Name That Place Game

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Sorry, I responded days ago that this was correct! Must have not saved correctly on the phone.

Blchandl2 - you are up if you want!

Goodman4, I will have to pass since that was going to be my next place to post. I do not have an extensive photo collection.

You mean you seriously had Blackwater queued up? That's funny.

I will gladly post a new one this evening.
Yep, I am running out of pics/places.

I got a $305 'traffic award' on that trip, hard to forget. Got written up for 70 in a 50 when I was in a train of cars going 50. They saw 'sporty' motorcycle with out of state plates. All I had to do was send a check to the local magistrate and it never showed on my driving record.

Sorry for the delay. I'm in a project from hell. Here's a hard one to buy some time which if the past repeats itself, means someone will guess it correctly immediately :)

This is in a little town with a couple of semi-well-known sites, one shown here. Ok, one more unhelpful trivia hint as I like to do... Three famous Roberts/Bobs filmed a movie here.


I have no idea where you are but I like the blue in the rock. Is it Granite?   We have a blue granite called Yuba Blue as it's found in and around the Yuba River of northern Ca.

I have no idea where you are but I like the blue in the rock. Is it Granite?   We have a blue granite called Yuba Blue as it's found in and around the Yuba River of northern Ca.
It's on the other side of the country. You made me do some research because I didn't know much about the rocks. I researched more about the bridge and the flowers back when we were there.  But yes, they are granite, and gneiss in particular. I don't know what that is but it sounds nice. 😏

To be honest, the picture is cooler than it seemed in person when we were there, but that seems to just be our opinion because a lot of people make a big deal about these rocks and how beautiful they are now that I read more about it.

We need to get Fred W to read this and I'll bet he would get it quick.

Ok remember you don't have to have been there and you don't have to post a pic. All you have to do is figure out where there is bridge for traffic:

and a more famous trolley bridge that has been converted to look like this:

It's a ____ of ____ 

Somebody help a brother out and google it 🙂

I'll put you out of your misery!

(Thanks to Google)

"Bridge of Flowers"

Shelburne Falls, MA
Thanks Ross! You are correct! Do you want to post a pic? I'm sure you've got a lot up in the Northeast that would be fun to search for...

On Shelburne Falls, the rocks are the "Glacial Potholes" and the movie filmed there was "The Judge" with Robert Duvall, Robert Downey Jr, and Billy Bob Thornton. Out of coincidence we had just seen the movie before going there.

This iconic lighthouse is just a few miles to the north.  Region is part of "Iceberg Alley" with icebergs observed well into July.  If you get it by Googling the lighthouse, hold off for some more clues.




Trying to make this a bit interesting...

If you hadn't guessed based upon the "Iceberg Alley" clue, this location is in Newfoundland, Canada.  The Province of Newfoundland and Labrador didn't join Canada as a province until 1949 although it is the earliest (European) discovered (and settled) place in North America (Vikings) and has a rich history.  Just 520,000 population and an area of 150,000 square miles - including Labrador on the mainland.  Much of the province is sparsely populated with most in coastal regions.  The Wikipedia article is worth a read.

Newfoundland and Labrador - Wikipedia

Traditionally, the economy (and culture) was built around the cod fishing industry.  The cod stock collapsed in 1992 (or so) due to overfishing - mostly by foreign fleets.  The province is not in great economic shape right now but has significant oil, mineral and hydroelectric resources.

The next clue(s) are musical rather than photographic.  (Great and unique folk music in Newfoundland.)  The name of the town in question is mentioned in these two songs.  I have referenced two versions of "I's the B'y" - one has lyrics and the other has some nice photos.  Traditional song with roots going back to the 1800's.  Wikipedia reference explains some of the terms...

There are probably a hundred versions of this song with many different verses... (These two are not exactly the same)

I's the B'y - Wikipedia

One more clue to follow, tomorrow (if needed).

Well, I tried to do something a little different with this one but either nobody is interested in this region or the thread has run its course.  I wanted to include some interesting stuff that might people want to find out more about the region and maybe even consider a visit (one of my favorite riding destinations).  The clues were more than sufficient, not to mention a lighthouse easily searchable in Google.


The following map has the towns from "I'se the B'y" in the previous post highlighted.  Only one of these is mentioned in "Wave Over Wave".


This is the entrance sign for a provincial park where I have camped a few times.  It is about 14 miles south of our "unknown" location.  Note: The name of the park (Dildo Run) is not geographically close to the town of Dildo (which is located on the Avalon Peninsula in the southeast part of the island).


An added bonus:

A song about a few of Newfoundland's unique place names: (nice photos too)

And the Lyrics:

Arrogant Worms – A Night On Dildo Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

The lighthouse in my second post is the Long Point light, completed in 1876.

Ross, I's the b'y that likes that area. I could tell from the lighthouse that I had not been there on my trip to BC and Nova Scotia so I planned on giving it a few days and then come back to do some hunting.

Looking at it today, I found the light is Long Point Light. I see now that you gave us that so no win there. I can't find a perfect match for the town but maybe it's Twillingate?

Twillingate is in "Ise the B'y" (Fogo, Twillingate, Moreton's Harbour). In "Wave Over Wave", he refers to Twillingate Isle.  The Dildo Run provincial park sign has direction indicators to the Transcanada (Highway) and to Twillingate.

Long Point Lighthouse is in Crow Head which is just north of Twillingate.  Dildo Run provincial park is 22 km to the south (via the road).  Not entirely clear on the map but you can drive to Twillingate (and Moreton's Harbour).  Although Twillingate is technically an island, there are a number of bridges and causeways to get there.  You need to take a ferry to visit Fogo Island.

My intent in choosing this location was to drum up some interest in the region using more than just a few photos - guess it didn't work out that way. Don't know if it is a lack of interest in the subject location or if this thread needs a bit of a rest...

Still, if people are interested in specific information or are planning a trip, send me a PM.  Newfoundland is an amazing destination - picturesque, unspoiled, varied ecosystems, fantastic people with a unique history and culture.   A bunch of provincial and two national parks for camping.   I get there every few years (riding and usually camping) and typically take 10-12 days.  Not a twisty road sort of place but there are some good off-road riding opportunities for those with dual sport bikes.  Road conditions vary from very good to awful.  Weather can be a challenge sometimes...

Ross, to clarify, is Twillingate the town you were looking for from the first pic? Or is it Crow Head? Or other? I haven't found a pic with that red and white striped water tower yet...
