Motoport testimonial (aka Hudson fall down, go boom.)

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Thanks George, completely agree. Though I am not sure I am meant to own a nice pretty Italian exotic.

I got an email from the guy who was behind me and stopped to make sure I was ok. He gave his perspective of the crash. Interesting to hear from a different vantage point:

Things were definitely dramatic from our viewpoint. One of the craziest things I've seen while driving. Here is a recap of what I saw...We had just rounded the corner on I-90 in the right hand lane and we could see the front street exit up ahead... In front of us a little ways ahead in my lane was the AMR Ambulance. As we were going along I saw them start to drift towards the shoulder to the point that they were splitting the shoulder line with their vehicle. It was then that I saw something come under their ambulence and shoot left towards you. I saw it hit your front wheel, the bike wobbled for a split second and then went down on the right side of the bike. The person behind you had slammed on their brakes and swerved to avoid you and the bike. In the initial part of the slide you were under the bike and I could see you trying too kick away from it. You were able to but continued to slide, heading towards the right (into my lane). I was already braking as soon as I saw you go down but I then had to break a lot harder and steer to avoid you. You did a few rolls and slid further on your back and butt until you started to slow down. At that point you popped up and ran a few steps to the shoulder.

Sheesh. I was very lucky indeed. Gear did its part, but clearly there was some good karma along for the ride.

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I'd take that email and my own account and go talk to a supervisor at AMR. Hell, I'd probably give both to my attorney and let her contact them. That's ********. Ambulance drivers are a phenomenal pain in the ass. Half of them aren't qualified to drive a go-cart while the other half does very well. For some reason there's almost no in-between.

The officer did not cite them...he told me this was a roadside debris hazard which was a no-fault instance (absent something falling off the ambulance).

Ummm...I call BS. But I'll let the insurance co duke it out first, though I do agree with you Zilla, worth notifying the company.

Why can't I see your pictures? All I see is your jpeg #'s .....

Nothing better than being able to post up after a nasty get off. I still wear my repaired motoport gear.

While I shed a tear over a beautiful MV, I will raise a glass to a well prepared (and lucky) man.

Glad you're still "Upright and taking on coffee".

Sorry about your accident Dave. That does really make it a lot more interesting to hear it from the perspective of a witness also. Glad you were able to get right up & walk (or run) away from further damage and damn fortunate that all the drivers around you were paying attention to the road instead of their cell phones. You definately had your angels watching over you for this one. Heal up soon.

I've got to go along with HRZ on this one. Take that email to an attorney and pursue it. No fault accident? Sounds more like the ambulance driver failed to maintain adequate control of their vehicle by allowing it to drift onto the shoulder where the debris came from. Sure reads to me like someone was at fault.

Dave, I have to admit when I first heard thru the vine Sunday my first thought was **** Dave was having to much fun with that Italian exotic whore and she threw him down. My bad, dam glad your OK!

Why can't I see your pictures? All I see is your jpeg #'s .....
Nothing better than being able to post up after a nasty get off. I still wear my repaired motoport gear.
Yep, same here. Have tried both laptop and tablet as well as IE & Firefox. Pulled image URL from source and it fails also.

Why can't I see your pictures? All I see is your jpeg #'s .....
Nothing better than being able to post up after a nasty get off. I still wear my repaired motoport gear.
Yep, same here. Have tried both laptop and tablet as well as IE & Firefox. Pulled image URL from source and it fails also.
Me too. iPad, laptop...nada


Why can't I see your pictures? All I see is your jpeg #'s .....

Nothing better than being able to post up after a nasty get off. I still wear my repaired motoport gear.
Yep, same here. Have tried both laptop and tablet as well as IE & Firefox. Pulled image URL from source and it fails also.
Me too. iPad, laptop...nada
Me to, I see the one picture of the bent rim he posted later. Probably just as well, I might have cried at seeing the bike.

I'd still consider talking to an ambulance chaser. If they smell cash you'll be able to see their tail wagging immediately. The police might not have your best interests at heart (or they may not understand the system as well as they think).

Pictures are coming through fine for me. I suppose they might be cached in my browser though.

I just found this thread today. Glad the outcome was okay for the rider, if not for the bike.

Like others, I cannot see any of the images.

