NAFO 2016 Official Thread

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I'm officially registered. I'm planning on sharing a ride with Bugnatr so whenever he gets there, I'm getting there 1 minute before! I'm also gonna throw my name into the list of hooligan off-roaders.

Oh yeah - sharing a room with Brodie so come on by and listen to him sell you on sporting a car tire on the back end.....

Can't wait for late July to finally get here

We will depart either Tuesday after work or ass-crack-of-dawn Wednesday morning and plan to arrive Thursday, prolly late-ish.
Pista - when are you heading out?
Andy- there are 3 options I'm investigating since I have the time available:

1. leaving Saturday the 23rd and heading towards the Black Hills, Montana, and Wyoming before dropping down into Colorado for a Thursday arrival in Montrose.

2. leaving Saturday the 23rd and heading towards Escalante/Zion and Southern Utah before heading up to Montrose.

3. leaving Tuesday morning for a Thursday arrival in Montrose.

Returning to Cleveland will be a straight shot either way.

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We're leaving Saturday a.m. and heading towards Montrose via ??? hoping to arrive mid day Thurs. Finally have enough time to attempt a candy butt ride. I have been lead to believe there are a few scenic places along the way in Utah.
5 days from eastern Washington to Colorado. Nice!

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I know the hotel is refundable, is registration as well?
The NAFO 2016 registration page is open now. I'm starting this thread as a place for anyone who has a specific question about registration or has an issue with registering. Please keep the general chatter about the event on the main NAFO 2016 thread.

Registration Link

A couple of notes about the information being collected during registration.

- Emergency Contact information.

I collect this information - name, cell phone # - in case someone has bad day. After EOM 2015, I / we used it to get in contact with a rider's emergency contact after we found out he went down on the way home. We connected a local rider with him (Thanks again, Bob!!) who helped out with getting gear off the wrecked bike and also made the time to visit. I can tell you from personal experience that there is no better moral boost when you're in that situation than to know there are people here pulling for you. I do not publish or share the name or phone information publicly, and it is deleted once the event is over and everyone is home.

- Address / Location Information

I collect the address data as a means to build the neat google heat maps to show where everyone is coming from. The event page will not let me cut off the street address. All I really need is the city, state, and zipcode for the heat map image. So, if you'd rather not put your street address in, that's fine. But if you omit your city, state, and zipcode, please don't ask why there is no little dot on the map for your address.

- Forms of payment

The default form of payment is via PayPal. If you're unable or unwilling to use that method of payment, please PM me directly and we will work something out.


As with any event or plan, things change; we get that. We will consider refund requests on a case by case basis. Please understand that materials for the event are purchased ahead of time and in quantities based on attendance numbers from registration. If these things have already been purchased, our ability to provide a refund can be limited because the money has already been spent. Please contact us (hotrodzilla, 0Face, extrememarine) directly to discuss refunds.

I will continue to build this first post as a FAQ for registration as questions / issues come in.

- Wayne

We will depart either Tuesday after work or ass-crack-of-dawn Wednesday morning and plan to arrive Thursday, prolly late-ish.

Pista - when are you heading out?
Andy- there are 3 options I'm investigating since I have the time available:
1. leaving Saturday the 23rd and heading towards the Black Hills, Montana, and Wyoming before dropping down into Colorado for a Thursday arrival in Montrose.

2. leaving Saturday the 23rd and heading towards Escalante/Zion and Southern Utah before heading up to Montrose.

3. leaving Tuesday morning for a Thursday arrival in Montrose.

Returning to Cleveland will be a straight shot either way.
Gotchya. We're gonna slab it out and take a week to get back home.

See ya in Colorado!

Sadly, I have to report (on behalf of Dr. Bob Flanders; Bob16555) that he will have to bail on this event. He had to have back surgery to fuse two vertebrae and is currently laid up in rehab with some complications. Extra thoughts and prayers for his recovery would be appreciated. Gregory, extrememarine and HRZ. Please go ahead and remove him from the list. I'm working on trying to get Dave Cooley to take over Bob's room. How do we handle registration for a non-member if Dave decides to come?

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If anyone has a non-FJRForum member the wants to go to NAFO, or register, the link for registration is here:

Registration gets people dinner and name tags. The shirts can be purchased during registration, as they are optional. Any questions or issues, let OFace, Extremarine (sp?) or me know. We'll get you taken care of.

It's getting closer!

Sorry to hear that Dr. Bob won't be joining us, I shall remove him from the list

I will keep an eye out for Dave to show up on the registration

Registered. Attending solo, and looking for room share. PM me if you've got a spare bed.
