Motoport testimonial (aka Hudson fall down, go boom.)

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Wow, sorry to hear about the crash but glad you made out okay. It was one of those situations where you couldn't be expected to do anything different - a true "$hit happens" moment.

The insurance should replace all the gear, so I'd get all new. Salvageable pieces could still be kept for backup gear.

I'm leaving in a couple days for the Black Hills and wherever else, and your post really helped me change my plans for this trip, gear-wise. I have a set of Olympia riding gear--Airglide 2, I think. Mesh panels, padded, some kind of cordura nylon I think. I like it a lot. Comfortable and "feels" pretty protective. In fact, it's the gear I used on my 10K mile cross-country ride last fall. I know it's definitely not as good (meaning protective) as the kevlar mesh Motoport suit in the closet, but it's the compromise I make most of the time, especially in hot weather. Or cold weather. Or rain. The damn Motorport is so bulky it's hard to get rain gear over it, takes up a LOT of room when I take it off, even in restaurants, etc. etc. So there's lots of excuses to wear the Olympia.

Then, your post. And your pictures. I'm definitely pulling out the Motoport for this ride. I'd be a damn fool not to. And I'll be wearing it a lot more for local rides, too. See last sentence. Thanks for the reminder, Dave. Hope you're healing up.

I may have mentioned this before, but I bought a friends 6 year old Motoport suit (Kevlar mesh pant and jacket) for about 200 bucks.

He was riding his VStrom down the highway when a car ran right into him, the cars bumper impact point was his right leg. He was tossed off and bounced down the road. The impact was so hard it actually severed his leg below the knee. Damage was so bad they couldn't re-attach the leg.

When I got the suit I expected to see some damage to where the impact on his leg was , and some wear on the rest of the gear from other impact points from his tumble down the asphalt . There was only a quarter size wear point on the right leg, a scuff on the left knee and some wear on the forearm of the jacket. None of these were worn through the gear, just scuffs on the exterior, like the finish got hit with a belt sander.

The major selling point to me was although he did lose his right leg, he had no other injury. A basic high side at 60 mph and NO OTHER marks on his body, not even friction burns, just the loss of the limb from the initial impact.

I think the reason he sold me the suit for such a good price was because I'm the person that told him to buy it when he asked about gear on another forum.

He still has plans to return to two wheels, or at least get a Spyder, and said the first thing he will buy is a new Motorport mesh suit.

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Not sure why the photos aren't displaying but here is a link to the folder.

Ahh...thanks, now I see them.

The knee burns look just like mine (one on my shoulder and another on my leg) after sliding down the road. Your jacket and pants are repairable, they just replace the panels needed. Mine repair was 180.00 two and a half years ago.

ATGATT! or close to it.

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So then... had a horrible freakin dream last night I got creamed by hunk of steel that bent my front rim which then stopped the wheel when the bent part smacked the rotor... and in an instant I was on the deck, sliding and tumbling the same way I did when I crashed a /2 many years ago.

..and I was wearing <lack of gear> like I did back in the day.

The next dream visual was me screaming in agony as the nurses scrubbed the major road rash head to toe.

Then I woke up.

Thanks HuddieBear...


Hugs n' Kisses

...and, most importantly, for the damn fine reminder to wear the gear.. it does no good to leave the good stuff at home when your butt is out on the bike for a ride, yes?

Yes, Don, yes.

Thanks for kind wishes. Super sore still, but I've heard a few stories that make me understand that I was lucky, not just prepared.

Insurance guy comes over tomorrow, and I bet he totals her. not sure I am game to replace her, at least not right away. I've got a few nice bikes already, and when things heal, I'll concentrate perhaps on those. My wrists and back won't be happy anyways for a few weeks.

Sigh. Then a big smile cause I'm ok and everything works.

Comfortable and "feels" pretty protective. In fact, it's the gear I used on my 10K mile cross-country ride last fall. I know it's definitely not as good (meaning protective) as the kevlar mesh Motoport suit in the closet, but it's the compromise I make most of the time, especially in hot weather. Or cold weather. Or rain. The damn Motorport is so bulky it's hard to get rain gear over it, takes up a LOT of room when I take it off, even in restaurants, etc. etc. So there's lots of excuses to wear the Olympia.
I do the same, but the opposite. Day rides and the like I wear some cheaper more convenient gear, not the Michelin suit. But multi-day trips, the nod goes to the Motoport.

