NAFO web site - Registration Open Until July 20th

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Sign ups seem kind of slow compared to last years WFO. Maybe its still early for the cold weather states to get excited.
I know some others, like myself, will not be signing up until we are for sure going to be able to go since the rally fee is non-refundable. I am excited and do have my vacation approved and room booked though.... :yahoo:

If you did that you didn't get the group rate. Plus you didn't get a room from block of rooms.

I guess it is no big deal... You are still money ahead so far :friends:

I know some others, like myself, will not be signing up until we are for sure going to be able to go since the rally fee is non-refundable. I am excited and do have my vacation approved and room booked though.... :yahoo:
So when do these "others" plan to register? At the door?

The organizers need some lead time to establish budgets and order enough stuff for a pre-determined number of participants. We have no way of knowing how many surprise participants may show up, and there is not enough slush to cover an unknown number of extra rally packets and dinners.

I didn't notice a registration deadline on the NAFO registration page, but I'll look into it....

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Would it help if perhaps you would allow the rally fee to be transferable to another rider, up until maybe 2-3 weeks before the event starts? That way somebody having to pull out wouldn't necessarily lose his money if he could find a replacement? They could do the transaction between themselves, and NAFO wouldn't have to make any money transfers.

Just a thought to help those having to wait on the fence, and those who might have to change plans later. Perhaps more would commit earlier if they had this option.

This looks like a great get together, and I hope to make it. Right now I am having to get some ducks in a row first, and can't commit yet.


Would it help if perhaps you would allow the rally fee to be transferable to another rider, up until maybe 2-3 weeks before the event starts? That way somebody having to pull out wouldn't necessarily lose his money if he could find a replacement? They could do the transaction between themselves, and NAFO wouldn't have to make any money transfers.
Just a thought to help those having to wait on the fence, and those who might have to change plans later. Perhaps more would commit earlier if they had this option.

This looks like a great get together, and I hope to make it. Right now I am having to get some ducks in a row first, and can't commit yet.

A good idea, perhaps. The organizers still need a hard number; while I couldn't find the registration cut-off date, maybe with their WFO experience the organizers are expecting a few extra people to just show up.

The transfer thing gets messy.

I probably signed up way too early, but I had already been granted the time off from work. The only thing that will keep me from NAFO is my own death or something similar in nature. ;)

If you get a reservation but not the code it might be possible, but tough, to get them to change the room rate...

Would it help if perhaps you would allow the rally fee to be transferable to another rider, up until maybe 2-3 weeks before the event starts?
Good question for the registration folks....

'Nut? Iggy? WC?

If you will peruse the WFO-6 website, you will find that registration closed on June 18th. I think that was the latest date to allow compilation of a list of guests and to let the kitchen know how many to plan (order food, prepare and "set the room for) the dinners. And, T-shirts are also pre-ordered, by size, for those who have registered.

Since there are limited rooms available this year (by the hotel, not NAFO staff) that issue would have to be resolved as the allotted number rooms could be full at a late date.

The organizers still need a hard number; while I couldn't find the registration cut-off date, maybe with their WFO experience the organizers are expecting a few extra people to just show up.
But since much of the "extras" are pre-ordered, there is no way to service "walk-ups", at least, not in any large numbers.
Of course they are welcome to join into the public festivities (rides, parking lot BS, making friends, shopping the vendors, etc.) but most banquet facilities don't plan or allow for 10% additional meals.

I suspect these questions are best answered by El Jeffe (TWN) or Ignacio (El Jeffe's Major Domo). IMHO, they would be handled on a case-be-case basis, not necessarily as general policy.

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Would it help if perhaps you would allow the rally fee to be transferable to another rider, up until maybe 2-3 weeks before the event starts? That way somebody having to pull out wouldn't necessarily lose his money if he could find a replacement? They could do the transaction between themselves, and NAFO wouldn't have to make any money transfers.
That would be a negative. If you're going to come, please sign up. If you're not, please don't register and expect a transfer.

Your advantage to early sign up is a liklihood of better room choice, (or possibly a room at the venue as we get closer to the event), and satisfaction you're helping support an event that needs 300+ people to sign up.

With 300+ people it is critical to keep things simple. Some may remember watching my head implode at WFO-5 with the amount of horestrading that went on. And many will remember how much easier registration was last year because we kept it as simple as possible. You might have even remembered staff actually got to spend some time enjoying the event themselves. :) We'd love to do it again.

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Would it help if perhaps you would allow the rally fee to be transferable to another rider, up until maybe 2-3 weeks before the event starts?

The transfer thing gets messy.
Exactly so. Bob gives his to Bert who gives his to Ernie, but Ernie's info gets FUBAR'd and the Reg. Staff has no record, so Ernie gets short hair across his ass 'cause now he can't get meals and the spiffy commemorative shirt and goody bag... After much arguing and claiming, Iggy's head goes 'POP!', TWN gets hauled away to the Institute and is given his own private rubber room...

Nope. No transfers, thank you.

