No it's not a BMW

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
When to Litchfield, Il. this weekend. Local dealers annual open house, free lunch I'll travel, you bet.

I took secondary roads down, some nice turns and sweepers, the FJR performed beautifully as always. Just North of Springfield I met Dave ( Yamaha Warrior) and Mike ( Goldwing). We joined up for the rest of the ride to Litchfield. Yes you do meet the nicest people on a motorcycle.

We rode into Niehaus Honda/Yamaha/ and I forget what else. Holy Cow must be 3000 bikes parked here. 99.9% goldwings or curisers. Some sport bikes, not many. man talk about farkle heaven, vendors all over, all the things you would ever need all in one place. This is an annual three day event, Free food, live band. tons of vendors, and an airshow performed by cropdusting heliocoptors, now who can top that. any way great fun.

I did get a little tried of saying no its not a BMW, nice beemer, no its an FJR, oh- hey is that the new BMW, no its a Yamaha FJR, I didn't know BMW had that color. its not a BMW it's an FJR 1300. cool Beemer man. its not a BMW ITS A FREEKEN PIANO. Why can't yamaha at lest advertise this bike and give us a break.

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I've heard the same thing dozens of times... "Whatizzit? A BMW?" "Nice BMW."

The best was about a week ago, from a thirtysomething man trying to be cool around his girlfriend "Is that a Harley?"

Seriously. I smiled, and shook my head. He was just too easy of a target.

I owned an FJ40 Toyota for 19 years. Females were allowed to get away with "Nice Jeep". Guys got corrected.

I'm used to ignorance.

I like that there is minimal badging on the FJR and it can't be identified easily. And being called a BMW is not really a bad thing. Just smile and say, it's an FJR by Yamaha, that usually starts up a nice conversation.

I like that there is minimal badging on the FJR and it can't be identified easily. And being called a BMW is not really a bad thing. Just smile and say, it's an FJR by Yamaha, that usually starts up a nice conversation.
I also like the stealthy badging on the FJR. In fact I'd prefer if the FJR1300 decals were smaller and the bags didn't say Yamaha on them. Last time I got a performance award from a local Sheriff he was just about to ask me what kind of bike is was when he noticed Yamaha on the registration.

I have not had anyone call mine a BMW yet. notice Spider references sure are getting around today... B)
Got a pic of Spider. Watch out he kik yo ass.


recently I walked up on a couple outside a club where I teach admiring Galxy5 ,, the guy was explaining that the badge was the symbol of props from the fighter planes they produced in WWII ,, as I retreved my helmet I said "well you would be right if it was a BMW ,,, but those are tuning forks ,, and it's a Yamaha FJR1300 " ,, girl said "your the teacher from Dolce ,, I always wanted to ride ,, but never knew anyone with a bike ,, ( guy is kinda shuffeling his feet ) would you take me for a ride " ?? ,, (this is where I expect the argument leading to me punching someone in the nose starts) I explain that I do not have an extra helmet with me and that I am sure her boyfriend wouldn't care for that ,, she's digging in her purse pulls out a pen and writes her number on the back of a matchbook and asks me to call her ,, now I know there's going to be a fight ,, then she says ,, boyfriend ?? this guy was just trying to pick me up!! ,, I'd love to go with you now but my girlfriends are waiting for me ,, call me ,, and walked off ,, guy still shuffeling his feet says to me "Well I guess it's true ,, you biker guys get the girls"!!

BTW called her the next afternoon and took her on the BRP for several hours ,, that was 3 weeks ago ,, we've been enjoying alot of time together ,, biker guys do get the girls!!!! :D :D


You lucky Dog... this was at VT? I wish I had had the FJR when I was an undergrad/grad there....

I took all the emblems off....they don't pay me to advertise. People can call the scoot whatever they want...I just say "tanks". The only people that matter are the ones that are ordering parts for it.

I took all the emblems off....they don't pay me to advertise. People can call the scoot whatever they want...I just say "tanks". The only people that matter are the ones that are ordering parts for it.
Well, looks like ya fucked up. Tuning Forks getcha laid I hear........... :D

There are other methods of attracting the women that work a trite bit better then tuning forks. For some odd reason the tuning forks remind me of some weird kind of threesome action.......I should ease off looking at porn but, this computer has to be used for something, don't it?

My old man had the Fireman Union stickers in his back window for years. Still got tickets. ;)