Thanks George, completely agree. Though I am not sure I am meant to own a nice pretty Italian exotic.
I got an email from the guy who was behind me and stopped to make sure I was ok. He gave his perspective of the crash. Interesting to hear from a different vantage point:

Things were definitely dramatic from our viewpoint. One of the craziest things I've seen while driving. Here is a recap of what I saw...We had just rounded the corner on I-90 in the right hand lane and we could see the front street exit up ahead... In front of us a little ways ahead in my lane was the AMR Ambulance. As we were going along I saw them start to drift towards the shoulder to the point that they were splitting the shoulder line with their vehicle. It was then that I saw something come under their ambulence and shoot left towards you. I saw it hit your front wheel, the bike wobbled for a split second and then went down on the right side of the bike. The person behind you had slammed on their brakes and swerved to avoid you and the bike. In the initial part of the slide you were under the bike and I could see you trying too kick away from it. You were able to but continued to slide, heading towards the right (into my lane). I was already braking as soon as I saw you go down but I then had to break a lot harder and steer to avoid you. You did a few rolls and slid further on your back and butt until you started to slow down. At that point you popped up and ran a few steps to the shoulder.

Sheesh. I was very lucky indeed. Gear did its part, but clearly there was some good karma along for the ride.
That's chilling to read, Dave.
Count me in the "you're living right" camp

It's a wonder that we've each survived the misadventures of our lives. But that survival is due, at least in part, to the choices we make. Glad you are able to tell us about this.

I talked with Motoport yesterday (mostly to thank Wayne for his gear). He told me the rash was heat transfer, which is why he recommends wearing some kind of base layer (like LD rider stuff) instead of just shorts and a thin t-shirt.
And the heat transfer marks on your knees look just like the one on I had on my shoulder after crashing in the Sierras last year. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but had on Motoport's mesh kevlar gear over that, and so the scab that formed was imprinted with the pattern of its course kevlar weave. Your's are likely less "textured".

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Here's a shot of the gloves: palms and lower thumb were worn, but not worn through.

The bike was (long sigh) the new to me MV Agusta. Not sure it is totalled (I really haven't brought myself to looking at it yet), and not posting pics yet (or in this thread) because I want this thread to be about the importance of good gear.

I was happy the ambulance driver stopped (as did the driver behind me). We took a police report, but officer said it was roadside debris which is no fault - notwithstanding the fact that said debris would'nt have been a factor unless said ambulance driver had stayed in his lane and not drifted over. He seemed really nervous and was very evasive - actually asked me "what happened dude?" I was pretty curt with him: "What happened was you drifted three feet onto the shoulder, kicked up something that hit my tire, and caused me to go down. What were you thinking?" His response pissed me off even more " I don't recall that". ********. Guy behind me that stopped backed up my observations, which is why the officer took pains to tell me it was a no-fault situation (unless something had fallen off the ambulance).

I should be more pissed, but insurance will kick in and I am well covered. What matters is what everyone here said: I am not more seriously injured.

I talked with Motoport yesterday (mostly to thank Wayne for his gear). He told me the rash was heat transfer, which is why he recommends wearing some kind of base layer (like LD rider stuff) instead of just shorts and a thin t-shirt.

I'll say it again - this would have been far far worse but for really excellent gear, some quick thinking drivers behind me, and an unknown quantity of luck.

Shoulder remains really sore and stiff, but let's see what a few days of rest, muscle relaxer, and stretching will do.

I may post pics of the MV or I may not, but I will say - before you go paying another $600-1000k or more to upgrade your (seat/ driving lights/ shocks/ bags) spend the money on quality first rate gear. Without this stuff, I'd be picking rocks out of my skin and possibly setting a bone or two in place.
so how much of the gear are you going to replace? I had similar crash in April - hit an 8x8 on the highway doing about 70, hit the road with shoulder and hip (based on pain points), slid on my right side and back until stopping. The slide tore up my pants and jacket, ground off a bit of helmet, but gloves and boots stood up fine. I had no signs of road rash at all, probably as I was wearing jeans under the riding pants, but no sign of any wear of the clothes under the gear.

So i ended up replacing jacket, pants and helmet only, so curious how much of your gear you think is still useable.....

+1 on Motoport stuff. I Just got a pair of the summer racing gloves to go with my Motoport Mesh gear and love 'em. Happy so see your in great shape considering....I'm with the other about pursuing the cell phone record, or at the very least, contacting the Ambulance company with the witness's email to let them know they might want to reevaluate the drivers continued representation of the company.

Going to replace all the gear. Gloves are done, jacket might be fixable, pants not so sure. Helmet gets replaced along with boots.
