NAFO Dates Set!

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I'm considering this!!! Someone, please, twist my arm. Afterall, this IS the National!!!
The only real question left for me at this point is can my ass handle a couple of weeks in the saddle. I would explore before and after the event. Suppose a day of doing twelve-ounce curls would be appropriate as a breather!
I'll be there. It's always fun to ride in new places and meet new people. Consider your arm twisted.

Only thing, don't expect any of that stuff comes in a Mason jar and looks like water, but isn't. :drinks:

But, the big question is, does anybody know [SIZE=24pt]WHEN[/SIZE] NAFO is ? ;) :devil:

So, I'm riding home tonight and I have the 70's station on XM. Billy Preston's Will It Go Round In Circles, comes on... I smile and think, "Why, yes. Yes, it just might just go 'round in circles..."



So, I'm riding home tonight and I have the 70's station on XM. Billy Preston's Will It Go Round In Circles, comes on... I smile and think, "Why, yes. Yes, it just might just go 'round in circles..."


You are starting to get too much pleasure tormenting us. But I guess you are entitled. ;)

Now I have to plan ahead. Where is the spontieity, the raw joy of simply going, for no more or less than the ride? Hell maybe I wont plan, maybe I'll wait till the night before and just leave. Or not. Vac is scheduled for several activities in Jul. Can't break the streak yet.


I'm considering this!!! Someone, please, twist my arm. Afterall, this IS the National!!!
The only real question left for me at this point is can my ass handle a couple of weeks in the saddle. I would explore before and after the event. Suppose a day of doing twelve-ounce curls would be appropriate as a breather!
I'll be there. It's always fun to ride in new places and meet new people. Consider your arm twisted.

Only thing, don't expect any of that stuff comes in a Mason jar and looks like water, but isn't. :drinks:
Yeah, we can't take it with us. One spilled drop would melt right through the saddlebags!!! Fencers' liver surely bled after the supply he consumed Sat night. I secretly believe he was "reverse wussifiying" himself after not riding in the rain Friday and receiving the douche award Saturday at EOM07 dinner. Whether or not he redeemed himself is still an open question mark.

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9 pages.

What are we talking about again?
Dinner at your house, July 7th, on the way to NAFO starting on July 10th.

Uhm....seating for 200 of your closest friends, please! :dribble:

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At the risk of being seriously dog piled into the great abyss... :unsure:

Those of you who are locking in your vacation time based on ANY DATES GIVEN previously, stop right now and give the staff a few days. You've all heard about the proverbial monkey wrench? Well, a big mother fucker of a wrench just got tossed into the gears.

Starting another thread with this info. Requesting an admin to lock this sucker up.

ADMIN NOTE: Now discussed here.

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B-b-b-b-but yew sed! :rolleyes:

I understand, Tim, I really do. You can't control all circumstances. I will stand by and await your information.

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