NAFO 2016 Official Thread

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Room booked and plan to visit a buddy that lives in the Denver area. Looking forward to this!

May have a BMW and Honda with me. That's allowed isn't it?

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Room booked and plan to visit a buddy that lives in the Denver area. Looking forward to this!
May have a BMW and Honda with me. That's allowed isn't it?
Absolutely not. No Hondas, and especially no BMWs.

Aw, what the heck...We wouldn't care, Even if YOU were riding it. A bike is a bike!

If you're keeping a tally, please add my wife and I to the list. We've booked our room. Yippee!

Room booked and plan to visit a buddy that lives in the Denver area. Looking forward to this!
May have a BMW and Honda with me. That's allowed isn't it?
I think there is separate parking, motel rate, "must buy round for FJR owners" costs...

...but sure, bring 'em.


Room booked and plan to visit a buddy that lives in the Denver area. Looking forward to this!
May have a BMW and Honda with me. That's allowed isn't it?
I think there is separate parking, motel rate, "must buy round for FJR owners" costs...

...but sure, bring 'em.

biggrin.png out Mark...Herr Petey rides a Beemer now.

Room booked and plan to visit a buddy that lives in the Denver area. Looking forward to this!
May have a BMW and Honda with me. That's allowed isn't it?
I think there is separate parking, motel rate, "must buy round for FJR owners" costs...

...but sure, bring 'em.

Ha Ha...I like your thinking! I told the BMW guy I wasn't sure his bike would make it that far.

Room booked and plan to visit a buddy that lives in the Denver area. Looking forward to this!

May have a BMW and Honda with me. That's allowed isn't it?
I think there is separate parking, motel rate, "must buy round for FJR owners" costs...

...but sure, bring 'em.

biggrin.png out Mark...Herr Petey rides a Beemer now.
Oh, he's been riding Beemers for years...heck, he probably built a couple before he left to come over to this side of the Atlantic.

He once owned one or three or four he's been inoculated.

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Room booked and plan to visit a buddy that lives in the Denver area. Looking forward to this!

May have a BMW and Honda with me. That's allowed isn't it?
Absolutely not. No Hondas, and especially no BMWs.

Aw, what the heck...We wouldn't care, Even if YOU were riding it. A bike is a bike!

I won't be on no stinking Yamaha Mr. Zilla

Actually thinking about hauling both the KLR and the KTM to enjoy dirt and street riding or I'll just ride the hippo.

Yes Wheatie is right I had 3 beemers before, this is my 4th. Hey I still have my old avatar and that means, once a FJR HOON always an FJR HOON .....jsns

NAFO.... here I come, and it will be on two wheels.

I went on a ride that was labeled the FART ride. It stood for Freaks and Reprobates tour. This is beginning to look the same way. Should be fun. We'll be there on three wheels or five if you count the trailer.

I'm sitting here listening to the grader plow snow on my road so thinking about July is a good thing

I'm booked at HIES. Now trying to figure out how to afford to stay out west after Red Lodge until NAFO is done. I really don't want to travel through Cali, Nevada and Arizona in July in order to stay at family member homes. Was more than hot enough out there mid-August last year. Am I wrong in thinking Idaho, Montana and northern Utah will be that much cooler in July than CA, NV & AZ?


And as time allows, I will start the attendance list, be patient! I have 17 pages (so far) to go through when I get the time.


And as time allows, I will start the attendance list, be patient! I have 17 pages (so far) to go through when I get the time.

Man, I was stressing there for a minute. I got a message about you asking about an attendance list. My answer was, Hell no!! I've never done one and they seem like a LOT of work to me. As much as Don loved them, I kind of don't see the point, but dumb opinion.
THEN I saw that you asked about it and volunteered to do it all in one post. Sweet. Remind me to buy you a beer.

I will say this: Only do it if you want. I'm not holding you to anything, so if you get sick of trying to keep up with it and bail, that's ok too. Haha...Also, you don't have to go back 17 pages. Just go to where I announced the final hotel arrangements. Just a few pages back, and that's where people started announcing their reservations. Should make your life easier.

I hear Colorado has really fresh Coors Light. It's made right there in the Rockies!

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I never really saw the point to them either, but it is kind of nice to see who is coming to a given event. I am gonna do this one for Don, after that who knows.

Like I said, it will be a few days as I just got back from Don's funeral last night and back to work today, playing catch up on both fronts. I am hoping to have some time to post funeral pics tonight. I don't think that I can add anything to what Tyler, Marks (amazing video) and the others have already posted. I have not even had the time to look at what I shot other then on the little camera screen.

If you can turn that Coors light into Captain and Coke, your on!

Montrose microbreweries:

Two Rascals


Smuggler's Brewpub

Colorado Boy Brewpub (Ridgeway: 27 miles away on the Million Dollar Highway)
