NAFO 1K and 1.5K RIDES!

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A rally towel that the riders will make for me without my previous knowledge. This is to prove I made my ride just like you.
I suggest all that want to bring an appropriate towel & we vote like last time. Perhaps I'll have some real competition this year. I mean, how could anyone look at a picture of Beeroux and not see his deep, eternal love for troll dolls? Among other things, of course.
Sorry folks, missed the post from James. :blush:

If this is how all you riders want to handle it, I'm good with that. No further discussion is necessary.

Gunny to what TWN sez... GZ is THE MAN and should have all questions directed to him (email or PM).

So what is a rally towel supposed to be like? Saw a picture or two on the forum, but that's about it. Don't know nothing 'bout towels.... come to think of it I know nothing about nothing.......

yeah, does the rally rag need to have "Wings?" Oh wait, you said towel. Never mind.

But I would like to know as well. Other than a number, and some kind of creative slogan to announce the first ever NAFO Rally, what be you lookin fo?

Ah, I always suspected that there might be some enlightenment to be found around here.

I'm in, PM sent.

I've done several 600+ mile days before, never all of it in the twisties, so whats the worst another 400 miles could do?

So I got a 700 miler set for this Saturday, its all backroads and twisties of Arkansas. Going to head out at 4:00 A.M. and see how I do, I hope I dont regret this.

The way I see it I've got 11 weeks+ to get things worked out and somewhat conditioned.

I have read so many different threads related to past SS1K and BBG's I want to make sure I understand at least a little.

1000 miles all in Colorado and most all of it in the twisties. (thats the big draw)

We want know the route until the night before at a riders meeting.

We can use maps and GPS units, and we all follow the same route.

The proof of presence photos at selected sites, I assume all of these are on the main route?

Dangitall... I got my email back, apperently it was bounced.

PM sent with repeat info

Impatience.... admitting it is the first step. ;) :D
:lol: True.

But, if you wanna get a hold of G, that's about the best way to go, right now.
I sent him an Email via the link, it was bounced back as not being a valid address. Hence the PM.
Oy, I'll send him a note on his Private Bat Email, that goes directly to his Bat Computer, which is located in his Super Secret Bat Cave.

(Fook, work had better pick up soon... :blink: )

Heya Folks.

Seems my settings on the board got screwy, but I think I'm back on track and taking NO SLACK!

Heh! Jump back, then I touch mysef'.

So get up offa that thing, ride, and you'll feel betta.

FJR Pig, I swear to Mutha*%$king god, you don't git yo shit in TONIGHT, you ain't in.

It's just plain insulting and embarrassing to yo'sef at this point you can't get a silly license plate number.


I'll try and get the title of this thread changed, but REMEMBER, there ain't no stinkin' BBG, just the Killa Thrilla 1K.


FJR Pig, I swear to Mutha*%$king god, you don't git yo shit in TONIGHT, you ain't in.
It's just plain insulting and embarrassing to yo'sef at this point you can't get a silly license plate number.

LOL! I think I just wet myself from laughing. That is funny stuff. Okay, hold on...I'm walking down to the garage...

(20 minutes later)

I got it! GZ, I got the plate! PM on the way...can you keep it on file for next year so I can procastinate longer? I feel so rushed...

Can you smell the bacon?
Pig is in like Flynn. Fina-fu^king-ly.


You know, I'm turning this in to a positive experience, too :bb2: . About two days ago, I bought a used exercise bike on Craigslist to help get myself in a little better shape. A few of you know about the spine surgery I had at the end of last summer. Since then I've been unable to run yet. That, plus the fact that the mid-30s have arrived has created a bit of a hangover (if you know what I mean). I've been worried about not being able to make the trip to NAFO because of some nagging aches still in the back, but my hope is that the exercise bike time will condition my back for activity such as returning to riding some long distances to/from and while in Colorado. At the same time, maybe I can cure this hangover...

If my plan works, I'll owe it all to GZ.

