Missions were flown by crews who were there in TDY status from Little Rock, Dyess, or somewhere else.
I was only poking fun at ya anyway. I was a jumpmaster and went to pathfinder school as well. I know how fun it is trying to spot a DZ on a dark night :unsure:

I've got this to say about the USAF: when it's dark and crappy out and I look out the paratroop door and see... dark and crappy (but no ground), I start looking for the USAF NOMEX reference point. One minute later... hasta la vista.

When in doubt, I've always tended to believe in the crews that fly us. No tree landings yet... :blink:

I've got this to say about the USAF: when it's dark and crappy out and I look out the paratroop door and see... dark and crappy (but no ground), I start looking for the USAF NOMEX reference point. One minute later... hasta la vista.
When in doubt, I've always tended to believe in the crews that fly us. No tree landings yet... :blink:
As a radio operator for air-ground-air communication, I worked with Aircrews throughout my 8 1/2 years. They always impressed me with their easy going demeanor and professionalism and expertise when doing what had to be done.

When in doubt, I've always tended to believe in the crews that fly us. No tree landings yet...
I was in the trees WAY more than I wanted to be, but I don't blame the crews since a lot of the time the only place to put us was in the trees anway...well except for one jump. Supposed to hit the bombing range at Eglin AFB. Sucker is HUGE but they missed it by over 5k..don't know how, but we enjoyed the walk back :angry2:

They always impressed me with their easy going demeanor and professionalism and expertise when doing what had to be done.
Roger that! Since I was the idiot on the ground directing laser guided munitons, I worked with a lot of AF and Navy/Marine pilots. One thing I can say is they are GOOD! And they will certainly not hesitate to buy you a beer if you make them look good out on the range. :D

Retired...U.S. Navy Chief Personnelman...1963 - 1987


Plankowner USS JOHN RODGERS (DD -983) not decommissioned

Vietnam vet...year 1970 and year 1972

thanks for your interest in us all sir....