I'll only add that this crash happened 8 miles from my home on a brief errand to gas up. I've read where many crashes occur within a shorter radius of one's home.

For me, whatever extra time is needed to dress up in the Motoport stuff is more than offset by the benefits. I also have the Mesh suit, which can be bulky (though a bit more comfy on hot days). The stretch suit is a bit more form-fitting and comfy for me, and I was glad to be wearing it Sunday.

Funny thing was, I have a nice Lewis Leathers jacket that I rarely wear, and had briefly considered wearing it Sunday. It has no armor, and while the hide is nice and thick, it is not as robust (I wear a Motoport mesh armor shirt underneath to supplement the armor). Glad I wasn't wearing it -both because it would not have held up as well, and because it would have been a shame to destroy such a pretty jacket.

Ya know, I find it really disturbing to look at any after-crash images/video. Especially so when it's somebody I know and care about.

Stop reminding me of my own mortality dammit!

But I have to thank you in the same breath too. It's precisely that reminder that we all need to put on our gear even 'just down to the store'.

On vacation and just catching up. Glad you're OK, and Motoport testimonial has been logged. (Santa: are you paying attention?)

The Italian beauty didn't fare as well, and that breaks my heart; seriously, it was gorgeous I'll mourn for her over a good glass of wine this evening -- as I toast your good fortune and good gear.

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Awesome to hear the outcome was favorable to your total health, yet so sad about the Italian lady.

Glad you are OK, makes me think hard about upping my Gear Game, looked at Klim this morning.
Big John, I had a long talk with folks about the KLIM gear. It's no less expensive than standard motoport, and the construction quality, stitching, and armor, is not up to Motport standards. You're into KLIM gear about $1500 for the stuff that will make a difference, and its far less impressive than motoport. I have a pair of Klim pants that I reserve for off-road use, that's it. If you're spending that type of money, I'd look away from KLIM

Wow!!!! I'm glad your ok and really impressed at how your gear held up. What kind of gloves are those? Heal up quick.
Gloves were Motoport, the summer race gloves. I've used Held Gloves too.
Did you get any abrasions on your hands?

I have also upgraded to the Motoport summer race after my previous summer leather/textile gloves came apart in a get-off at half your speed.

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None. The gloves performed like champs. Reasonably priced, IMHO (about $140).

One thing I was VERY GLAD I did when I purchased insurance: I bought a high level of accessory coverage ($8k in my case). While the MV had no accessories, my Motoport suit, boots, helmet and gloves were about $3K. Had I been riding the FJR or KTM, I'd easily have covered the other items with side cases, and various bits I've added over the years, GPS, radar, etc.

Insurance is doing well by me - they paid me more than fair on the bike and are covering the gear without question. They are pursuing the ambulance company. The coverage goes under my comprehensive, not collision, which does not impact my rates or assign fault.

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I guess I need to get this out, and I AM a fan of Motoport protection and quality. But as I said here a few weeks ago, despite its inconvenience, I decided to wear my kevlar mesh suit on the Spearfish run, and felt very well protected.

But something I'd kind of forgotten about was going on, and it was pretty distracting. The wind kept pulling the jacket up (even though it's long enough to extend several inches below the pants) and exposing my back--to wind, but also to the danger of what could happen in a slide. So when I got back, I sent an email to Motoport to ask if they could install a good sturdy zipper (like the one my 2-part Olympia Airglide 2 riding suit has) to hold the parts together.

No reply. No nothing. For some reason, I expected a lot better customer service from them. Hell, a polite refusal even. Guess I'll find a local tailor shop. Disappointing, though.

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Replacement Motoport arrived today. It fits like a glove. I won't bother wearing any other suit from now on, seeing as this suit saved my hide. If it works...
My Buddy "Welcome from San Diego" johnny80s Mr. Max had been on me for years to buy Motoport gear like he always wears, but being a cheap ass Irishman I kept going with my Joe Rocket, Klim and other assorted cheap apparel from Cycle Gear.

As I was being loaded on the MediVac Helicopter for the ride to the Hospital it finally struck me what a dumb ass I was for going out on two wheels with cheap but inefficient gear all these years.

But if I can get my right arm and shoulder to the point I can ride again, I am heading to California to buy Motoport from head to toe! If I get a second riding chance, I'll have Motoport! JSNS, JSNS!


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