MotionPro SyncPro is a piece of garbage

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Crash Cash

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
I just tried to sync the TBs on my '07 and was totally let down by the tool. To put it bluntly, this tool is the biggest steaming pile since Cheng Shin tires.

First off, you have to calibrate it, by connecting the lines to a single 5-way tee and hooking the tee to a throttle body and twiddling screws on the bottom of the tool until all 4 of the fluid columns line up. This didn't fill me with confidence since you can then blip the throttle or stop/start the engine and they're all slightly out of wack again.

Then I got some sort of bubble in the 3rd column, and I can't get rid of it. I tried tapping the tube. I tried tapping/banging the entire instrument on the floor. I tried slinging it around in a circle. I tried sucking & blowing on the tube with a small desoldering bulb. Now the 3rd column won't even go down to zero any more! It's sitting here on my desk with the fluid about 2" from the bottom, with the same big bubble.

So now I have a disassembled FJR with fucked up throttle bodies because I already tweaked 'em, trying to deal with the bubble. I guess I can American-engineer it by using just 2 of the tubes at a time. Needless to say, I am really angry.

I'm usually impressed with MotionPro tools and they've saved my butt quite a few times, but this is a piece of shit. If I was MotionPro, I'd rip my name off this sucker in a heartbeat and bury them all in a landfill and hope nobody remembers them. Their mercury tool, even the economy one was far far better. I wish I still had mine.

To be specific, this is the SyncPRO #08-0411 non-mercury synchronizer tool. I hope nobody else gets ripped off by one.

I guess finding the old kind with mercury isn't going to happen, I guess there afraid we'll feed them to tunas.

Or does anybody know if they are still available?

OK, I finally got my TBs synced, so I took the damn thing apart to see how it works and if I could fix it. Turns out I can!

At the bottom of the tool is a solid block of Lucite. The 4 tubes are glued into it, each one going to a separate pool of fluid. At the other end of the pool of fluid is an air chamber with a piston above it. This piston has an o-ring and can be screwed in and out. As you screw it in and out, it forces the fluid level up and down, and this forces fluid up and down the tube. If anybody wants pics, I guess I can do that.

I unscrewed all 4 pistons and they all "burped" and the fluid came out of all the columns. So I gently tapped the tubes so that the fluid sticking to the side went down into the pools at the bottom. I let it settle for an hour, cleaned the pistons off, and screwed them back in. Now all the bubbles are gone and it appears to function as-designed.

It's still a crappy design. I want my mercury, R-22, and lawn darts back, bitches! Goddamn treehuggers are screwing things up more than ever. I see some mercury units on ebay for $125, I guess I will have to snag some.

OK, I finally got my TBs synced, so I took the damn thing apart to see how it works and if I could fix it. Turns out I can!
At the bottom of the tool is a solid block of Lucite. The 4 tubes are glued into it, each one going to a separate pool of fluid. At the other end of the pool of fluid is an air chamber with a piston above it. This piston has an o-ring and can be screwed in and out. As you screw it in and out, it forces the fluid level up and down, and this forces fluid up and down the tube. If anybody wants pics, I guess I can do that.

I unscrewed all 4 pistons and they all "burped" and the fluid came out of all the columns. So I gently tapped the tubes so that the fluid sticking to the side went down into the pools at the bottom. I let it settle for an hour, cleaned the pistons off, and screwed them back in. Now all the bubbles are gone and it appears to function as-designed.

It's still a crappy design. I want my mercury, R-22, and lawn darts back, bitches! Goddamn treehuggers are screwing things up more than ever. I see some mercury units on ebay for $125, I guess I will have to snag some.

Have 1 on order since a week :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

I have the big old Motion Pro mercury sticks. I'm thinking of going with a CarbTune so My mercury setup might be on the block if anyone is interested.

I guess finding the old kind with mercury isn't going to happen, I guess there afraid we'll feed them to tunas.
Or does anybody know if they are still available?
They are indeed still readily available (though perhaps not for those in CA..?): Link (And should you speak with Mr. Young at Race Pro, you might mention to him that the 6mm adpaters are not required for an FJR even though it is a "Yamaha". :glare: )

Surprising I just synched my TB's today with my Morgan Carbtune. Took much longer to get to the TB's than to adjust them. Carbtune is a really great tool & my good friend who's a certified Honda, Yamaha & Ducati mechanic was very impressed with it. Hg manometers are tools of the past!!!!!

I agree that the Motion Pro is not the highest quality device available, but it's not garbage, and simple enough to use. The calibration to start with is unusual, but understandable. The separate tubes not sharing a fluid pool allows for the use on twins and threes without having to block up ports.

Had no trouble with mine other than one tube having way more fluid than the others. A quick blip, oops, some got sucked into the motor, and it's all good.

I found bubbles in mine a couple of times, had no trouble removong them with a couple of good centripal slinging motions.

My 25 year old homemade Mercury manometer works just fine. I use rubber gloves, and dump the Mercury back into a heavy glass flask with a stopper. The unit is sealed in a plastic bag. I have long lines I hang from overhead to keep from sucking mercury into the motor.

Old guys will remember the science teacher passing out Mercury to roll around in your hand. LOL

I've done OK with it on numerous occasions-I have seen the bubbles at times, but manage to get rid of them. As far as the columns being out of synch when blipping the throttle-they will be-but should settle back down...there was a good thread around in the past that detailed how to synch the throttle bodies so they were equal as they rose during acceleration and claimed that the way we do it only synchs them for idle-it made sense but I don't know where you would find it-somewhere in the archives I'd bet.

Old guys will remember the science teacher passing out Mercury to roll around in your hand. LOL
Old Guys?? Why I ougha kick ya in the nutts :lol:

Speakin of nuts.. If ya suffer from erectile disfunction, go to :****:

Plenty of resources there ta hep ya out.