If you get a reservation but not the code it might be possible, but tough, to get them to change the room rate...
This should not be happening. AT ALL! :angry:

First, if you are not going to properly register, YOU SHOULD NOT BE SUCKING UP ROOMS OF THOSE WHO DO!

Secondly, you should only be able to register with the NAFO code sent out ONLY BY IGNACIO'S hand. If you are registering without the NAFO code, that is something I will take up with the hotel staff first thing tomorrow and I better not find out that people are passing their out codes via PM or email.

You need to stop and think how much effort goes into making this a successful event and following the established program is key in making this happen. So far, everyone seems to have been playing ball (except for the gent who claims to have reserved a room with out registering. You sir, have a PM) and let's hope it stays that way.

I regret if this comes off as being hard-assed and singular, but that is the way it must roll. If you want a top notch event, then please follow the program.

Questions? PM me.


Whooo... sorry.... didn't mean to step on any body's nuts... was just a suggestion.

I appreciate all the effort going into the event to make it a success. I hope to be able to sign up.


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First, if you are not going to properly register, YOU SHOULD NOT BE SUCKING UP ROOMS OF THOSE WHO DO!
Before anyone gets their panties in a wad let me assure you that I did not suck up a registered persons room. I was able to reserve a room outside the block because my wife is a Marriott employee.

Before anyone gets their panties in a wad let me assure you that I did not suck up a registered persons room. I was able to reserve a room outside the block because my wife is a Marriott employee.
That is totally cool. No issues with that kinda deal.

Before anyone gets their panties in a wad let me assure you that I did not suck up a registered persons room. I was able to reserve a room outside the block because my wife is a Marriott employee.
That is totally cool. No issues with that kinda deal.

And for a sec I thought jeffie got his shorts in a knot... :lol:

Let's see...

We PLOP DOWN $500 for a motorcycle we have never seen, much less been able to ride with the hopes that it will be on the short-list when the production run fires up in the spring. :dribble:

We drop insane amounts of cash into farkles and do-dads and such for said motorcycle just to make it a little different, special, or unquestionably ours. :blink:

We spend countless hours talking about how great the last FJR gathering was and wonder when the plans for the next one will be solidified. (All this the day after the last one ended!) :unsure:

I guess I just expected to spend over $300 for a couple tickets to an event that is so far in the future that I have no concrete plans (It just means I will have to plan around the EVENT!), hosted in a place 2 days drive away, with no idea how I am going to get there (drive, ride or fly?). And to top it all off, I'm going to spend 3 days with a bunch of other nuts just as impatient as I am about the event starting! :yahoo:

...I guess I don't see the problem. :clapping:

Last year I had no problem plopping down the $$$ for WFO-06. Needless to say I was not a happy camper when life through me a curve (Feces Occurs) and I could not attend the event. I was disappointed that I could not get my $$$ back, but that was NOTHING compared to having to accept the fact that I could not attend the event.

I had absolutely no problem plopping down the $$$ for NAFO and as of 1-21-08 I was registered and confirmed my room.

Thanks to all that have spent their time putting this event together for the rest of us.

Last year I had no problem plopping down the $$$ for WFO-06. Needless to say I was not a happy camper when life through me a curve (Feces Occurs) and I could not attend the event. I was disappointed that I could not get my $$$ back, but that was NOTHING compared to having to accept the fact that I could not attend the event.
I had absolutely no problem plopping down the $$$ for NAFO and as of 1-21-08 I was registered and confirmed my room.

Thanks to all that have spent their time putting this event together for the rest of us.

Agreed. I registered and paid for NAFO-6 (and I am not rich) and took my chances. Unplanned surgery precluded my attending but the biggest regret was missing the event, not the money. Money comes and goes (just look at your receipts at the gas pump), but NAFO-1 only comes once. I am not going to tell others what they should do. But I'm registered and taking the chance again.

Money comes and goes (just look at your receipts at the gas pump), but NAFO-1 only comes once. I am not going to tell others what they should do.

I'm confused - so is this the point where we gather around the campfire for a rousing chorus of KUM-BY-Yah and a group hug???

Money comes and goes (just look at your receipts at the gas pump), but NAFO-1 only comes once. I am not going to tell others what they should do.
I'm confused - so is this the point where we gather around the campfire for a rousing chorus of KUM-BY-Yah and a group hug???
No...we wait 'till NAFO night for the KUMBAYA...'till then it's just fantastic riding, scenery, and getting to know your neighbors from across the continent.

I'm in! :clapping:

Money comes and goes (just look at your receipts at the gas pump), but NAFO-1 only comes once. I am not going to tell others what they should do.
I'm confused - so is this the point where we gather around the campfire for a rousing chorus of KUM-BY-Yah and a group hug???
Just don't kiss me :p

Money comes and goes (just look at your receipts at the gas pump), but NAFO-1 only comes once. I am not going to tell others what they should do.
I'm confused - so is this the point where we gather around the campfire for a rousing chorus of KUM-BY-Yah and a group hug???
Just don't kiss me :p
I only said hug - you brought up the kissing.

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